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Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:20:18 pm)
Maybe so, but I cant spell right can I?

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:21:10 pm)
Being in TX I have missed choir rehearsal...

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:21:43 pm)
Wonder if my golden Tenor voice has been missed?

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:22:44 pm)
Especially since I was the only one at some of the rehearsals?

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:23:32 pm)
Not that I ever was a great soloist...

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:24:17 pm)
But I will do it if forced into the position.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:25:23 pm)
Now if I am thinking right, this rapid progression should soon trigger more activity on THE Two.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:26:04 pm)
Someone sooner r later is going to notice.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:26:51 pm)
This little streak from the heat of TX cannot go unnoticed for long.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:27:43 pm)
So...lets have a little fun my faithful THE brothers and sisters.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:28:33 pm)
Cmon, the crowd has gotta be here soon.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:29:36 pm)
Its more fun with THE crowd.

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:30:10 pm)
So time is running short people...

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:30:50 pm)
How about a little competition?

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:31:23 pm)
Do I still have this all to myself???

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:31:50 pm)
Or is there a lurker ready to strike?

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:32:18 pm)
We will soon find out...

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:32:47 pm)

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:33:13 pm)

Lifted Up
Mighty for THE
(8/17/00 12:33:44 pm)
400????? or 401?

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