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WayDale Documents > Corps Notes > 09/28/94

Corps Night Notes

September 28, 1994


LCM wants everyone in the in-residence Corps to perform a song in front of the rest of the Corps to learn how to get out of themselves and give.

Spiritual Partners: Corps shouldn't bug the guests at big events for sponsorship. It's the ones who give the most that end up getting bugged the most.

Use caution in what you say to your spiritual partners--not everything shared on the Corps Nights is for them to hear. The same principle applies to non-Corps Staff. You don't betray confidences from Corps Night, lunch sharings, etc.


Romans 1:29 "filled" plero Filled with all unrighteousness.

Cleaning House: Sex/lust category:

There's more cleaning house to come besides the homos. It's in the sex/lust category--these teens that are out of control at the ROA.

Parents are to nurture and admonish their children.

God promises our words won't fall to the ground.

This is a very serious situation--these are animalistic spirits in operation. Those teens were basically acting like pimps and whores. They are out of control. We can't have these kind of people coming out of the ministry. Even if it takes not having a ROA to get a handle on it.

If parents don't heed the admonition to get on top of this then it will result in most of the children turning to criminal behavior, death and even homos.

Today there are more venereal diseases than ever--they just aren't as popular as AIDs. AIDs is mostly smoke for homo sympathy.

If parents have teens like this that are out of control, they may have to kick them out of the home to protect the rest of the family. Another option would be to take the child before a judge if they have committed criminal activity and them labeled as "incorrigible."

Devil spirits are contagious.

You can't let your kids run the house.

It's still their free-will to control their minds.

There was so much evil allowed to go on during the ROA that it's amazing that the Big Top wasn't dropped by a tornado.

Ephesians 4:17,18

"playing the whore" is the possession.

The extreme behavior is what the Word deals with--not the sex before marriage.

When this evil was in Israel no wonder they didn't hesitate to stone those people.

ROA is not for those kind of people.

vs. 19 No remorse. An attitude--don't care what's right or wrong--"given themselves over."

These kids don't know the other's last name. Just "Fred from Florida." It's total selfishness.

ROA is for God's household.

Some people chose not to get involved with our ministry because of these teens out of control.

We will not do a ROA if parents/teens/leadership don't get control of things--in that order too.

Be logical. Any parent who knows their child is out of control sexually should not be allowed at ROA.

Michael Fort did a report on teens at ROA:

Average of those involved with this behavior was 14-17. Two, four or more in a tent screwing at a time. One 14 year old girl did 5 guys--one after another. One girl's father is a homo fantasizer. These are teens who get the Word on a consistent basis, but reject it. They are always out seeking new ones to join them. 19-year old guy (non-grad) only comes to ROA to see what he can get into. The majority of the kids do not attempt to communicate with each other during the year.

Rev. Martindale's comments:

You need to know who is supervising these teens. It's the world we live in but we don't compromise to it. Some teens here on Staff were involved to a degree--MF will contact their parents.

One father when confronted called John Townsend. [JT is just an "ambulance chaser". They find out who is the most recent person kicked out of our fellowships and recruit them to their side-the only kind of outreach they have.] What kind of slothfulness in a home where a ruling devil spirit can be in their child.

Ezekiel where they said "OK" but didn't really believe the Word. (LCM used in first session of the Advanced Class)

Ezekiel 30:30-33 Can't fool God. Listen with no intention of doing what they were taught.

Not cute that your children lie to you. (Prov. 29:15)

Leah Martindale is not allowed alone with a boy during the ROA; not allowed on certain parts of the grounds; not allowed to go somewhere that they don't know where she is.

Found 14 more homos. Still happening--still confronting. About 10% of those who were going out WOW were homos.

Believing Principles of a Christian Family Bottom line is children obey your parents in the Lord.

Protect the household. It's the spirits that are evil.

Pipe dream" the fantasies brought about by smoking opium.

Any Corps who go back in debt after getting out of debt should be DFAC. It's got to be spirit influenced!

The most basic form of discipline is in finances. It only make sense to buy a house on time if this world is your only vision. This world is not your home.

Drive cars you own. Prove to the world you can live abundantly and not be in debt. It's like a dog returning to its vomit. Be Corps!

No debt in any category and stay that way. Don't go in debt to go in business. If you can't discipline yourself, don't want you in the Corps.

Change a bad habit by intense daily concentration and effort. Kick your own butt to don't mindlessly fall back into those areas. Help each other stay sharp.

No justifiable reason to be in debt. Not even for college--if you can't afford it, don't go. Take a stand--find a cheaper way of doing things. Stay a champion. Resolve to not do what's wrong.

Jeremiah 9:1-3 Strength and know to lie. Debt is a lie. Be valiant for the truth. Daily discipline to do what's right takes courage.

vs. 4 No friends when it comes to the Word.

vs. 5 taught--lamad. Prepare to commit perversity. At least we have the privilege of saying so, whether anyone else believes it or lives it. Expect to stay in the present truth.

Jesus Christ is the true shepherd in Ezekiel.

If people don't want help, why waste time on them. Forgiveness is for those who want forgiveness.

Ezekiel 21:25-27

Willie & Bekki Thomas DFAC--overturn them; so far in debt and kept getting worse. Matt Stiles has done a great job of digging this thing out. Ministry is to be entrusted to those that deserve it.

Jeremiah 9:6 False ministry. Whole households and fellowships we could just shut off if they don't stand with us.

who has time to think about Word over the world (outreach to new countries) with all this stuff going on.

If teenagers are not going to draw the line, then you are going to have to do something drastic about it.

Spirit is thicker than blood. Word stands when you mean business. Plenty of men and women stood against their children (or parents.) They should have remorse and want to correct it. A child should most want to please their parents after pleasing God. Parent has to set the standard.

Whether in pretense or truth Christ is preached. Discipline themselves in deceit. Use whatever verses they know to justify their deceit.

1 Timothy 4:1 "In the latter times" is now and since the day of Pentecost.

[Some things God revealed to VPW on the night he first S.I.T. One of them was that it would never get so dark that only one person stands.]

Why: Giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. It's the reason anyone leaves. Can't be a striker and brawler.
vs. 2 "speaking lies" pseudologos

"in" en completely contained within

"hypocrisy" two-faced hupocrisis? same root as Romans 12:9

A duty of disciplines thinking. Can't just control your mind when you are around people.

"conscience" habit patterns of moral awareness. Have a clean (pure) conscience because of the Word. Word dwells in me richly. That way you know when something is wrong. Sometimes before you know what is wrong.

Think godly and live godly.

"seared" fried, scored, scared, tattooed

When people go down as far as we have seen them go--they aren't going to return.

vs. 3

Can't legislate against people. Culture things.

"believe" pistos faithful

Weary themselves to commit iniquity.

Easy to make laws, but the best is to teach people so they can rise up. "Stop gap" stockbroker term means to cut you losses. This is what we did in stopping the WOW program.

vs. 4,5 Genuine prayer comes from the Word living in your soul.

vs. 6

Made it your own. Recognizing when you see the attack is coming. To lead people is to show others when the attack is coming.