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Leave Chris Crocker Alone!

J0nny Ling0

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Okay. Apparently the "girl" who is in this weird vid ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc ) is a guy by the name of Chris Crocker. And, his weird rant was in fact the brunt of some late night humor. And, I found another You Tube video done by a celebrity that I think is pretty funny. This one is called; "Leave Chris Crocker Alone!" and is a sketch (why not skit? Why "sketch"?) done by none other than "Scott Evil" of Austin Powers fame. That is, it is done by Seth Greene the actor who will always be referred to by my wife and family as Scott Evil, son of Doctor Evil. Anyway, here it is. I think it's funny. And, there may be some bad language, so watch out Sudo...


Edited by Jonny Lingo
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I couldn't figger the difference between skit and sketch either so's I asked my grandson Cleophus(he's the ornery one).

"Geeze, Grandpa Waysider", he said, "skit is what ya say to an old dog what's got more fleas than the number of geetar pickin' wannabes in Nashville."

"You know--- Skit, you old varmint!"

"'course, sometimes people say that to the geetar pickin' wannabes too."

"And that's where the sketch comes in.

Ya see, iffen ya sketch a pitcher of a mangy old hound and then sketch one of a geetar pickin' wannabe, the difference becomes quite oblivious."

Hope that wasn't too sketchy but I'm runnin' outa time and I gotta skit.

(Just makes ya wonder where these young 'uns hear this stuff.)

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Hard to watch either of them...It's just not my kind of humor.

I would have pegged Chris Crocker as a guy without any help (Hint - most women don't have 5 o'clock shadows ;))

I avoided this video when I first saw it - mostly because I don't care about Britney Spears one way or another. To me it was just another Hollywood drama.

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Reported today ...Chris is in talks for his own show... They asked him!

Un-bee-lee-va-bul! But then again, knowing this twisted old world, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I saw part of one of the "Leave OJ Alone" ones, but I didn't have time to finish it. Funny how Americans pick up on this kind of twisted humor, for it seemed to me that the Chris Crocker guy was really and truly upset with the negative publicity on our number one American "Pop Tart". But maybe it was a publicity stunt all along. If he's really headed for TV, I guess for him, it was a good move.

If that is the case, it certainly seems to be one of those "I'll do whatever" in order to "make it" to the big time. In the old Way Daze, we would have said; "See! He sold out! That's the only reason he made it! He must be Seed!" But if he really wasn't seriously distraught about "poor Britney", then he did in fact decide to do something I would never do just to "make it".

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