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Posts posted by houseisarockin

  1. Hey girlfriends, can I ask a few questions?

    Have you removed Craig's picture from your homes?

    Did you remove all reminders of a daddy that Dorothy Grace adores?

    Or is he dead to her like you make other peoples x-twi family members be to them?

    What do you tell the precious thing when she looks you both in the eyes and asks about her daddy?

    Or does it not matter since he is no longer family anymore?

    Did you struggle with what name to retain as your last Donna?

    Do you sleep at night Fox?

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Mr. Hammeroni:

    At the question and answer period, someone could ask what the true meaning is of "to be a rock and not to roll".

    Do you want that to include the literal according to usage?

    Ouch! That makes my brain hurt!


  3. The exchange between Belle, Mr. Ham and bliss is pretty much truth isn't it.

    Belle your words about obedient are also pretty true aren't they? Because we found it easier to stop bucking the system, at least that way we had a moments rest. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

    And Mr. Ham your line: I can see it now.. dim lights, a frisky confused voice..

    Well it's just plain funny it is. I mean you can go more than one place with that. icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    And bliss welcome to you! You fit in very well here if you hadn't noticed yet. wave.gif:wave:-->

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by grasshopper:

    ...rosie munchmybark.


    Originally posted by Belle:

    Thanks, House! I don't miss getting that every other month.

    You're welcome I think. wink2.gif;)-->

    Originally posted by JustThinking:

    I wonder what Adam read....

    Different administration so it doesn't apply. wink2.gif;)-->


  5. Nope, wasn't just you. The balance of the magazine seems to fall into your description for the most part.

    The biggest difference I've noticed is how the website is mentioned. To have printed it on the back of their T-Shirt is something they'd of called insane not too many years ago.

  6. I haven't the time to get into this magazine but I sped read the first article and I must make mention of this quickly. He did an excellent job of the article truth be told. Its focus was the building of being able to read the Bible more clearly. He got into the Reformation in some detail. There was a fair amount on Charlemagne's role. What I experienced was an instant OMG how subtle was that. And then onto the remainder of the article to find that not mentioned again. Yet if you read this paragraph alone...well read it for yourselves:

    When Ye Read

    R*ndy G*nn

    Have you ever thought about how different your life would be spiritually if you couldn't read? Did you know that the knowledge of how to read was at one time almost lost? But God has met the needs of disciples in our day and time by preserving the knowledge of how to read and making this education available in a widespread way throughout the world. God has worked mightily to provide us with the text of the Bible, the education in how to read, and a ministry to teach us how to build our Biblical understanding when we do read the Bible.

    (in closing)

    I don't know this man personally so don't know his story of new birth but he never claimed he was brought to God in the text; rather it was an aid to growth. I felt that to be the most honest. This question above of which I felt was quite subtle would be more twi-bod-heads input.

    As for my questions to them how could we have become born again even if blindly making our way through life (In Your Opinion) if the knowledge of how to read it was all but lost leading up to the snowfall? Don't reply in your minds that I'm limiting your statement of all but lost implying we have the understanding of born again grandfathered in at birth. You teach your folks sound doctrine, I've never disputed that but you include leading statements meant to keep them mentally dependent upon you for their son-ship. What have you encouraged in them then? It's your party! I'm certainly thankful I found thinking regains when you step outside your walls.

    © TWI

  7. Anything I say to you will be preaching to the choir on how they approach the topic of debt. wink2.gif;)-->

    How easily you can be caught up in the words sufficiency on God and neglect common sense. As if having financial prudence was contrary to agreeing God is a source of sufficiency. They seem to think He cares if we have a mortgage versus a rent payment each month.

  8. New items include:

    Note Cards for children

    Note Cards on Psalms 119

    T-Shirt with "P*evail" in the front and "B*ild Your Biblical Understanding" in the back with their website.

    Given to each HFC this past Dec was a "special gift" of a round blue pin trimmed in gold with an open Bible on top of leaves that go up either side. The W*rd of God is The W*ll of God written on the open Bible. It was called an expression of love.


    When Ye Read... R*ndy G*nn

    Followers of the W*y, the Lord Jesus Christ... J*hn C*elar

    Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone... D*rin S*nd

    Strengthened in the Lord... F*ank S*aley

    Making God's Rest a Reality... T*acy P*ewett

    Sunday Highlights

    Teachers included:

    M*rcia L*mbardi

    N*k M*xson

    J*hn R*pp

    J*seph W*en

    S*eve L*ngley

    D*vid C*avoustie

    R*ger M*ttler

    B*ll C*yle

    J*e C*ulter

    M*rcia G*een

    B*ll G*een

    In-rez Report

    In Jan they did their second L*AD activity of the year. They carried packs full of necessities, utilized snowshoes, hiked G*nnison National Forest. Each learned how to set up a snow shelter.

    In March they took a new class "B*blical Prosperity Seminar" where the prosperous book was foundational. One in-rez said they were more convinced to live within their means. And teach how to live debt free and rely on God's sufficiency.


    Bible interprets itself in the verse... J*e C*ulter

    © TWI

  9. quote:
    Originally posted by Long Gone:

    I appreciate the clarification, such as it is, houseisarockin. I'd have appreciated a direct response even more.

    I think you're correct, I'll not repeat it towards you.

  10. quote:


    Jesus was a physical guy. So what did he mean by "faith?" What did he mean by "believing?" Can they even be defined, or only perceived, apprehended, experienced? More importantly, to this thread, why did they work for him in this physical world of effect?


    Positive thinking has been proven with or without the Word in the equation.

    Long Gone:

    Positive thinking has been proven to do what? Engender the sorts of miraculous healings the Bible attributes to Jesus? If so, then where can I go to read documented case studies?


    Positive thinking does modify behavior. I don't see where anything else was indicated.

    Long Gone:

    I do. House's statement was in reply to your question about faith (or "believing") working for Jesus "in this physical world of effect." In the Bible, Jesus didn't primarily relate faith to behavioral changes, but to manifestations of spiritual power (miracles) in the physical world.

    The works of Jesus Christ far exceeded just the mentioned miracles and such. He faced every thought with one of absence of negatives. God didn't need to shoot him the juice for daily impacts he no doubt made.

  11. quote:
    Originally posted by satori001:

    Originally posted by houseisarockin:So if what I am experiencing is a part of my past actions then if I change my actions this very moment it will catch up with me in time...Yes?

    You've answered your own question.

    In a cause and effect world, every action will cause a reaction.

    The difficulty people have is with the idea of "cause," or free-will choices in a world of effect, this physical world where everything has a prior cause. If our choices are part of the physical world, they too have a prior cause. They aren't "free," then, are they?

    Which came first the chicken or the egg? The initial free will choice started it out IMO. I wasn't before I was conceived. Then I was old enough to pick up a rattle and I started in on my free will. Thus beginning this journey of "cause and effect" IMO.

    Everything is the effect of a prior cause, except where spirit intervenes.

    I think spirit intervenes all the time, and there is plenty of evidence in our own lives to assure us of that.

    We can't prove it to one another, only to ourselves, by observation. "Proof" may be too strong a word though. "Affirm" may be more realistic, more reasonable.

    I barely keep up with what I can affirm much less the spiritual of which I am a limited participant in. But a participant of choosing (free will) to become a son of God. Nah, not ego just fact IMO.

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by satori001:

    Jesus was a physical guy. So what did he mean by "faith?" What did he mean by "believing?" Can they even be defined, or only perceived, apprehended, experienced? More importantly, to this thread, why did they work for him in this physical world of effect?

    Positive thinking has been proven with or without the Word in the equation.

    (If the accounts are true.)


    "So where did this idea of "free will" come from? How did it get into our software?

    That's where spirit comes in. We don't know what it is because our processors can't process anything original. Spirit exists beyond the machinery of our mental and physical existence. This is why we can try, try, try to make spirit do our bidding, we just can't. The effect cannot dictate to its own cause. Can it? How could the physical world command the spirit? Ridiculous. Even our little processor/brains can get that.


    Is dogma what's required, anyway? Or is it something else that is lacking?

    If believing is not so reliable, maybe it's not God, or us, but our understanding of what the bible is saying.

    In other words, maybe we are following the directions perfectly, but the directions are wrong.

    Excellent understanding, even for you Satori!

    So if what I am experiencing is a part of my past actions then if I change my actions this very moment it will catch up with me in time...Yes?

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