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Human without the bean

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Human without the bean last won the day on September 6 2020

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About Human without the bean

  • Birthday November 9

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    Happy Valley
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    Coffee, good rock n' roll music from the British Invasion.

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  1. I would have used it, but it wasn't from a line or a quote from a movie. Christopher Walken does usually throw in a dance skit whether scripted or not into most of his films or guest appearances. I read he likes his privacy. He lives out in the country in Wilton, Connecticut. His wife lives in an New York apartment. He says the only people he sees are the garbage men. He doesn't use a computer or own a cell phone either. And, something else I did not know about him he has two different colored eyes or heterochromia, a blue eye and the other hazel.
  2. Well then, perhaps this line will help you come up with it. Now and again I get the feeling Well if I don't win, I'm a gonna break even Rescue me, should I go wrong If I dig too deep, if I stay too long
  3. Alright then. The first team to win the World Series in baseball were the Boston Americans playing a best of nine game series and winning five of those games to three over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Now FREE POST
  4. Now and again I get the feeling Well if I don't win, I'm a gonna break even Rescue me, should I go wrong If I dig too deep, if I stay too long
  5. I'm going to add another one which I forgot I wanted to. A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece. You know something, the whole thing, it's right here. I love this f*ckin' place. I know that sounds crazy. If anything happens, Mike, don't leave, don't leave me over there. You got, you gotta, hey, just don't leave me. You gotta promise me that, Mike. No, man, you gotta, you gotta promise, definitely. Sack, I've always liked you. So I put up with your stories about scallops and otters, and it's all good because you seem to make her happy and that's what matters to me most. But this is *her* decision. This watch. This watch was on your daddy’s wrist when he was shot down over Hanoi. He was captured, put in a Vietnamese prison camp. He knew if the gooks ever saw the watch it’d be confiscated, taken away. The way your dad looked at it, that watch was your birthright
  6. Talk about being 'WAY OFF', I was on the other side of the universe.
  7. A man can be an artist... in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasy's art is death. He's about to paint his masterpiece. You know something, the whole thing, it's right here. I love this f*ckin' place. I know that sounds crazy. If anything happens, Mike, don't leave, don't leave me over there. You got, you gotta, hey, just don't leave me. You gotta promise me that, Mike. No, man, you gotta, you gotta promise, definitely. Sack, I've always liked you. So I put up with your stories about scallops and otters, and it's all good because you seem to make her happy and that's what matters to me most. But this is *her* decision.
  8. Yes, considered the first rock and roll song played live on TV in Aug, 1955. He played "Rock Around The Clock".
  9. It's unanimous then. Bad Time ~Grand Funk Railroad
  10. I think I'm missing something? Is Topo Gigio's band a metaphor for something. I'm not getting it, but my source doesn't say anything about him (them) being the first rock band on Ed Sullivan. Who were they?
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