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Posts posted by Warren

  1. Does anyone know where Patti Hornung is these days? She got married but I can't remember her married name. She used to live in Penn.<BR><BR>gladtobeout

    what don't you call Billy Hornung at this number ... don't tell 'em who gave it to ya... xxx-xxx-xxxx

  2. Will miss you Freddie!!!! first it was Doug Sahm and his unique writing talents with the Texas Tornadoes, now you...Long Live Tex-Mex Music ... No Wasted Days and Wasted Nights here...for Freddie Fender...Is Augie Meyer still around...or who else .... anyone else know those fabulous Texas Tornadoes???? Huh??

  3. it's over ten years and the Way International is pretty much dead and should be buried, in a deep grave, never to be resurrected again. And forgotten about, like so many religions should be. also...Religions just make ya crazy, rather then allowing life to spring forth...and when ya continually talk about it, it just keeps it alive, I know that there is a period for this, but isn't the time over extended a little to much... To me it's getting sickening, evertime I wanta move on, someone even in my family bring it up...Let's here it from someone!!!! OK!!!

  4. I'm not trashing the U.S. Marines, but they need good leadership cause they are trained to follow and if not...........whew.... I vaguely remember that V.P. Wierwolf ... modeled the Way Corps after the Marine Corps....bad ... should have modeled them after "Mchales Navy" ... these guys knew how to survive!!! I was in the Navy and in a unit like McHales and we were like that where the "inmates" ran the show, thank God ... and the Big Brass were clueless ... that is why the fiasco in Iraq ... the Big Brass are clueless, not providing sufficient leadership, and leave the little guys to fend for themselves and be put in harms way. A good movie to watch is "Animal Factory" with Willem Dafoe, Mickey Rourke ... the inmates are running the show!! it's amazing, course my favorite part is the part Mickey Rourke plays as a transexual, he's amazing, great actor .... versatile, too!!!

  5. :evilshades: he was pretty smart, if ya got the message, ya got the $$$$$$$$ bucks, smackers, let's face it; RELIGION SELLS!! BIG BUCKS!!! being a CEO for ABDICK is to chancey, if ya can't move THEIR products your OUT!!! somethings in religion can be hard to prove, right or wrong...evidence is scanty, or been destroy already by the Roman Catholic Church... good business to get into, but ya gotta be smart and devious...or just devious....Ha! Ha!
  6. Even if they made a public apology, I wouldn't get involved with the Way International ever again or until Hell freezes over or until the Chicago Cubs get on a Real Winnning streak, whichever comes first, and that'll not happen so I wouldn't have to worry ... it was nothing but one BIG clique anyway the same kind I went to High School with in my home town ... maybe I'd go to the Rock in drag ... ha, ah....what a rush!!!

  7. country western star, inovator, he took me through High School in the 60's, so I missed the "hippy" times because I went directly from High School into the "useless" military because of "Vietnam" another "useless war to kill under privileged American citizens that could NOT afford ways of getting out of it....or couldn't to leave and go to Canada, .... history repeats itself if we are to asleep and LET it ... we're in another "useless" war for the "Rich & Famous" to kill the rest of us over keeping their lifestyle intact...so "they" can keep gulping "gas" while the rest of us can't afford it...WAKE UP!!! AMERICA!!! We're the BACKBONE of America... as soon as the BACKBONE wakes up, then we'll see some changes....but, till then just remain asleep in your "pews" and let it go by, in your American Brand of "Christianity" ... Religion....Karl Marx is purported to have stated that Religious is the OPIATE of the People....stay dossle and ASLEEP and let 'em take our land .... sorry, using your death as a soap box...but where else to .... you started something, and I might, too ... so great that ... Dwight Yoakum of Paintsville, KY tributed and imitated you .... R.I.P.

  8. who is Anthony Burger, the best, finished, most tallented piano player in Southern Gospel music, could play the grand piano while laying on stomach ... he played with the Kingsmen Quartet, "the ton of fun" with Big Jim Hamil & Eldredge Fox...Ray Dean Reese, Bass singer... Anthony Burger was 44 years old , and was on stage at a Bill Gaither Homecoming cruise.... at the piano at the time of an apparent heart attack ...

    the closest the Way Ministry came to Southern Gospel was "The Victors" which sounded remarkeablely like the Suwannee River Boys that V.P wanted them to sound like ... this was music...not the multitute of "lame" junk that was pawned off on Way followers .... like Branded and so much more .... etc... etc.

    When I got around the Southern Gospel Music crowd this was fun, I did a radio show featuring this music in Indiana .... it is thrilling and awe inspiring music .... Anthony Burger will be sorely missing ... And Bill Gaither is awesome in keeping this artform alive today .... look him up on the internet .... Thanks!!!

  9. 12/11/05 8 AM California ... you'll be sorely missed Bro' see ya in heaven!!! who cares if you were vile, and used the F Word ... you broke new ground and woke some up...Religious people and Christians should have listened to you and learned, but they might not because of your language, to bad for them, huh? your in a league of your own, to bad social commentators like you and George Carlin and Bill Hicks have to be so angry in America, I'm glad for Margaret Cho and God bless her and let her keep her edge and sharp witted... the language doesn't matter, as long as the message gets out... i would also rather live in a land where it's gay friend then legalistic and religious, Jesus would like it that way, too!!! long live Gays and lesbians and TGs...Watch ... Priscilla the queen of the desert , again, please.....love to all!!! :dance::dance:

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