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GeorgeStGeorge last won the day on January 27

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About GeorgeStGeorge

  • Birthday 03/20/1956

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    Pearland, TX

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  1. Correct. One word. (Unless you count "the".) George
  2. Why is WW up? You just answered his clue. George
  3. Alias? "Hi. We've all been working for an evil spy organization pretending to be FBI. Now that we found out what we were really doing, we'd like to Join the actual FBI." "Sure. No problem." George
  4. That WAS wild. I haven't even THOUGHT of Cheri in years! Kamala Dorothea Swann Rachel Montana Claudia Haggs Leeanne Magruder Elizabeth Burke Evelyn Stockard-Price Kate Wells Rachel Wright George
  5. That's Sylvester the cat. The actual TV Show? Bugs Bunny? George
  6. Yes! Current electrolytic methods allow aluminum to be manufactured economically, but when the Washington Monument was built, aluminum was as costly as silver. The capSTONE of the monument weighs about 3000 lbs. but the aluminum cap at the very top weighs about 100 ounces. It cost $225 in 1884, or about $7200 in today's dollars. It was the largest single piece of cast aluminum up to that time. FYI, the current price of aluminum is about one dollar per pound (enough to make 32 cans). George
  7. Name the actress: Kamala Dorothea Swann Rachel Montana Claudia Haggs Leeanne Magruder Elizabeth Burke George
  8. Now You See Me Woody Harrelson Solo: A Star Wars Story George
  9. I avoided the terribly obvious ones like Killer Bees and Church Lady, but you are, of course, correct. I actually thought the Conehead movie was OK. I did see Night at the Roxbury and Superstar and agree that they sucked. George
  10. No. "Bad guy falls in poop: Classic element of physical comedy. Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh. Ready?" "Ready!" [they all throw their heads back and laugh] "Don't worry. Nobody dies in this story. They just get really big boo-boos." "Arthur, I wish you would do something about all these monkeys. I feel like Jane Goodall." "Madam, I knew Jane Goodall and you are no Jane Goodall." 1: "I'm hungry!" 2: "Oh, shut up. You've been yakkin' for two days straight, and I'm gettin' mad enough to..." 1: "You know, you really should work on your anger. Have you tried Brankowski's "Cage the Rage" technique?" 3: "Don't let him get to you, Thor. He's just an ape." 1: "That's a fine way to talk to your meal ticket. You keep that up, it's liable to affect my stage performance." 3: "Give him a banana, Thor. It won't be long now." 2: "That's what you said yesterday! This trail is taking us to the middle of nowhere!" George
  11. Correct. (I was unaware of the use in Aladdin!) George
  12. Getting colder... This movie holds the record for most miniature model work to appear in one film. Model shop supervisor Michael Joyce estimated that more miniatures were used for this film than in any other two films combined. Due to the advances in digital technology since this film's release, most experts believe this record may stand forever. Over seventy mock news broadcasts were created for the film. All used real-life newscasters, since the makers believed that actors would not look convincing in such scenes. Except for the bi-plane during the crop-dusting scene, any airplane seen in the air in this film is either a model or computer-generated effect. The quote, "And what the hell is that smell?" was not in the script. The scene was filmed in the salt flats near the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Great Salt Lake is home to tiny crustaceans called brine shrimp. When they die, the bodies sink to the bottom of the lake (which isn't very deep) and decompose. When the wind kicks up just right, the bottom mud is disturbed and the smell of millions of decaying brine shrimp can be very, very bad. Apparently, nobody warned the star. The huge hype that the film began generating caused Warner Bros. to postpone the release of Mars Attacks! from summer to Christmas, and Steven Spielberg (temporarily) cancelled his plans to direct War of the Worlds. George
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