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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. There was no doubt that that phrase was used in TPB, but it could have been from other films. Anyway, "You talkin' to me?" George
  2. That's the one. Clint Eastwood is the oldest actor to receive top billing in a movie, at the age of 91 in 2021. He starred in Cry Macho. One site gives Maggie Smith as the oldest actress to receive top billing (81 YO in The Lady in the Van)., but I've also found June Squibb, who at 94 YO starred in Thelma. The citation doesn't use the term "top billing," "top billed," etc., so maybe she doesn't count. George
  3. Correct. The first quote is by the Joker. The second two are quips between Bruce Wayne and Alfred. George
  4. Not a bad guess, but this actor was older when he got his last top billing. (He's older than he looks, too; though he doesn't look young, by any means.) George
  5. It's the young boy thing that's really throwing me. I suspect that his name would make the answer obvious. George
  6. I know Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neal starred in a couple of movies in the 70s, but I don't think either got Best Picture. George
  7. Paper Moon? I'm sure if I saw a list of Best Picture winners from the 70s, I could figure it out, but I don't remember the winners from that long ago. George
  8. Who was the oldest actor to get top billing in a movie? He's pretty well-known. If you can tell me who the oldest ACTRESS was to get top billing in a movie, I'd be really impressed. I don't think I've ever heard of her. George
  9. I can picture him. I just don't remember his name. George
  10. Nope. I know I'll recognize the name, but I'm not getting it. George
  11. "Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just... *do* things." "The bandit, in the forest in Burma, did you catch him?" "Yes." "How?" "We burned the forest down." "I suppose they'll lock me up as well. As your accomplice..." "Accomplice? I'm going to tell them the whole thing was your idea!" George
  12. The show is probably Chico and the Man, and I can see the actor's face, but I don't remember his name. George
  13. George Clooney O Brother, Where Art Thou? John Goodman George
  14. Network "I feel the need -- the need for speed!" George
  15. Kevin Spacey The Usual Suspects Gabriel Byrne George
  16. Say "White House" in Spanish. Note that adjectives usually FOLLOW nouns in Romance languages, unlike in English. George
  17. Trading Places "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine" George
  18. I think it was Andrew Jackson. I'm not sure what was extraordinary about it. George
  19. From the way you worked in Joseph Bucket and then modified to Grandpa Joe Bucket, I infer that this is a key clue. I, however, am still clueless. George
  20. I'm not familiar with the song, so I have no idea who the artist is. George
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