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  1. Past hour
  2. Correct. One word. (Unless you count "the".) George
  3. You're right WordWolf, that is easy. It's the same country. Greece. I've got something. And congratulations to Sir Anthony Hopkins for winning his second Best Actor Oscar in the film "The Father" in 2021, also making him the oldest actor to win an Oscar in the acting category at 83. It's never been revealed when, but Anthony Hopkins used to date Martha Stewart. They were not what you would call a power couple, but were just dating. Why did Martha Stewart break it off?
  4. Today
  5. New question, probably easy. The original Olympics, of course, were in Greece. The modern Olympics were first held in what country?
  6. Yesterday
  7. "Could you whisper in my ear, the things you wanna feel? I'd give you anything to feel it coming. Do you wake up on your own, and wonder where you are? You live with all your faults."
  8. In later seasons, the primary cast for this show went to work for the FBI, which allowed for a new direction for the show as well as a new setting. A pair of the characters went into the private sector as security consultants instead, and settled down to raise a family. One character who didn't, had previously been shown to be at risk of getting punched in the nose possibly once per season (justifiably.) One character was especially fond of traveling- and being ready to travel, 24/7. The early seasons set the action primarily in Sacramento.
  9. I doubt ALL of that was true about "Alias." It's not the show I'm referring to.
  10. That substack by Liz Childers is remarkable in that she shows so well what her cult experience was like and how it continues to affect her today. She writes in such a brave, down-to-earth way, with clarity and deep understanding. Cheers to Liz! Charlene
  11. Your right. I'm up then. "You know I don't do contracts. But what you do have is my word and it's stronger than oak".
  12. Why is WW up? You just answered his clue. George
  13. waysider

    Thursday Evening

    We have a habit of thinking we know the way it goes...then it goes another way.
  14. waysider

    Thursday Evening

    Anything we have known. Anything we've forgotten
  15. Last week
  16. "Forrest Gump"?? Na, kidding. "Pulp Fiction" Next line is "He's sleeping", and then Zed says, "Well I guess you'll have to go wake him up then". (the same Zed mentioned at the end of that last sequence titled, THE BONNIE SITUATION by Butch Coolidge) "Zed is dead !. Zed is dead !", but, actually, he wasn't dead yet, because he hadn't suffered enough from the home boys with a pair of pliars and a blow torch, then, he would be dead. You're up WordWolf.
  17. Alias? "Hi. We've all been working for an evil spy organization pretending to be FBI. Now that we found out what we were really doing, we'd like to Join the actual FBI." "Sure. No problem." George
  18. That WAS wild. I haven't even THOUGHT of Cheri in years! Kamala Dorothea Swann Rachel Montana Claudia Haggs Leeanne Magruder Elizabeth Burke Evelyn Stockard-Price Kate Wells Rachel Wright George
  19. In later seasons, the primary cast for this show went to work for the FBI, which allowed for a new direction for the show as well as a new setting. A pair of the characters went into the private sector as security consultants instead, and settled down to raise a family. One character who didn't, had previously been shown to be at risk of getting punched in the nose possibly once per season (justifiably.)
  20. Recycling aluminum is important because separating aluminum from ore is a costly, difficult process, compared to the other metals. So recycling aluminum cans is a LOT more cost-effective than recycling other metals, which is why it's done a lot more than other metals. (Although recycling metals in general is a good idea.) I suspect aluminum was chosen because of its properties concerning rust. It actually rusts so efficiently that the rust on the surface acts as a barrier to rusting farther down. If steel beams rust, they can collapse a bridge, but aluminum rusts on the surface and doesn't affect its structure. Further, to the casual eye, rusted aluminum looks the same as non-rusted aluminum.
  21. There are many correct answers, and I'll accept that as one of them. The Bugs Bunny Show (or Bugs Bunny-Roadrunner Show.)
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