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Nathan_Jr last won the day on June 26

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  1. I’m not convinced the Bible describes an unconditionally loving deity. Certainly, poor little victor and his simp, Loy, didn’t “teach” this kind of deity Yeah, well, see? Here’s a condition: beleeve like me, think like me, get indoctrinated like me, or I’ll shun you. Just pick up a newspaper or open Twitter or watch your favorite talking heads on TV, you’ll see BELEEEF-based division everywhere. The guy who shot the former President yesterday in a display of sad wickedness was motivated in part by BELEEF, just as both his target and his target’s political opponent foment division and destruction by BELEEF. I maintain the source of all division is indoctrinated beleef. I don’t see division as a state of nature, rather, it is the fruit of conditioning. Pay attention to the little children. Do they criticize? Now, who is the more “spiritually mature”? Those who criticize my lack of belief in BELEEF are not my friends. And I lose no sleep. I have lifelong friends who are Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Buddhist, pagan, atheist… None of them try to proselytize me. Though we occasionally discuss esoteric cosmic mysteries, we never debate or argue or criticize. Ever. We find common ground. They love me, and I them, unconditionally.
  2. Victor lacked the spiritual maturity innate in children. He may have felt threatened by their power. This may explain why he related so poorly to them. Bless his little heart
  3. Mmmph. If only the wierwilles knew how (H-O-W) to get their needs and wants parallel, they wouldn't need to extort their beleevers into buying their toys. Hey! I didn't write the book.
  4. Sweet rig. Why the sidecar? For what purpose was it kept? For whom? Lamsa, T6TMOG?
  5. One possible reason was to bring about the eschaton. Bringing the nations into the fold, grafting them into the vine with Israel, is a necessary step in fulfilling the divine plan, right? Isn't there a passage about this in Isaiah? Maybe I'm misremembering. Paul was certain he knew Gad's timeline (he knew that he knew that he knew), and it was all coming to an end any minute. Except it didn't.
  6. I don't know if there is a dedicated thread, but many, many, many threads have shown the origins of victor's "teachings." As you know, and as it has been shown, most of what he "taught" came directly, without credit or shame, from B. G. Leonard, E. W. Bullinger, J. E. Styles, E. W. Kenyon, and George "T6TMOG" Lamsa. Copied and pasted. The balance comes from traditional forms of Christianity, both mainstream and fringe, 19th to mid-20th century New Thought, fundamental seminarian scholarship, and whatever else his imagination could hold. I wouldn't expect a priest or pastor to cite all of her sources during a sermon. But if that minister is pressed by an earnest seeker, I suspect she might, if her answers are unsatisfying, point that seeker to read other authorities (Origen, Augustine, Luther, Bruce Metzger?) who may better articulate an answer. The real problem we have here is that victor himself claimed his only sources were his own inexhaustible, 18-hours-per-day-for-40-years study and God Almighty. Any apparent extraneous sources were merely coincidental. In PFAL he claims he had already come to the conclusions of Bullinger before ever reading Bullinger. Ummm... riiiiiiiight. When one endeavors to find out for oneself with meekness and honesty, one can only discover that the actual sources behind his fraudulent claims of "research" and "study" are often inaccurate themselves. Furthermore, his own private interpretations and "revelations" and hopeful imaginations are the most egregiously, demonstrably errant of all. When I say errant, I mean stupid. I'm not talking about vanilla plain stupidity. No, I'm talking about four-crucified stupidity - the stupidest. And not just five-senses stupidity. No, worse: spiritual stupidity.
  7. Some may twist this phrasing into a validation of victor's "work." Carrier isn't necessarily agreeing with victor, rather, he is agreeing with a position that long predates victor. Victor and Carrier, among others, share this opinion.
  8. “…only sharks swim at midnight” Reminds me of that charlatan.
  9. Published May/June 2024. BOD addition Effective August 2024. 2024 began five months ago. Simple math. I’m not very good at it, either.
  10. The article simply says he’s its newest member in August. It doesn’t say he is replacing an outgoing member, though he likely will, if such is the structure of the trust or corporation.
  11. Add Mel Privette to the list. https://www.theway.org/blog/board-of-directors-addition-2024/
  12. Someone on Reddit told me the class is 18 hours, registration is $100, includes syllabus and books. He didn't say which books, only that they are revisions of old books, as the class is a revision of the original, errors and all. (He didn't know what I was talking about when I asked about error corrections.) He said they were holding classes "all over" and would try to connect me with one in my area, if I were interested. I asked if "the class" was available for purchase on Blue-ray or DVD. He said, "It's a class you can take, not something available for sale. Registration is $100..." An answer like that should tell you all you need to know about how old the new one really is.
  13. Someone said “GSC grads.” A gloveless concept. Reminds me of that charlatan.
  14. Oh, Irony. Back so soon? Bless your little heart.
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