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What is this world coming to?


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What is this world coming to?

The people that have money, power, and few other things are pushing against the people that look for good in the world. Like me I was destroyed when I was young for not speaking right and my teacher raped me in first grade. Is there any understanding from the schools no I even wrote the President, and other persons of power asking for law wrote that could stop happen to a child.

While they did not care or even read what I wrote I even had an ideal of who should the movies from each classroom the parent. I was against teacher watching their own because that like police watching police which has prove to not work. Their must be different group to watch the police just like teacher cannot watch teacher by bringing the parent into it.

It checks and balance the program but today we nothing to safe guard our children in the schools now I find out some cameras are in schools. But unless we think it clearly and have all the pluses and things against it we will make it worsted. Today they passed a smoking ban let me be get down the meat on this bill is “U.S. Constitution - Amendment 8” which reads “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

Otherwise the law must take everything in these bills under the Judicial System which says the “U.S. Constitution - Amendment 1” which reads “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Otherwise they cannot take way any freedom from you without fare grievances has been once you made it known to them. If they would make a smoking ban on anybody under the age of 18 they would be in their rights but there no understanding for people that have been smoking five year to hundred years. Unless they understand that would be cruel and unusual punishments inflicted by them.

So people of our government are being cruel to the people that smoke by making a bill that has no understanding at all which I have today even that I not smoke and never had. I understand what it is to have your rights not respected I was hit in the bathroom with about six holding me and hit the bathroom and pick my whole life. I was even rape in first grade and again in eight grade because a girl classmate had good words about me so the boys try take my pant off and the girls try to take her pant off.

If that not cruel to me and unusual punishments inflicted on me and girl I do not what is maybe I did not rape the girl but I was rape by my classmates and the girl was too. Yes, laws should be made so this never happen again I am so destroyed in life that I want to die every second of the day. Just the government does care about me because this smoking ban with no understanding cause riots like the “The Twenty-first Amendment (Amendment XXI) to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 17, 1920. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933. It is unique among the 27 amendments of the U.S. Constitution for being the only one to have been ratified by state ratifying conventions.”

Prohibition was not wrong but it done with no understanding so today we can drink all we want but we cannot smoke. Prohibition made a lot of people rich but the wrong got rich which cause it down fall but if was done with understanding it still in the Constitution today. Just like this smoking ban today it will failed because there no understand for the people of this USA. The rich with power might lose their power over us and USA will failed because government have failed the pass read your history books

thank you

Roy Perry

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