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Raf last won the day on February 8

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About Raf

  • Birthday 08/04/1969

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    Cooper City, Florida

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  1. Meryl Streep was engaged to John Cazale [Fredo from The Godfather] when he died. Dustin Hoffman kept name dropping him to get Streep to not like him. Streep won an Oscar and left it in the turlet. You're up.
  2. Not Paper Moon And we can rule out the Godfather I and II
  3. Come on, how many Best Picture winners of the 70s feature two antagonistic people and a ypung kid with a role significant enough to get a nomination? I was hoping this would be a giveaway
  4. Not THAT antagonistic. Although the lead actor did throw a glass in a fit that wasn't in the script. Only the actor, director and cameraman knew what was going to happen. Everyone else stayed in character. I believe I said this was a Best Picture winner, so The Shining is Out.
  5. It was best supporting actress, if i recall correctly.
  6. Every Best Picture winner of the 1970s has been selected by the Library of Congress for inclusion in the National Film Registry for preservation: except this one. The two main adult characters were supposed to have an antagonistic relationship, so to get his scene partner in character, the lead actor would occasionally drop the name of the lead actress' recently deceased fiance, himself an Oscar nominated actor. The lead actress won an Oscar for her role. Later that night, she left it in the bathroom at an after party. The lead actor also won an Oscar. He thanked his ex-wife for preparing him for the role. One non-winner was for Best Supporting Actor. The child who was nominated was 8. He remains the youngest nominee in any category.
  7. Next quote would have been the cop saying you're not going to kill each other on my beat and Bernardo asking him to translate that into Spanish. This was the original movie, not the remake.
  8. Fine. Shazam! Not to be confused with Kazaam!
  9. Sorry for the delay. Yes, these are lesser known quotes from West Side Story
  10. "Now I can kill too, because now I have hate!" *** "When you was my age? When my old man was my age, when my brother was my age: You was never my age, none of ya! And the sooner you creeps get hip to that, the sooner you'll dig us." . *** "Back home little boys don't have war councils." "Ah, but they do here. You want me to be an American, don't you?"
  11. It is genuinely sad to me that I sincerely not only recognize every one of those quotes, but I can hear them in the voices of Robert Vaughn, Pamela Stephenson, Richard Pryor and Christopher Reeve. This is Superman III
  12. Raf

    Thank you!

    ok, couple of things. I can talk to the other mods about reviving politics, but the problem has proved to be that neither side has been capable of a "respectful" discussion and it has only gotten worse since we expunged politics from the site. Further, it is damn near impossible to take veiled political comments as anything other than veiled POLITICAL comments. As someone who is politically savvy, I find the comment "The easiest way to confuse them is to overload them" to be inherently political even though the words themselves are not. I do not want to turn GSC into yet another political web site. But there are issues that intersect with our mission that we can and should consider.
  13. You realize you were never taken off the team. You just stopped showing up.
  14. I just wanted to point out for the record that Old Skool was one of the GSers who engaged in the repeated and false accusation that GSCafe had become hostile to Christian points of view. These posts on his own site put his criticisms into a larger context. We maintain that GSC is welcome to all former TWI members, whether you are Christian or not, and we encourage you to explore your faith (or loss thereof) on your terms. We've done our best to develop safe spaces where you may do so, and you can choose the extent to which you want to engage with opposing points of view. Thanks.
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