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Posts posted by Wonder

  1. Hello.

    I have not posted in some time. My wife and I spent a year at the family ranch (1996). Wow that is so long ago. Anyway... to this day I thank God they kicked us out of corp.! We left the ministery shorly after LCM was kicked out. If I can help anyone out or answer any questions for anyone, please email me at wonder777_1999@yahoo.com.


  2. Well guess what. I went to church on Sunday! icon_eek.gif It was nice. They did a lot of singing abouth xmas and JC. My family had some fun. It was nice to be around some people who seemed to care and welcome us there. I think we will go back again next week. I will keep you all posted!


  3. Thank you all!!! I am amazed at how many people have read and responded to my post in less than 24 hours! Thank you all. I am printing this out and taking some time to read and reread what you have all told me.

    P.S. Thanks!

  4. Hi. I am new to posting but i have been around for a while. My wife and I left after Craig was booted. We did it all, TC, Corp, all but WOW or Way D. Anyway, we are having some thoughts about going back and here is why. We can not find any type of fellowship close to the truth. Anyones thought would be a great help.

    As many of you have, we gave our lives to this ministry. We lost many friends and family and we find ourselves alone sometimes. It sucks!

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