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WayDale Deity
(8/10/00 8:24:06 am)

You mortals are finally getting it!
Oh ye of little faith! You runneth about seeking ye wot not, but THE has never left you.

THE is mostly knowing, almost everywhere present and THE can do lots of cool things - and for a limited time, THE comes in three.

Pay Us Homage

Pay homage to THE

Shaver of THE
(8/10/00 10:18:50 am)

oh woe is THE
People - - don't you see it??? Don't you understand it??

This is just one more way that "they" are taking away our freedoms....interefering in our lives....messin' with us!!!

Are we gonna take this lying down????

oh woe is me (er - um THE)

Devoted Follower of THE
(8/10/00 12:38:56 pm)
Okay. I know you were all worried about me when I couldn't get online and participate in THE discussion. Balance is right THE is us. And I'm just sneaky a look see at work (which is a sin where I work) so I cant stay long. My phone should be fixed by tonight.

WayDale Citizen
(8/10/00 1:01:03 pm)

Why I secretly love THE
You know, I never really understood THE and that goes double for THE2... sort of reminds me of my time in THE Way and my time after The Way... both of these times I really don't understand. The whole thing sort of adds up to an affection that I have for THE, that I don't understand.

In otherwords, I don't understand either the relationship between THE and the time I spent in The Way or THE2 and the time I have experienced after The Way. It goes without saying then that, I niether understand the relationship between the time that I was in The Way and out of The Way nor the relationship between THE and THE2.

However, when I consider my love for the time after my experience in The Way, and I think about THE2, I consider my love for THE. This is because, the first time that I ever saw THE, I really thought about my love for the time after The Way. God bless you. May THE watch and keep you all THE days of your life.

Edited by MOG21stCentury  at: 8/10/00 1:01:03 pm

THE4K Anarchist of THE
(8/10/00 1:35:46 pm)
THE awe of it all
THE comes in three-Now THE MOG of THE 21st century has given his blessing,,,
Sounds good, I just want to see THE new THE in practice.

Then Ill decide.

Priestess of THE
(8/10/00 2:32:19 pm)
Re: A Miracle Has Happened!!!
It ain't the same...

I am ready to move on...

In fact, I think I'll wander around the country aimlessly, in search of other things to do.

Oh yeah... I was going to do that anyway. Well... NOW I won't need to stop in nearly as many libraries or Internet cafes.

THE writing is on THE wall.

Our deity is in denial. Vishnu kicked his butt and he just doesn't want to admit it.

Pawtucketer is despondent beyond repair. In an IM chat last night he said (and I quote) "It's all f**ked up... just close the internet and go home" Believe me, puh-Paw doesn't use the F word lightly and he rarely goes home, so this is bad... very very bad. I tried to cheer him up but I knew it was hopeless when he said, "I don't like the internet much anymore... the internet took away THE... LET'S BURN IT DOWN" Need I say more?

Our administrator is hallucinating and taking inherent contradictions to a whole new height with "locked but fully restored". Gimme a break... an archived THE is like an unmarshmallowy peep (and how come there are 3 of them anyway?).

Krys is delirious... plain and simple.

Stillhere is sneaking and sinning and risking her job.

Vinehanger is guilt-ridden over the bleach.

Grace is delusional and trying to console HIS sobbing guitar (remember the mystery? wasn't that fun? oh the good times we had!)

Rev2 is making fun of us (okay, well some things remain the same...)

Balance has been smoking pop-tarts and eating yak fertilizer cuz he actually suggested that "THE is not a number of posts counted" HUNH????????? That's EXACTLY what it is! Inhale blue dude... it'll pass!

Casey Kasem was last seen drinking ripple and mumbling something about countdowns.

So... it's over.

Personally, I still think it's a ruse, a ploy, a trick!!!!

But if not... it's time to move on.

We were in a crummy cult. It died. We moved on.

Then we invented a new and meaningless cult. It died. We gotta move on.

Just call me...

Priestess Emeritus of THE

Edited by pamsandiego  at: 8/10/00 2:32:19 pm

Devoted Follower of THE
(8/10/00 2:22:58 pm)
the new not so improved THE
So I was saying, are we really going to have to stop at 100 posts. That part will really suck!

WayDale Citizen
(8/10/00 2:29:52 pm)

Get your heart right before THE
pamsandiego, man do you sound bitter!

If you need to vent, fine, that is what THE2 is here for... let it go. But don't just say that "an archived THE is like an unmarshmallowy peep (and how come there are 3 of them anyway?)."

You know that is just B.S.

Praying for you, MOG21stCentury

Devoted Follower of THE
(8/10/00 2:43:09 pm)
Sinning or not, I'm not leaving. I mean really. Where the heck would I go where no one gets on my case about my opinions. Oh that's right. I don't have any. Which is why I like THE. No opinions needed. By the way, I have shaved my legs in honor of the passing of THE. I will continue with THE2 until such time as I see fit to go on without it. But I'm just not quite there yet.

WayDale Deity
(8/10/00 2:48:51 pm)

Peep Peep Peep

THE best things in life come in threes! Peep peep peep!

Pay homage to THE

Devoted Follower of THE
(8/10/00 2:51:44 pm)
THE trinity?

Priestess of THE
(8/10/00 2:51:45 pm)
Re: Get your heart right before THE
he he he

moggie... you're so cute!

As I recall, you were one of Casey's six-packs. But I was in the top ten baby (which you would have found out if the legendary countdown hadn't been cut short in its prime).

Nobody questions my loyalty to THE! I'm juggling a lot here. I've got puh-Paw on THEicide watch (really you guys - he needs a major power-lift right now - you won't BELIEVE the things he's been saying!!!!!) and I'm trying to pack up my house so I can run away from home!

Like all the other great mojo of my life, THE has now become potential art. It happened the moment the entirety of THE disappeared from page one. It was ALWAYS about page one! Every THEfer knows that...

Priestess of THE
(8/10/00 2:59:21 pm)
Re: Peep Peep Peep

You're the only one who has faced the dreaded peeps and survived!

We need you!

WayDale Citizen
(8/10/00 3:10:32 pm)
Re: THE Two
I have read the archive of THE.

Have you?

Have you checked out the last 100 posts or so?

You should.

WayDale Administrator
(8/10/00 3:31:16 pm)

Another Miracle
It's ANOTHER miracle!


Check THE Archive


THE4K Anarchist of THE
(8/10/00 4:11:14 pm)
Re: A Miracle Has Happened!!!
Pawtucket!! get a grip, we need to know-was fumanchu involved with pawscaptors?

Think man!++++++dont you see the connection? pawscaptors defeated, THE locked up, some guy named fumanchu breaks it up to an inchoherent three? Now extwi in a battle to make THE whole again.

WE need you now! What number post is this according to THE old book of THE? Is there a formula to obliterate THE present truth on the front page?

Is it really too late to save THE? Is it beyond repair?


Choir Director of THE
(8/10/00 5:26:06 pm)

Re: A Miracle Has Happened!!!
Is THE a changling? Is the pschitzo. Is THE multi-phazic.

First its THE
Then its THEY
Now its THE
And now THE2?

Its the fog years all over again!
Oh the waling and gnashing of teeth. Oh the mighty one has fallen like a false diety, stripped of power and might.

We must ban together, or splinter like yesterdays diasporia.

We must unite, or scatter like babillon.

We must bable on, or sit quietly in silent surrendor.

I don't feel a lot more like I do now than I did when I first got here, I am supposed to meet myself here.

Where am I? What is my name?


I'm not old, just youth impaired.

Dropped from Active Priesthood
(8/10/00 5:55:06 pm)
Oh the horror!
"Dropped From Active Priesthood"???????

I've been M&A'd from THE???????

If that doesn't prove that our deity is losing it, then I don't know what it's going to take. I make a few simple observations about the present truth of THE "Two" and look at what happens!

I know! I'll wander from city to city in my Chinook... speaking the truth of THE... exposing the lies of Vishnu and the EZilyBored.

It'll be like 1988 all over again!

Ralph! I need advice! Where do I begin?

I AM the Priestess of THE

..........and THIS time..............it's personal!

WayDale Citizen
(8/10/00 7:07:04 pm)
Please Help
I know that we are not very popular here in the land of THE.

But we have a request. You have dropped Pawtucket from the active Priesthood. He has been calling us incessantly and asking us to recapture him. We do not wish to do this since he was an absolute pain as a hostage last time. He had to have freshly ground coffee; the donuts couldn't be more than 4 hours olds; Had to have extra starch in his hostage clothes; couldn't sleep without a special "blankie" on and on and on.

Restore some sense of delusion to this man.

Hold on, I will be right back.

Dropped from Active Priesthood
(8/10/00 7:09:28 pm)
Re: Please Help

Edited by pawtucket  at: 8/10/00 7:09:28 pm

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