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Posts posted by SeaSprite

  1. YEA!!!!!!!!! :dance:

    sea sprite??? cute

    LOL. You're so cute! SeaSprite is part of my addy, but the last time I posted I used Sea. For some reason I couldn't post under my other addy, so I posted under this one.

    How ya doin'? I so sorry it's been so long since I've posted but with school and everything, time has a way of getting away from you.

    I'll try to post later on tonight when I have more time.

    Sea :wink2:

  2. Hello SEA are you there darling?

    Must be busy. Still waiting.............. :wave:

    Hi Bliss! Gosh, it's been almost a year now, hasn't it since I last posted! I'm sorry for being absent for so long, but life indeed does get in the way. I'm doing wonderfully and I promise I'll try to post the rest of my story as soon as possible. Hopefully this weekend.


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