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Raf last won the day on July 20

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About Raf

  • Birthday 08/04/1969

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    Cooper City, Florida

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  1. Sorry sorry sorry was a hint. :) yup of course
  2. To be a little more clear, I had a friend once who talked about how she survived a car accident in which two other people died (people she did not know) and she capped the story by saying, "God is good." God is good. Unless you're the other family. F'em. Now, that's not to say ANYTHING about my (now former) friend. Our reasons for no longer being friends have nothing to do with that incident. My criticism of "God is good" in that context is completely independent of my friend's character, just as criticism of "God spared candidate X and said f'em to the family of the fallen firefighter" has nothing to do with candidate X. Candidate X could have been comedian X or movie star X or pop singer X and the criticism of "God is good" in that context is the same. The fact is, praising God for sparing one person when other people in the same incident were not spared strikes me as insensitive at best, horrifyingly arrogant at worst. And if we're really talking about the goodness of God, then that's something that needs to be answered. I mean, if you're trying to convince me there is a God and he's really good. If you're not trying to convince me, that's another story. [Claimer/disclaimer for anyone reading along who doesn't already know: modcat5 and Raf are the same person].
  3. In the interest of speeding things along: this appears to be correct
  4. Thank you for the correction, Nathan. Charity, I have given that topic no thought at all other than to recognize the agreed upon conclusion. Wierwille doesn't belong in the same conversation as a legit scholar like Carrier. Even Ehrman, who firmly disagrees with Carrier, doesn't doubt his expertise or qualifications. Ehrman DOES doubt Carrier's conclusions, and vice versa
  5. Corrected the autofill. The word should have been HEAD, not HEADACHE
  6. I did notice in Carrier's book "On the Historicity of Jesus" he did agree with VPW that Lazarus, not John, was the disciple Jesus loved.
  7. I have not. My instinct is not to give it much credence. Paul appears to be a true believer in the completed work of Christ Jesus. He just doesn't seem to know anything about a Jesus who was physically present on earth. He never speaks of Christ's "return," for example, only of his "presence." He never calls it the "second coming." But that's my thought.
  8. "I have a head for business and a bod for sin."
  9. "What did you call it again?" "Bony ass."
  10. "Dress shabbily, they notice the dress. Dress impeccably, they notice the woman. Coco Chanel."
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