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GreaseSpot Cafe > WayDale Documents > Lawsuit Section

Craig Martindale has resigned from presidency of The Way

For detailed notes from Way meetings concerning this resignation - click here.

News announced in a meeting of the elite Way Corps on 04/25/00 is that Craig Martindale, president of TWI has resigned from the board of trustees.

In a move which is said by some to be sending mixed signals, it is being reported (unconfirmed reports) that Martindale is being honored with the title of "emeritus" trustee (a designation/status of honor in TWI reserved for those who have fought the good fight and have upheld the dignity of their office and who are now wanting to "retire" or take things a bit slower).

Many Way followers will likely be angered at the news that Martindale might be allowed continue as an "emeritus" trustee  while many other Way Corps and rank and file followers have been labeled as "mark and avoid" for considerably less.

Vice president Rosalie Rivenbark will become TWI's new president. John Reynolds will continue as secretary treasurer and Harve Platig will take on the vice president position.

It is believed that Martindale will continue to live in his exclusive log cabin at TWI HQ and continue to have all of the resources (office facilities, servants, finances etc.) of TWI available to him.

Ordinarily TWI have fired staff and removed them from the property for "offenses" far less severe that what Martindale has himself admitted to. Many fired staff are given a few weeks pay and a U-Haul truck and summarily "marked and avoided."

For detailed notes from Way meetings concerning this resignation - click here.