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(5/5/00 12:31:16 am)
Re: The
It's mine : : : : : :

(5/5/00 12:31:31 am)
I did it! #1400
I did it! I did it!
That last one was #1400!!!!!!!

WayDale Administrator
(5/5/00 12:32:41 am)

Re: I did it! #1400
Yup, Vine got it! Congrats!


(5/5/00 12:36:08 am)
Thanks extwi!
Were you 'moderating' the competition???

Good to see you!!!
~vh (the official #100, #300, #702 and #1400)

(5/5/00 12:43:55 am)
Re: The
Geez... I can't turn my back for one little minute!!!!

Hey Ex-Twi! Is there a way to use your administrative powers and replace a post in the middle of a thread with another post? C'mon Ex... we know you can do anything!

(5/5/00 12:48:35 am)
Re: The
I must add that Paw is totally out of control with the emoticons! Something must be done!

I know what he's thinking. He's thinking that if he posts 1,000,000 of the annoying little things we'll all believe that he is Goal1000000.

Not bloody likely!

AKA Goal1000
AKA Goal1000000
AKA Official Emoticon-Hater

(5/5/00 12:54:55 am)
Re: The
So Pam you dredge up the lies one more time, don't you?

I am and always have been
aka Goal1000000
aka perrymasonatty
aka Stalked by Bo Derek

Registered User
(5/5/00 12:56:59 am)
Re: The
According to my 200 posts per page setup, Paw is the first poster on page 8 which makes him 1400.

May the THE be with thee.

(5/5/00 1:03:00 am)
Re: The
D'Bob....we're using the counter on the "replies"...next to the title of the thread...

Your reply was just listed as #1408....so count backwards from that...and you'll find the true #1400.

It MUST be me. Even ExTWI said so!!!

(5/5/00 1:07:04 am)
Re: The
Oh man, Paw.

I went global to be able to post on your forum and now I'm bio'd out as a new member with just two posts.

And I lost my caveman too.

Now folks are going to think I am some young whippersnapper like Twiggy or MissAl and not the old wiseguy Neanderbobba.

Oh well, guess I'll have to get a personal picture in place to really scare people off.

(5/5/00 1:08:03 am)
Re: The
Yes Bob,

I usually post the winner, but extwi had to step in. I was devastated by Vinehanger's win......but she did win it, albeit not fair and square, but she did win

(5/5/00 1:27:16 am)
Re: The
No Paw,

If you count the Neanderthal way using all apendages, you get a base 24 with the ears and nose added in. then you were 1400 from base 0 which by the way neanders don't count.

Some neanderthals also count the arms and legs for a base 28 but that just adds to the confusion when there are more than one Neander counting.

Neanderlegend has it that one neander came up with a base 29 by including his extraordinarily long toungue but even Neanders realize that was just ego.

Besides everyone knows you can't square the hypotenuese of the rectangle of 29 without rounding the pi of the asap as derugulated by the FCC.

(5/5/00 1:35:59 am)
Re: The
Can't get my e addy to show on my profile.

(5/5/00 1:45:37 am)
Re: The
Ok, got the e addy, and already up to 6 posts in the profile.

Only 400 some odd more to go before once again showing by the multitudes of many words, my igernance.

A neanderthals gotta do what a neanderthal's gotta do.

(5/5/00 1:54:44 am)
Re: The
Now Paw,

Don't you go feeling bad about what I just wrote these last few posts. Most of it is just thinking my way thru the profiler trippee thingee. (Don't you just love technical talkin'?)

oops, signature!!!

(5/5/00 1:57:12 am)
Re: The
Hey who is this pictureless daboobie guy and where did he come from?

(5/5/00 2:01:00 am)
Re: The

I was ripped by the ezboards when I went global to get on Paw's Board.

Had to start a whole new profile from zero and lost the old info.

(5/5/00 2:04:50 am)
Re: The
Then I have to come on twice for everything I add back to the profile.

Way II much fun for one man aka Bob Hansen

(5/5/00 2:05:37 am)
I totally missed 1400. D'Bob did you count your tongue or not.
I believe that chickyboo (great name!!!) has an anti-THE attitude. We must sit her in a circle and take turns telling her she has to renew her mind to THE. Next we will put Paw in the circle and tell him if he uses more than 2 emoticons at a time he will be M&A from THE. Long Live THE.

aka Agrees with Pam
aka Hates emoticons too
aka 1500 is mine!

(5/5/00 2:07:49 am)
I will now sing a song -

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