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  1. Charity

    LA fires

    I envy you Nathan. I can't wait for the day that I am far enough removed emotionally from all this trash that I can relax and simply laugh at it all.
  2. Charity

    LA fires

    I am so sorry for the devastation and loss of life that is happening in Las Angeles. And no, I do not believe God has anything to do with it UNLIKE this video. Are the LA Wildfires God’s Judgment?
  3. When I took the PFAL Advanced Class in 1978, I had moments throughout it of having great fear, guilt and self-condemnation from hearing what I was being taught. I wanted to overcome them - you know "become spiritually stronger" - so I did what I was told at the time would help, and I went WOW (with my new husband and very young child). I had a mental breakdown within the first month or so when I realized I simply could not live up to the expectations of the WOW program. I was terrified when we left the program that we were no longer under God's protection and that we, including my young child, were now sitting ducks for the adversary. It was one of the worst times in my life - all because of false biblical doctrine and the cult-like practices in twi. I'm sure many other people in twi experienced such trauma or knew someone who had. The following doctrine comes from a "prophecy" beginning on page 155 of The Everlasting Gospel called "Judgment on Mystery Babylon (USA) Watchman Awake!" This doctrine is common throughout the book. It is the opposite of the "once saved/always saved" belief. It is the doctrine of needing to be faithful to the end in order to get into heaven. For me, reading these quotes below brings me back to that time in 1978. It's the reality of living daily with the dreadful idea of "What if I Fail?" that now the followers of William Brooks and others who teach this doctrine are likely to experience. A couple of quotes do speak of the rewards promised to the obedient faithful. Does this make the doctrine a better or worse one? Here are quotes from this chapter. The words in italics are mine. - (Written to believers) Warn my people and hold not your tongue, as I have loosened it! Fight for my people and warn my chosen, for a prophet’s reward will you have if you but speak the words I will give you. AWAKE! - Forsake the worldly things you have desired, and set me, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your desire; (does this sound familiar to anyone?) - My wrath and the wrath of your Father is not for you my faithful bride and will not come upon you, and never will you be in danger of the second death. - So purify yourselves in me, for it is only my atoning blood that will make you worthy to stand before me in glory. Bind my word in your hearts, and keep my writings in your forehead, and rest in my sayings of old; (seems like a contradiction - is it the atoning blood or the faithfulness or both that makes one worthy?) - Know that my heart breaks, and I am saddened by my people who have not readied themselves. Some will be left behind because the god of this world has blinded their minds, and many are not ready. Fear not, though you will endure much for me, all of you will be saved who carry the seal of the living God. I will provide for you if you do not deny my name, if, and you labor for me in the work I have given you. (I don't know if the second "if" is a typo or is meant to confirm/double down on the first "if.") - You will do mighty works if you but ask me to commission you. I have called you and I love you dearly, and those who call on my name and endure to the end will be saved and resurrected into great glory and rewarded for all eternity for your stand, as I love you and have spoken it for your ears. (The first part of this quote is right out of the WOW handbook) - Take not the mark, and don’t believe the lies. (This is easier said than done when you read the next sentence that is written a little bit further.) And had I not shortened the days, no flesh would be saved from the scourge he will bring on the land, for he will be empowered to complete my purposes for a short time. - So let the world pass and share not in her calamity and fate for it is not for you if you will yet sanctify the Lord in your hearts and live set apart for me. - You will know that I have snatched my bride away, and I will have gathered the faithful to me to engender repentance for many in a dying world. For great evil is approaching, and never has it risen in this manner, and never again will it arise, my little ones, for I have declared it. Take comfort in the path I have laid for you, and keep your feet steadfast in the way. I will be with you and will give you a peace that passes comprehension, and you will have peace amongst a world of chaos, a peace that will keep you if you turn not to the left nor to the right. (I find this quote confusing as Will often jumps from talking about believers living before the rapture to those who can still be saved during the tribulation after the rapture. I also don't understand what "to engender repentance for many in a dying world" means. Will the raptured bride be praying for those left behind? If so, how nice of them .) - I am he who tries the reins of my chosen ones so that I may purify you and cleanse you in my atoning blood. (Sounds similar to the fourth quote above) There are those who don't believe any of the above to be true which in my opinion is a wise thing to do. But, I can't help but think about those who accept this doctrine and experience the harm it can do to their lives (like the person who wrote the comment I mentioned in my opening post - "Surely, it's (the rapture) not far. Oh how I pray that it's immediate but my timing is not for anyone's benefit but mine. And that's if I'm found worthy.") A term was given for this - it's called "rapture anxiety."
  4. Many of the phrases he uses come from scripture and I know Will relied heavily on the 1611 KJV. Since the book is about God or Christ speaking in the first person, its tone seems, for me, intense and very direct in a "Thus-sayest-the-Lord" kind of way. Hopefully, Will answers your question for himself in this explanation he gives on page 11 of The Everlasting Gospel. "How I Receive Prophetic Messages On March 2, 2024, the Lord Jesus Christ began giving me prophetic messages to share with people regarding his imminent appearing for his Church and other topics. These prophecies came to me in what the Bible describes as when “the hand of the Lord” rests on an individual. For me, it’s a deep feeling of heaviness in my spirit, one that will not leave until I finish the message. Christ will impress a few words or phrases in my mind that I can’t shake and won’t forget, and many times I text the phrase to myself so that I remember. When I do sit down and start typing, the Lord will literally show me the Words in my spirit as I type: Yes, at times I have actual visual perceptions of the words, and many times I hear the words as I type, not audibly but in my spirit, and it’s perceived in such a way that is undeniable. When I make a mistake and type my own thoughts, the words stop until I delete what I added. When I doubt myself and delete a phrase Christ intended to keep, the words stop until I put the sentence back the way it was, and that sentence will not leave my mind until I do. Lately, the Lord has given me very deep doctrinal messages, and he has taken me to specific scriptures. He will put a phrase in my spirit and I will type it out; then I will search the phrase in my Bible, and I will find that the phrase is in a section of scripture. At that point he will indicate to me which scriptures I need to quote, and I will paste them in the narrative, and then the words continue right away. I’m still amazed that the Words the Lord gives me are in perfect harmony with the blocks of scripture he gives me to quote, and the scripture I quote flows with the narrative most times in a way I simply cannot achieve on my own. I have never done anything like this in my life, until now. I typically do not know the fullness of the message until I go back and perform a spelling and punctuation check. At that point I will read it again, and the Lord will have me make minor changes, perhaps add a sentence for clarification, perhaps delete a word and replace it with another, and so forth. Then the heaviness leaves and I know I am finished. Please note that in all of these prophetic messages, I have never changed anything topical, not ever, not once; and there has never been a major change to content, not ever, not once. The longer prophecies typically take around an hour or less to type, and the refining process may add another hour or two. I do check everything with scripture to make sure I didn’t mangle anything in my human understanding. So far I haven’t, but to be clear: Many of these Words are beyond my understanding when I type them, and I need to go to scripture to learn more based on what I received. Never once have the messages contradicted scripture, though they challenge my understanding of scripture, and I am a student as well. Now, I am a minister and have close to 30 years in scripture and have made many sermons, teachings, and so on. Let me say this from my years of experience: It is impossible for me to type anything of this level and detail in that short amount of time of my own efforts and understanding. It takes me several days, sometimes a week or more, to prepare a longer, detailed sermon, and this is not the same, not at all. This is not of me and is beyond my understanding. The spirit of prophecy has fallen on me, for the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
  5. What I know of Will is that he is a man who loves God and totally believes it is God who worked mightily in his life to heal him and restore his faith. It was not an easy process for him as his "much chastisement and purification" was mentioned in the fourth paragraph quoted above. He has said in one of his videos or in the description of it that he refuses to take any filthy lucre for his work in producing The Everlasting Gospel. After walking together in the scriptures for quite a while, Will and I certainly went our different ways. He went on to writing The Everlasting Gospel and I went on to no longer believing in the existence of a god, especially the one of the bible. When it comes to how someone teaches the bible, I agree with what Dan McClellan says in his video 10 Things Everyone Should Know About the Bible - Dan McClellan Pt. 2 "I think the bible, like all texts, is absent of inherent meaning. The bible is what we make of it, so my concern is more about how people deploy the bible than with the bible as an artifact because there are people who have done wonderful things with the bible and there are people who have done awful things with the bible. I think the bible itself is the product of a lot of different motivations, and a lot of different people operating on a lot of different influences. There are many different theories about how inspiration can work. I don’t think, from a data-based perspective, we need to appeal to any of them to recognize that the bible becomes in the hands of whoever is wielding it what they are wielding it to be. That makes the more important consideration to be who is wielding it and for what reasons. That’s why most of the time if I’m critiquing it, it is how it is being deployed rather than the things that the original authors were trying to do."
  6. The fifth and final paragraph with quotes concerning The Everlasting Gospel (written by William Brooks aka OldSkool) is as follows (bold print is mine): Page 456: And so this portion of Testimony of The Everlasting Gospel is now closed, and our mighty messenger has finished his course, faithfully as intended and will be taken into the heavens at the sound of that mighty trumpet that is to sound so suddenly now. The Words of The Everlasting Gospel will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to all they are intended and will fill the earth in their time, but will only be sent to heirs of salvation in judgment because The Mystery of God and my holy writings were neglected by the sins of men, therefore, a temporary dearth of scripture will fall on the earth in a famine of truth for those who have rejected my eternal truths, yet they will achieve salvation should they call on the name of Jesus to their end, having not loved their lives to the end! The title of this piece of writing includes the phrase "momentary closure of testimony" meaning Will's portion is finished but after the rapture, Enoch and Elijah will reveal their testimonies. Will, speaking as God's prophet, has God saying in this prophecy that the earth is indeed only 6 years old and that events like Noah's flood truly happened according to the bible. Will's interpretation of the bible concerning salvation is that faithfulness to Christ to the very end is an absolute requirement for being included in the rapture and thereby escaping the great tribulation to come and ultimately God's judgment and wrath. He is not the only ex-leader of twi to teach this as I know Vince Finnegan does as well. Myth: Salvation Cannot Be Lost Will also believes the rapture is happening soon. I found reading the comments written by those who watched his videos interesting in how they view him and what he says. So for every believer in Christ, they will not know for sure if they will be caught up in the air to be with Christ until the moment it happens whereas Will was told by God in this prophecy given to him that he is worthy of being so.
  7. The fourth paragraph with a quote concerning The Everlasting Gospel (written by William Brooks aka OldSkool) is as follows (bold print is mine): I AM, Yahweh, The Great I AM, and I AM he who has sent these Words by my mighty messenger and servant and by my mighty messenger and servant have my Words been sent. And of an eternal truth, I AM he, along with Christ Jesus, The Everlasting King and Lord of Righteousness have revealed the Words of The Everlasting Gospel to our mighty messenger who was ordained from the foundations of the world for such a purpose and who has come to salvation from the gentiles in much chastisement and purification in the Israel of God and he will serve Christ Jesus as part of his mighty bride for all eternity as he moves into great glory to fulfill my eternal purposes in Christ Jesus in his assigned order, even rewards of glory reserved for the faithful that have not entered fully into the hearts of men at the time of this writing. I cannot rule out anyone being this "mighty messenger" than William himself. Previously, the prophesy had spoken of messengers which include Enoch and Elijah. However, this paragraph speaks of only one messenger. For those who believe in God and in miracles, this revelation about William is within the realm of possibility. It is up to you to decide whether it is authentically from God or if it is false doctrine from a false prophet.
  8. For anyone interested in the end times, this prophecy of William The Two Witnesses and Momentary Closure of Testimony reveals new information (as far as I can tell) about what will happen after the rapture. One of it's main feature is the role Enoch the Scribe and Elijah the Prophet will play during the tribulation for they are the "two candlesticks" and the "two olive trees" spoken of in Revelation. They will return to earth (after living in heaven as witnesses since they were swept up there by God) to reveal more of the New Testament to lead people to salvation and will be killed by the beast who rises from the abyss after their prophecy ends. I give William credit for what I think is a well-written piece of eschatological story telling.
  9. The third paragraph with a quote concerning The Everlasting Gospel (written by William Brooks aka OldSkool) is as follows (words in italics are added by me as well as the bold print): Page 455-456: Therefore, understand the nature of their (Enoch the Scribe and Elijah the Prophet) message and the things they will reveal, because The Everlasting Gospel builds on The Gospel of Salvation and has been hidden in The Mystery of God in my (Yahweh) very own heart that is unsearchable and concealed from mankind until the times of revealing. And all testimonies will be fully revealed in these times of revealing that were initiated by the faithful messengers and prophets of Christ Jesus who made the ways straight for my mighty messenger by whom these Words are revealed. Because they will reveal much for the salvation of Israel and they will break partial blindness from the hearts of the meek who have been ordained for salvation before the foundations of the world to obtain an eternal inheritance and receive eternal life in Yeshua HaMashiach who is their true Messiah and King! To find out what the Mystery of God refers to, you would have to read the entire "prophecy." Remember, according to the title page of The Everlasting Gospel, all the prophecies therein were given by Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach and received by William Alexander Brooks - The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness. The paragraph above is Yahweh, the Great I AM, speaking about William (and others) as told by William himself. I think there is some circular reasoning going on here.
  10. The second paragraph with quotes concerning The Everlasting Gospel (written by William Brooks aka OldSkool) is as follows (words in italics are added by me as well as the bold print): Page 455: They (Enoch the Scribe and Elijah the Prophet) will prophecy and teach many things from The Everlasting Gospel and their testimonies will be thusly added to The Everlasting Gospel that is given in the face of Christ Jesus, who is also Yeshua HaMashiach, even he whose New Testament has saved alive eternally the branches from the wild olive tree and has grafted them into the natural olive tree as the Israel of God. Even the same New Testament of which The Everlasting Gospel is part. Yet so it is, that my two witnesses will reveal many things regarding Christ Jesus whom they have served in the heavens in his ruler-ship and will testify of many things they witnessed in the heavens during my age of grace and their testimonies will be preserved eternally. To help make sense of the above, William gives some background info concerning Enoch and Elijah in a couple of paragraphs before. He writes, "Behold! (emphasis is William's) I do announce to you just exactly who these two mighty witnesses are, so that their way will be prepared and a path is made straight for their appearing and rise. And so my two witnesses are Enoch the Scribe who was taken into the heavens before the flood, and Elijah the Tishbite, even that mighty prophet of old who was taken into the heavens in sight of Elisha, (his successor and witness) in a chariot of fire. Even so as truly recorded in the holy writings of old." Also, William shares on page 7 of this book that "The Little Book (which refers to the first section of The Everlasting Gospel - its complete name is "The Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10") testifies of its own authenticity and is in complete agreement with itself and all of Scripture, and the handiwork of the Lord is plain to see for all who have eyes to see." In case one is wondering how the paragraph above about Enoch and Elijah completely agrees with "all of Scripture", I know William believes the Book of Enoch Part 1 is scripture that belongs in our present-day canon. Finally, how William apparently sees his prophecies in The Everlasting Gospel as being received from Yahweh and part of the New Testament is very similar to how Paul says his writings in the church epistles were received through the revelation of Jesus Christ and ended up being a big part of in the New Testament. Does anyone agree with his claims?
  11. As mentioned above, William Brooks (aka OldSkool) has created a book that contains all of his prophesies in 446 pages. He has called it The Everlasting Gospel. In his last and final prophesy in his book, The Two Witnesses and Momentary Closure of Testimony, William Brooks gives a complete history of the "ages" or "times" of God from Adam in Genesis through to the end of the book of Revelation. It's quite a history lesson which often includes severe punishment for "the fallen ones" and the people who followed them as well as the rewards that will be given to those who remain faithful to Christ until the rapture occurs and then to those who become saved during the great tribulation and remain faithful to the end of their lives or the tribulation itself. This prophesy also emphasizes throughout that it is Yahweh, The Great I AM, who is speaking. Accordingly, Yahweh speaks of "The Everlasting Gospel" (written by William) eight times in five different paragraphs. I will quote one paragraph per post in order to keep each post short with one main topic for discussion by anyone who cares to do so. All emphasis in bold is mine. What I find incredulous as I go through them is that William believes this book of his is on par with the authority of the Bible because the prophesies were given to him by divine revelation. Here's the first quote. Page 450: From Yahweh, The Great I AM: Behold! I come to tell you of my two witnesses, my two candlesticks and my two olive trees and to give sight to the blind by revealing secrets that have been kept secret from the world in my wisdom, even so that you may know the surety of things to come and that the path to salvation may be made plain to all who read and have faith to obey these Words of The Everlasting Gospel.
  12. Shortly after his departure from GSC in March of last year, Goodbye!, OldSkool started a new online ministry called the Spirit of Prophecy. In his opening post on "Goodbye!," he shared his website which began with "Eyes up and Open." It no longer appears to be available online. However, "Eyes up and Open" has the following website which includes a list of all of his prophecies. The Little Book I have followed OldSkool off and on since then and find his claim questionable that he is receiving long prophesies from Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) which he reads in videos on Spirit of Prophecy and transcribes in his book The Little Book of Revelation. These prophesies are given in the first person on behalf of God and Jesus Christ (e.g., "Behold, I am Yahweh..."; "...the ways of Yahweh that you have learned of me, your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness, for so I am!"). The doctrine put forth in these prophesies are pretty extreme in my opinion. He does not believe in "once saved/always saved." He is adamant that the rapture (which will occur very soon according to him) is only for those faithful in Christ Jesus. As a result, you have comments on his videos such as "Surely, it's (the rapture) not far. Oh how I pray that it's immediate but my timing is not for anyone's benefit but mine. And that's if I'm found worthy." from Two Horns of a Lamb and "Thank you William , I am sitting here feeling the Holy Spirit unable to move praying I will be found worthy." from The Two Witnesses and Momentary Closure of Testimony. This particular prophecy was given within the last 24 hours and appears to be his last one according to one comment that was shared. I have not read The Two Witnesses and Momentary Closure of Testimony in Writing yet, but a particular comment on the video version was quite alarming in my opinion. It reads, "wow, such incredible revelation!! and congrats william. it doesn't get any better than hearing from YHWH Himself that you will be raptured. thank you for this, and all, the messages." It looks like that while some of his followers live with doubt as to whether they will be worthy to be raptured, God has given Brooks specific revelation that he will be. Seems a bit gnostic to me. Brooks (OldSkool) has over 3000 subscribers to his videos. Learning about his prophecies definitely bring back many negative feelings I had about believing in this god of the bible.
  13. Let's see - in this monumental announcement, the word of God is mentioned five times and vpw mentioned once and Jesus Christ - not at all. (It reminds me of the long GSC's "Absent Christ" thread.) Plus, the existence of the rightly-divided word of God and the ROA are again directly connected to one source - twi's founder vpw. It all seemed just as described above when I was involved back in the 70's and 80's while beneath the surface, all kinds of doctrinal errors and ugly practices were being kept hidden. There has been no similar monumental announcement from the new twi where they acknowledged all their past wrongdoings, apologized for it, made amends where amends were due and disclosed specific changes to prevent them from ever going down that path again. I think such cowardice in not doing so negates all the "greatness" they claim to have.
  14. 3 things stuck out for me: 1. Hearing "the rightly divided word" used twice reminds me of the "us vs them" bias I held against other Christians. 2. "...expressed by our Founder, Victor Paul Wierwille..." shows how they are lying to their followers' faces about who this man actually was. How corrupt of an organization is that? 3. "Make your plans now and diligently prepare so that nothing hinders your participation in this splendid occasion. Believe big to overcome any obstacles." (Underlining is mine) This is not an invitation but an command wrapped up in sugar-coated propaganda. It makes me wonder what the pressure will be like by every leader on the field to get their people to attend.
  15. Charity

    Happy new Year !

    On a more positive note, Happy New Years to everyone on GSC.
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