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waysider last won the day on November 20

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    You betcha!

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  1. There are places I'll remember All my life, though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain
  2. waysider


    Oh, I remember those video classes. Clunky, top loading, play-back-only, Beta machines. They didn't even have a record function ...for the days of VHS had not yet come. We kept a log of how many hours they'd been used so we could routinely tear them down to clean the play-back heads and service the drive belt. Nothing but the best picture and sound for Gawd's people would do.
  3. Simple. You write The Teacher. OK, it's sounds like I'm being flippant but I'm not. The point is, the human mind craves easy solutions for complex problems. That explains why we fell so hard for VPW's shtick. "I didn't say it, you did."...VPW
  4. waysider


    The number of students dictated the media in which it was presented. I think it was something like six new students were required to run an audio class with flip charts. Ten or fifteen were required for a film class. Grads could attend for free, so naturally, the prospect of having a film class was used as an incentive to sign up more recruits. Classes other than PFAL were run there, as well. I took Dealing With The Adversary there my first time through it. I remember that specific one because of a traumatic personal experience I had the week before it ran. Also, live classes were sometimes presented there because of its proximity to HQ. Aside from that, there was nothing special about the place,
  5. waysider


    I don't know about that. Just regular sized classes. They're a non-profit, The Way is a non-profit, hence the conference rooms were rent free.
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