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(4/21/00 7:26:32 pm)

Re: herbal's post
....wondering what people a 100 years from now will think about us when they read the archives of this thread in Early 21 Century Computer History class.


Wacky Funster 
(4/21/00 7:31:20 pm)

Re: Sudo
I'm wondering why Sudo is wondering what people a 100 years from now will be thinking... :

(4/21/00 8:09:29 pm)
Re: Sudo
I'm wondering if anybody besides me realizes that this could ONLY happen to Rafael!

(4/21/00 8:23:34 pm)
Sudo's wondering...
They will not see any of this. They Y2KC Bug will have wiped out all this drivel. I mean, genuflection.

(4/21/00 8:33:30 pm)

Re: Wacky
I'm wondering why Wacky is wondering why Sudo is wondering...

sudo (wondering)

(4/21/00 8:51:48 pm)

Re: I don't know Rafael


Orange Cat 
(4/21/00 9:00:29 pm)

one more
I'm wondering if we can get this thread over 100 posts

Orange Cat

(4/21/00 9:06:10 pm)
Re: one more
I was wondering that same thing....although my number was closer to 200....bets anyone?

(4/21/00 9:15:36 pm)
Paw & OC
Just doing my part for the greater good. 200---well---who knows!!Could be.

(4/21/00 9:22:16 pm)

Re: Paw & OC
should be

(4/21/00 9:26:02 pm)
Re: Paw & OC
Well folks Greasespot has hit the 50 mark and we want to get to 200 during this thread raising campaign.

During the next break, we will tell you of some of the great gifts that we will be sending to patrons of this thread.

But for now, let's get back to the WDS production on the History of Pan Flutes.

(4/21/00 9:31:39 pm)
Hit it!!
And a-one and a-two and a everybody sing!!!!

Disco Disco Duck. . . .

(4/21/00 9:32:41 pm)
If it weren't for the
we wouldn't be on the 'dale....?

boo, bad, hisss~~~~

TWI I,II,III is in the lead at 130.
Place my bets on that one holding...

Wacky Funster 
(4/21/00 9:41:19 pm)

Re: Well
Pawtucket...if possible...could I get one of those green or blue colored kilts as a prize?


(4/21/00 9:44:43 pm)
Oh well
Whats this message bay that keeps popping up on the reply site? .......GreeseSpot, did I ever tell you I love your name and giff?

(4/21/00 9:45:16 pm)

Re: I don't know Rafael
Ah....but I DO know him.

A man of a few words.....but he chooses them carefully.


(4/21/00 9:45:18 pm)

Re: Well

Hmmmmmmmmm ......

Should we.........

We must ........

What else ......

Rafael Olmeda 
(4/21/00 9:45:40 pm)
Could Be
Who knows?
There's many who
Every day
Like to post
'bout the Way
And this thread grows
This thread is just snowballing
Out of control
Heavens! My soul!
Someone call Rose!
Who knows?

Just checking to see if there are any West Side Story fans out there.

And yes, this could ONLY have happened to me.

(4/21/00 9:58:20 pm)
Re: Could Be
I like to be in this area!
OK by me in this area!
People are wack in the area!
Just let be back in this air-REE-a!

From another West Side Story fan...

Wacky Funster 
(4/21/00 10:03:54 pm)

I'm exhausted and going to bed now.

This post makes number 60...and I am going to take a wild stab in the dark that by morning, when I awake...there will be at least 85 posts on this the most popular and fastest growing waydale thread.

I really want to win the prize.... :

Edited by Wacky Funster  at: 4/21/00 10:03:54 pm

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