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"Cold-hearted orb that rules the night Removes the colours from our sight Red is grey and yellow white But we decide which is right And which is an illusion."...Late Lament
Nostalgia It's an illusion. A seductive illusion. An erected idol of the past onto which one plants a foot. The other foot plants into an imaginary future, allowing perfect positioning for squatting over and defecating into the mouth of the eternal now.
Well done, WW. The academic term for this is Trauma Bond
Been absent from GSC for several years. When checking back in I noticed that dmiller had passed away. That was a heart breaker. dmiller and I became friends when he lived in Bloomington, IN. He turned me on to Mark O'Conner and flat picking. Incredibly talented. We were sitting on the steps of his apartment when he was writing the lyrics to a gospel parody of Peaceful Easy Feeling.
Correct. Hulk smashes the crap out of Loki and utters the phrase. George
songs remembered from just one line
Human without the bean replied to bulwinkl's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
"She's a good girl, loves her mama Loves Jesus and America too" -
"We now have the magnificent joy and privilege to once again host the Rock of Ages at The Way International. It will be a beautiful blend of the old and the new. It will have elements of nostalgia, but with a modern flair carefully intertwined. It will give believers some relaxing days that are full of sweet fellowship, rich with the love of God, and lavish with God's rightly divided Word. It will be an inspiring time of seeing Way Ambassadors commissioned and Ambassadors once again sent forth from the Rock. Yes, ROA '25 is for those who love God, of all generations and at all levels of spiritual maturity. And it will reflect this heart expressed by our Founder, Victor Paul Wierwille, in 1983: " It is wonderful to be home again for the fellowship of believers where the family [of God] is the center of joyful living." " [Nostalgia and fantasy have come around and now we're getting a supposed redo of the ROA. The promises are largely the same, and will probably be delivered with all the disappointing duds of previous ROAs. The only thing worth remembering from ROAs were the locals from everywhere else- and twi doesn't have them anymore. It's sad that young people can still be suckered in to the WOW program. Yes, kids, you can do it too. First of all, YOU PAY US for the privilege of going WOW. Then we tell you where to go, and you will travel at your own expense. You will arrive, and arrange for jobs and places to live, together, pooling your resources because you can't afford to go solo. You'll continue to tithe money to us all year. You'll act as free advertising for us, and talk people into paying lots of money for a class that costs us little and a few books we printed in-house. Then they will tithe to us as well. At the end of the year, you return to us, again at your own expense. Finally, we do something for you. For the thousands of hours of work and the thousands of dollars you gave us, we award you an enamel pin for your lapel, and shake your hand. Oh, and victor paul wierwille was a plagiarizing rapist who was a chain-smoking alcoholic. He frequently raved and screamed at people when the cameras were off. He was a slave to his vices, and they're what killed him. After decades of alcohol and tobacco, his weakened immune system was unable to put up a fight against the cancer he introduced into his body with the chain-smoking of tobacco products. BTW, when vpw travelled to places locally, not only were the locals expected to put him up in their homes for free, not only did they take up a donation and hand him a bag of untraceable cash, but locals were assigned to by his alcohol and tobacco because he couldn't go a few days without large supplies of both. Don't believe me? We all know he smoked Kool shorties and drank Drambuie. Except for vpw drinking it, I've never heard of the drink.] "Make your plans now and diligently prepare so that nothing hinders your participation in this splendid occasion. Believe big to overcome any obstacle. There may be many life-changing events in a person's short time here on earth, but this will be among the greatest of them all. It will be the Rock of all Rocks. So...SEE YOU AT THE ROCK! In our Father's love, Vernon W. Edwards President" [twi misses the chance to absorb what money is left for vacation from its peons. So, now they're getting leaned on to show up and spend money locally at retail prices. Once there, they'll get leaned on AGAIN, to push the WOW program just like decades ago. The naive, the weak-willed, and the stupid will have no chance at all. Oh, since the previous times the growth was from the real Christians who went out despite the program being corrupt, and twi doesn't have them and hasn't had them for decades, there will be a lack of impact and a lack of growth. Who will be blamed? The kids who went out there and worked their hearts out will be blamed for not believing enough. They'll be made to feel like garbage and like failures- all so twi can make them feel better again by "forgiving them". twi's not above manufacturing a problem just so they can manufacture the solution and sell it retail. BTW, VWE was being vague about the Father in question. He's left plausible deniability that it was God Almighty, but he was referring obliquely to victor paul wierwille, who claimed that he was "our father in the word" in twi. He claimed the Bible supported this viewpoint- but it does not, and by now this should surprise no one. The man was a sham, a fraud, a successful con man. God Almighty will deal with him in due course. How many people are ready to follow him off a cliff this time?]
[Now let's look at this a bit at a time.] "Dearest Saints, God bless you abundantly." [We know the drill. One, only the people IN twi, doing everything they say, are addressed as "dearest saints". But it's still God who has to bless abundantly, because twi never does anything for free, and never does anything at wholesale prices or at cost. The "dearest saints" all pay RETAIL for twi and the money ALL goes into twi's coffers.] "What we commonly recognize as the first Rock of Ages emerged into full fruition in August of 1971, although with quite humble beginnings. The main stage consisted of two flatbed trailers. This stage was situated in an unpretentious spot under a willow tree near the creek that flows through the grounds of The Way International Headquarters. The nonconventional decorations on the stage paired well with the numerous musical groups of differing skill levels. Things weren't perfect. One night during the event the power even went out, affecting the lighting and sound. " [ "Nonconventional" isn't a word. The first ROA could sensibly have been done at a campgrounds already prepared for events. Why was it done at twi headquarters? They owned the land, so it cost them nothing to rent it. That they knew little or nothing about how to RUN such an event never stopped vpw from doing anything- especially when it meant he could hang on to money. The man would let the twi peons deal with miserable conditions or privation in order to save a few bucks for twi, which he skimmed off when he had the chance. He really did NOT see the people as anything other than revenue sources. So, they set things up as close to free as they could manage. The results were humble. A "stage" of 2 trucks backed up, side by side. The entertainment was all volunteers- cost, zero, but quality was not assured. The power went out because the electrical wasn't up to such an event, and twi's people weren't professional electricians. Naturally, SOMETHING went wrong. But it was done on the cheap- which was vpw's rule, and so it was twi's rule.] "But that summer at this "Christian music festival,"things occurred of gigantic spiritual proportions. About a thousand people attended. Young people from all over the country gathered to hear the bands play and to fellowship with each other. But they were there for another reason also. They wanted to hear the rightly divided Word of God and see it live bigger in their lives. In addition to the energized teachings, the first call was made for Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassadors. WOW Ambassadors would be sent all over the United States to preach and teach God's Word. About one-quarter of the participants went out as WOW Ambassadors that year in three waves. It is clear that many who attended "ROA '71" had their lives wonderfully changed forever." [vpw did his best to milk society where it was at the time. The young people he could con were Christian hippies and attendees of music festivals- like Woodstock, Monterey Pop, Altamont, Watkins Glen, etc. So, what did he do? Figure out how to fake a Christian music festival on the cheap. Make SOMETHING on the grounds. Add lots of spiritual talk about how amazing it was. Push for Christian musicians all over twi to show up and perform for free. After a few of them showed up, twi had a "Christian music festival" on the cheap. Hearing it phrased like this makes something clear to me that wasn't clear before. The whole point of setting up the music festival was entirely to fire up the kids. vpw pushed these well-meaning, God-loving kids, kids used to traveling and hitch-hiking and loving God, and convincing them that the only way to REALLY please God right then was to jump immediately into the WOW program. Lots of leaning on the kids, lots of isolation from outsiders, lots of pumping them up to get them excited, then IMMEDIATELY send them out before they get buyer's remorse or reconsider. Then, for the next several months to a year, they have to hitch-hike somewhere- at their own risk, no getting them there safely with twi paying even for gas money- cover all expenses out-of-pocket, get people to sign up for pfal- for prices then around 80-100 dollars- and talk people into handing over 10% of their income for life to twi while they did the same. Later groups were organized around which kids were driving their own cars so they could send 3 more kids with them in their car, but the rest still applied. Were there lives wonderfully changed forever by going WOW? Virtually everyone who did, later left twi. I think the answer is obvious. Except for the new young people, too naive to know the past, still naive enough to say "But this time will be different because we will fix it." How many generations of twi young people have said exactly that, with no resulting change to twi?] "Over the next twenty-four years, the Rock of Ages became an annual event. It changed as the needs of the ministry changed. It naturally adapted into a gathering for the whole family- with good fun, good food, and good fellowship, but still centered around the Word of God. For several years the event was held at local fairgrounds equipped to accommodate the growing interest, but in 1978 it came back to the grounds of The Way International. For the next number of years it grew in various capacities. Then in 1995 it was discontinued." [Amazing how much was left out. twi realized they were in over their heads. They slowly set things up to do the event locally, but held it elsewhere while they got ready. Each year, it was all about sending out more salesmen for twi, more people to add to twi's income by paying 10% of their income and buying twi materials at RETAIL prices, even though they were printed in-house. As new members included families, and old members made families, the even expanded to include an event better suited to families. But it's always been more for young people. Yes, twi grew steadily. Why? The first people vpw conned were Christian hippies who had already started something at the House of Acts. vpw went there to recruit them. He STRANGLED what was a grassroots movement of God's Word and God's Spirit locally, and twisted it into a recruiting arm for twi. As an unintended side effect, they spread God's Word legitimately. The people THEY spoke to and ministered to were real Christians, who spoke to others. twi grew because the people who gave credit to the class that had been little help were all legit Christians who really made the difference themselves. That kept growing until vpw died, and the fall out of a lot of lies and deceptions- all from him- came bubbling to the top. That led to the PoP, the fog years, the top leaders who walked, and, eventually, lcm drawing his line in the sand and demanding an oath of loyalty from all the leadership. 4/5 of twi vanished that year- leaders who refused to swear an oath of loyalty to any man, and people who trusted the leaders they'd worked with rather than someone mostly a stranger who claimed those leaders were greedy, prideful, lustful, etc. So, the 1989 ROA was 1/5 what the 1988 ROA was, and the membership continued to trickle out. lcm saying progressively crazier things didn't help this. The continuing "relationship" between his wife and another woman in twi- rfr, of course- preyed on his mind. He began lengthy, hateful diatribes against homosexuality, and began to see it behind every corner. He announced that 1/3 of one year's WOWs were secretly all homosexual, and cancelled both the WOW program and the ROA. That's why it was "discontinued" in 1995.]
OK, let's have a little fun and look at the content. Here's the unedited letter. ---------------------------------------------- "Dearest Saints, God bless you abundantly. What we commonly recognize as the first Rock of Ages emerged into full fruition in August of 1971, although with quite humble beginnings. The main stage consisted of two flatbed trailers. This stage was situated in an unpretentious spot under a willow tree near the creek that flows through the grounds of The Way International Headquarters. The nonconventional decorations on the stage paired well with the numerous musical groups of differing skill levels. Things weren't perfect. One night during the event the power even went out, affecting the lighting and sound. But that summer at this "Christian music festival,"things occurred of gigantic spiritual proportions. About a thousand people attended. Young people from all over the country gathered to hear the bands play and to fellowship with each other. But they were there for another reason also. They wanted to hear the rightly divided Word of God and see it live bigger in their lives. In addition to the energized teachings, the first call was made for Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassadors. WOW Ambassadors would be sent all over the United States to preach and teach God's Word. About one-quarter of the participants went out as WOW Ambassadors that year in three waves. It is clear that many who attended "ROA '71" had their lives wonderfully changed forever. Over the next twenty-four years, the Rock of Ages became an annual event. It changed as the needs of the ministry changed. It naturally adapted into a gathering for the whole family- with good fun, good food, and good fellowship, but still centered around the Word of God. For several years the event was held at local fairgrounds equipped to accommodate the growing interest, but in 1978 it came back to the grounds of The Way International. For the next number of years it grew in various capacities. Then in 1995 it was discontinued. We now have the magnificent joy and privilege to once again host the Rock of Ages at The Way International. It will be a beautiful blend of the old and the new. It will have elements of nostalgia, but with a modern flair carefully intertwined. It will give believers some relaxing days that are full of sweet fellowship, rich with the love of God, and lavish with God's rightly divided Word. It will be an inspiring time of seeing Way Ambassadors commissioned and Ambassadors once again sent forth from the Rock. Yes, ROA '25 is for those who love God, of all generations and at all levels of spiritual maturity. And it will reflect this heart expressed by our Founder, Victor Paul Wierwille, in 1983: " It is wonderful to be home again for the fellowship of believers where the family [of God] is the center of joyful living." Make your plans now and diligently prepare so that nothing hinders your participation in this splendid occasion. Believe big to overcome any obstacle. There may be many life-changing events in a person's short time here on earth, but this will be among the greatest of them all. It will be the Rock of all Rocks. So...SEE YOU AT THE ROCK! In our Father's love, Vernon W. Edwards President
As I went home on Monday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a horse outside the door where my old horse should be. Well, I called me wife and I said to her, "Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that horse outside the door where my old horse should be?" "Ah, you're drunk! You're drunk, you silly old fool! Still you can not see That's a lovely sow that me mother sent to me." Well, it's many a day I've traveled—a hundred miles or more, But a saddle on a sow, sure, I never saw before." "As I went home on Tuesday night, as drunk as drunk could be. I saw a coat behind the door where my old coat should be. I called my wife and I said to her: "Will you kindly tell to me, Who owns that coat behind the door, where my old coat should be?" "Oh, you're drunk, you're drunk, you silly old fool! Still you cannot see That's a woolen blanket that my mother sent to me." "Well, it's many a day I've traveled- a hundred miles or more, But buttons on a blanket, sure, I never saw before." And, as I went home on Wednesday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a pipe up on the chair where my old pipe should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her, "Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that pipe upon the chair where my old pipe should be?" "Ah, you're drunk! You're drunk, you silly old fool! Still you can not see That's a lovely tin whistle that me mother sent to me." "Well, it's many a day I've traveled—a hundred miles or more But tobacco in a tin whistle, sure, I never saw before."
The Avengers, or Marvels Avengers Assemble, depending on your home country (the UK gave it the latter title to keep people from looking for Steed and Peel all through the film.)
Nardo was a driver who worked in a museum, not the dispatcher.
To think, this all started with my link of Tara Reid. Marilu Henner? She's the dispatcher on the TV show Taxi, but I can't think of anything she's done before. And just in case please, don't anyone leave me a HINT.
Easy Movie Quotes
Human without the bean replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Superman (the movie) the one with Gene Hackman? -
I must not have had the radio on when this one aired. George
- Yesterday
As I went home on Monday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a horse outside the door where my old horse should be. Well, I called me wife and I said to her, "Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that horse outside the door where my old horse should be?" "Ah, you're drunk! You're drunk, you silly old fool! Still you can not see That's a lovely sow that me mother sent to me." Well, it's many a day I've traveled—a hundred miles or more, But a saddle on a sow, sure, I never saw before." "As I went home on Tuesday night, as drunk as drunk could be. I saw a coat behind the door where my old coat should be. I called my wife and I said to her: "Will you kindly tell to me, Who owns that coat behind the door, where my old coat should be?" "Oh, you're drunk, you're drunk, you silly old fool! Still you cannot see That's a woolen blanket that my mother sent to me." Well, it's many a day I've traveled- a hundred miles or more, But buttons on a blanket, sure, I never saw before."
Holy shonta!! Hilarious. Ken Ham and Ray Comfort! The trash can successors to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. The Beavis and Butthead charlatans for this our day and time. Remnants of present truth. Got questions? Ask a music coordinator. ———- From Ken’s page: “This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.“
Spirit of Prophesy by William Brooks a.k.a. OldSkool
Rocky replied to Charity's topic in Out of the Way: The Offshoots
Spirit of Prophesy by William Brooks a.k.a. OldSkool
Charity replied to Charity's topic in Out of the Way: The Offshoots
When I took the PFAL Advanced Class in 1978, I had moments throughout it of having great fear, guilt and self-condemnation from hearing what I was being taught. I wanted to overcome them - you know "become spiritually stronger" - so I did what I was told at the time would help, and I went WOW (with my new husband and very young child). I had a mental breakdown within the first month or so when I realized I simply could not live up to the expectations of the WOW program. I was terrified when we left the program that we were no longer under God's protection and that we, including my young child, were now sitting ducks for the adversary. It was one of the worst times in my life - all because of false biblical doctrine and the cult-like practices in twi. I'm sure many other people in twi experienced such trauma or knew someone who had. The following doctrine comes from a "prophecy" beginning on page 155 of The Everlasting Gospel called "Judgment on Mystery Babylon (USA) Watchman Awake!" This doctrine is common throughout the book. It is the opposite of the "once saved/always saved" belief. It is the doctrine of needing to be faithful to the end in order to get into heaven. For me, reading these quotes below brings me back to that time in 1978. It's the reality of living daily with the dreadful idea of "What if I Fail?" that now the followers of William Brooks and others who teach this doctrine are likely to experience. A couple of quotes do speak of the rewards promised to the obedient faithful. Does this make the doctrine a better or worse one? Here are quotes from this chapter. The words in italics are mine. - (Written to believers) Warn my people and hold not your tongue, as I have loosened it! Fight for my people and warn my chosen, for a prophet’s reward will you have if you but speak the words I will give you. AWAKE! - Forsake the worldly things you have desired, and set me, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your desire; (does this sound familiar to anyone?) - My wrath and the wrath of your Father is not for you my faithful bride and will not come upon you, and never will you be in danger of the second death. - So purify yourselves in me, for it is only my atoning blood that will make you worthy to stand before me in glory. Bind my word in your hearts, and keep my writings in your forehead, and rest in my sayings of old; (seems like a contradiction - is it the atoning blood or the faithfulness or both that makes one worthy?) - Know that my heart breaks, and I am saddened by my people who have not readied themselves. Some will be left behind because the god of this world has blinded their minds, and many are not ready. Fear not, though you will endure much for me, all of you will be saved who carry the seal of the living God. I will provide for you if you do not deny my name, if, and you labor for me in the work I have given you. (I don't know if the second "if" is a typo or is meant to confirm/double down on the first "if.") - You will do mighty works if you but ask me to commission you. I have called you and I love you dearly, and those who call on my name and endure to the end will be saved and resurrected into great glory and rewarded for all eternity for your stand, as I love you and have spoken it for your ears. (The first part of this quote is right out of the WOW handbook) - Take not the mark, and don’t believe the lies. (This is easier said than done when you read the next sentence that is written a little bit further.) And had I not shortened the days, no flesh would be saved from the scourge he will bring on the land, for he will be empowered to complete my purposes for a short time. - So let the world pass and share not in her calamity and fate for it is not for you if you will yet sanctify the Lord in your hearts and live set apart for me. - You will know that I have snatched my bride away, and I will have gathered the faithful to me to engender repentance for many in a dying world. For great evil is approaching, and never has it risen in this manner, and never again will it arise, my little ones, for I have declared it. Take comfort in the path I have laid for you, and keep your feet steadfast in the way. I will be with you and will give you a peace that passes comprehension, and you will have peace amongst a world of chaos, a peace that will keep you if you turn not to the left nor to the right. (I find this quote confusing as Will often jumps from talking about believers living before the rapture to those who can still be saved during the tribulation after the rapture. I also don't understand what "to engender repentance for many in a dying world" means. Will the raptured bride be praying for those left behind? If so, how nice of them .) - I am he who tries the reins of my chosen ones so that I may purify you and cleanse you in my atoning blood. (Sounds similar to the fourth quote above) There are those who don't believe any of the above to be true which in my opinion is a wise thing to do. But, I can't help but think about those who accept this doctrine and experience the harm it can do to their lives (like the person who wrote the comment I mentioned in my opening post - "Surely, it's (the rapture) not far. Oh how I pray that it's immediate but my timing is not for anyone's benefit but mine. And that's if I'm found worthy.") A term was given for this - it's called "rapture anxiety." -
"Puny god!" George
Spirit of Prophesy by William Brooks a.k.a. OldSkool
Charity replied to Charity's topic in Out of the Way: The Offshoots
Many of the phrases he uses come from scripture and I know Will relied heavily on the 1611 KJV. Since the book is about God or Christ speaking in the first person, its tone seems, for me, intense and very direct in a "Thus-sayest-the-Lord" kind of way. Hopefully, Will answers your question for himself in this explanation he gives on page 11 of The Everlasting Gospel. "How I Receive Prophetic Messages On March 2, 2024, the Lord Jesus Christ began giving me prophetic messages to share with people regarding his imminent appearing for his Church and other topics. These prophecies came to me in what the Bible describes as when “the hand of the Lord” rests on an individual. For me, it’s a deep feeling of heaviness in my spirit, one that will not leave until I finish the message. Christ will impress a few words or phrases in my mind that I can’t shake and won’t forget, and many times I text the phrase to myself so that I remember. When I do sit down and start typing, the Lord will literally show me the Words in my spirit as I type: Yes, at times I have actual visual perceptions of the words, and many times I hear the words as I type, not audibly but in my spirit, and it’s perceived in such a way that is undeniable. When I make a mistake and type my own thoughts, the words stop until I delete what I added. When I doubt myself and delete a phrase Christ intended to keep, the words stop until I put the sentence back the way it was, and that sentence will not leave my mind until I do. Lately, the Lord has given me very deep doctrinal messages, and he has taken me to specific scriptures. He will put a phrase in my spirit and I will type it out; then I will search the phrase in my Bible, and I will find that the phrase is in a section of scripture. At that point he will indicate to me which scriptures I need to quote, and I will paste them in the narrative, and then the words continue right away. I’m still amazed that the Words the Lord gives me are in perfect harmony with the blocks of scripture he gives me to quote, and the scripture I quote flows with the narrative most times in a way I simply cannot achieve on my own. I have never done anything like this in my life, until now. I typically do not know the fullness of the message until I go back and perform a spelling and punctuation check. At that point I will read it again, and the Lord will have me make minor changes, perhaps add a sentence for clarification, perhaps delete a word and replace it with another, and so forth. Then the heaviness leaves and I know I am finished. Please note that in all of these prophetic messages, I have never changed anything topical, not ever, not once; and there has never been a major change to content, not ever, not once. The longer prophecies typically take around an hour or less to type, and the refining process may add another hour or two. I do check everything with scripture to make sure I didn’t mangle anything in my human understanding. So far I haven’t, but to be clear: Many of these Words are beyond my understanding when I type them, and I need to go to scripture to learn more based on what I received. Never once have the messages contradicted scripture, though they challenge my understanding of scripture, and I am a student as well. Now, I am a minister and have close to 30 years in scripture and have made many sermons, teachings, and so on. Let me say this from my years of experience: It is impossible for me to type anything of this level and detail in that short amount of time of my own efforts and understanding. It takes me several days, sometimes a week or more, to prepare a longer, detailed sermon, and this is not the same, not at all. This is not of me and is beyond my understanding. The spirit of prophecy has fallen on me, for the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."