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Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 7:11:42 pm)
Re: The

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 7:12:52 pm)

Re: Praise THE lord, and pass the hammunition!!!.

Yeppers, no ego here, at least not since I became so absolutely perfect.

Dapropheta Dabobbada

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 7:21:00 pm)

Re: Praise THE lord, and pass the hammunition!!!.
I'm sure you heard about the debil spurt that really wanted to get born again........???

He went to the Federal Bureau of Wieghts and Measures......

.....So he could spook in Tons!

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 7:25:24 pm)
Re: The

bad joke dabob

Dabobbada is right! What do you have to say for yourself?

Priest of THE
(7/30/00 7:37:31 pm)
Re: Praise THE lord, and pass the hammunition!!!.
Hello all,

I am doing well. peep. I have been reading THE all day. I need to clarify what the Captors said after releasing me. The book of THE was given to me by the Sacred Priestess of THE prior to my kidnapping. I am the keeper of the only written record of THE. It has been kept secret since the hideous forces of LoyFart2000 and the even greater force of Rosalie Rectumator have gone after the keeper of the Forum of the home of THE.

I was able to keep it in a Secret Place, unknown to the Captors, that only myself and the Priestess of THE knew. She was able to read it to me over the Television. The Captors would only allow me to watch Ron Popeil infomercials, The Priestess knew that these were my favorite shows, in fact. She would interuppt his pricing scheme and read me a post from THE. She kept me going, while I was being force fed Pop Tarts and peeps.

peep. Oh dear, I must go back and read....I will be back later with more.

By the way, thank you great prophet of THE, reading your words has helped get me out of this peep fog.

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 7:43:06 pm)

Re: The
Hey, Hey, Hey..... Stillhere,

That was one of the first bad jokes I ever thought up after taking the class!!


You be nice!!!!

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 8:10:26 pm)
Re: The
Sorry Dapropheta
I think it was the sad face emoticon that did it.
Here you go

Choir Director of THE
(7/30/00 8:19:36 pm)

Re: The
Heeeelp meeee,
My side is spliting from that Rosalie Rectumator remark. I gota go to THE AID and get this looked at. Oh the pain.

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 8:19:54 pm)

Re: The

Thanks Stillhere,

I needed that.

You just don't know how hard it is to be

Dapropheta of THE one true Odd.

MY needs are almost NEVER met.


Dapropheta Dabobbada

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 8:24:27 pm)

Re: The Pawtucketer hath posted???


I'll have to look into this.

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 8:33:51 pm)
Re: The
to THE Dapropheta Dabobbada

I hate to see a good prophets
needs go unmet.

love you D'bob!

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 8:45:23 pm)

Re: Praise THE lord, and pass the hammunition!!!.
Glad to hear you are recovering Pawtucketeer.

Ron Popeil Infomercials, have they no shame?!? I hope at least they spared you the ones where he does his hair paint spray.

I am glad to have been of help in your recovery. But always being a man of false humility, I must insist it was not I who heeled you but insprired udderance from THE spurt of Odd.

(It might have had something to do with the visions I had after passing out under a cow after drinking too much. I do remember reaching up for an udderance and being splashed by this white light stuff that came down to me from above.)

Your servant,

Dapropheta Dabobbada

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

Lifted Up
WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 9:04:18 pm)
Dab, the way you've been posting, you seem to be fulfilling my earlier projection for you about becoming THE leader.

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 9:10:27 pm)

Re: The
Are you stillhere, Stillhere?

I don't mean to sound short with you and you are being very kind to me, BUT!!!

A true Prophet of Odd has to be haggled, hassled, beaten upon, looked down upon, dissrespected and generally unkept.

(Like those guys in that other book, the bible)


Gotta look like I just spent 40 days in the dessert,
just so they don't know I spent my nights at the Hilton.


Gotta look the part, these ex-wayfers don't go for the Armani prophets anymore.

But thanks anyway for the offerings Stillhere. Just send them to;

22nd Cave of the Various Prophets of Odd
Altitude: 12637 Feet
East Side of the Mountian
Mountain of Odd, USA 54321-9876

Thanks again.

Dapropheta Dabobbada

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 9:24:10 pm)
Re: The
Bags of smiley face emoticons are being sent Federal Express to that
address as we speak....but here's one for the road.....................

Shaver of THE
(7/30/00 10:17:45 pm)

Re: The
I asked you guys nicely to please cut that out!!!!

That is the second time today now that I've had to fiddle faddle around with the paper towl and that blue windex stuff!

Now cut that out!!!!!

I think I'm in love. yepper! DaPropheta has needs.....yepper. -sigh-

By the way Dabbi-poo...thine picture under thine name, it ain't there no more....can you fix it puuleeaaaase.

-sigh- tra la tra la la la....Methinks I shalt just skip-a-de-doo-dah over to that mountain and bring my own little batch of emoticons....ifn' ya know what I mean!!!! (wink wink)


I think I'm in love with DaPropheta Dabobada....I hope he doesn't reject me, just 'cause I ain't purdy...I do have a heart of gold....and my daddy owns half of Rhode Island...(I know it ain't as good as Texas, but, well, that's a start)

Oh THE, could you puleese give DaPropheta Dabobada his justly earned and righful title now??? You wouldn't li'le o'le me - - the Shaver of THE to date just anyone would ya?

I'm off - - to the land of Odd...where I belong!

Edited by krysilis  at: 7/30/00 10:17:45 pm

WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 11:05:18 pm)

Re: The
Thank you Stillhere, for giving out of the abundance of of your emoticons.

Just for your information, next time send them UPS. Federal Express only brings it up to the 8,000 ft. level, so I have to walk about 5,000 ft. down the mountain to pick them up. ( I hope you sent the light weight ones. )

Lifted Up,

I never realized when I gave you THE2K, that I would have you forever extolling my virtues. My intention was to pass the curse of THE2K on to the next poster, little realizing that the curse would come back to me in your undying gratitude.

I am but a man as you, unless of course you're a girl, but I recall you're a guy, if I remember right. The glory must not go to man but to THE, to whom all glory and your earthly goods are given.

Little did I realize that when I gave you THE2K, it would come back to haunt me for so long. It is nice though to know that I have one true follower in THE and me, or is that one true follower in me in THE? Or is that of me in ............???

(It gets kind of confusing after a bit, if you think too hard about it, now you know why the prophets sit on my top of high snow-capped mountains pondering all the time. )

I have no desire to be THE leader, I am quite content to be the prophet who tells you where you're screwing up all the time. However I wouldn't mind being put in charge of the research department.

Yours oh so sincerely,

Dapropheta Dabobbada

Way II much fun for one man,
aka; Bob Hansen

Psalm 71 one
WayDale Citizen
(7/30/00 11:07:23 pm)
Re: The
HELLO!....HELLO? Dee sent me....I've only read 27 pages of THE, But Dee said to get over here....oh, and she said I could be NAKEE before THE.....(and not ashamed?) Hmmmmm?

Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 11:27:25 pm)
Re: The
A Nakee Psalm?
Who woulda thought.
Thanks for reading the wisdom of THE

Devoted Follower of THE
(7/30/00 11:29:23 pm)
Re: The

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