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Nathan_Jr last won the day on September 14

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  1. I’ll tell you what’s behind those ideas. BELEEF. Who requires you to beleeve? The ideologue, the politician, the propagandist, the grifter, the charlatan, that’s who. The liar needs you to beleeve. Only the liar will preach the importance of beleeving above all else Belief has no place where truth is concerned.
  2. I know. I’m a shameless opportunist when it comes to the use of “four crucified stupid.”
  3. Not just stupid. Flat Earth stupid. No. Worse. Four crucified stupid - the stupidest.
  4. To see as a child. To see as a child before cultural, political and religious conditioning. To see without judgement. To see without beleef. To see what actually is. So, to see purely, completely, serenely. To see everything with awe and wonder. This is real liberty and power. This is the new birth, again. But it may only come as a glimpse. Don't ask me how. I cannot say and I would not say. It can't be uttered. But we all had it once. (All without exception, or, if you prefer, all without distinction.) This can't happen while clutching, clinging, to dogmas, doctrines, presumptive conclusions and beleefs.
  5. Ok. But isn't something required of you to be saved from the one who loves you? Isn't there something to do first before receiving this saving love? Conditions must be met, lest wrath come down upon thee!
  6. It is not unconditional. The love comes once the conditions are met. I don't think TLC believes it's unconditional. Even poor victor didn't "teach" unconditional love.
  7. Reading through Romans chapter 2 again - it's been awhile - and all I can say is, Wow! I wonder if victor paul wierwille, NaRd., ever read this chapter? I wonder if he had, could he have been persuaded to start obeying truth and stop defecating in its mouth?
  8. Thanks, Charity, for answering my question. Saved from the wrath. Got it! Were all those passages (without exception or distinction) written to me, or are they merely for my learning? Would you please cite chapter and verse? I'd like to look at the context and examine the Greek from which the phrase "obey the truth" is rendered. Such a curious phrase, obey the truth. I suspect it's an awkward translation or else a figger of speech.
  9. No idea, but I suspect it was a tremendous demonstration of desperate clutching and clinging to beleef.
  10. What a bittersweet song, Human!
  11. “If it doesn’t fit, ya just gotta MAKE it fit.” — victor paul wierwille, NaRd.
  12. "Good fun, good food, good fellowship, and GREAT Word!" Is GREAT Word TWI's answer to Loy's HOT Bible?
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