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Dana R

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Posts posted by Dana R

  1. Thank you Howard for your kind remarks.

    I think the point of Momentus training that is mised here is personal responsibility and accountibility. That is why there is a need for "hold harmless documents" - primarily to get the person to take responsibility for their own decision in the matter.

    I find that is a primary need in therapy. Many folks simply want to blame others for their outcome and they miss their own opportunity to be and do what they want and need to do in life. It's sad but if you read some Greasespot posts with this in mind, you might see a tendancy to blame others for life situations. Momentus could help a person see their own ability to change the life they have been living for the better (only if the person is willing, of course).


  2. Soul = heart, emotions, intellect, feelings, basically the "what makes you, you". Our spirit can be holy and we can have eternal life but we can "work out our salvation" (wholeness) in the soul realm. We can "bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" and we can bring our soul in line with our spirit. It is interesting in the Breakthrough training to see so many examples of the difference between what we think we are about, and what we really manifest in the soul realm.

    When marriage counseling this might be the difference between our stated values and our "familiars" from childhood (which we invariably live to some degree).

    Hi Howard! Did you get my reply? I'm a first timer at that and am not sure how it went through. I will email privately when I get time or call when I have some chatting space. Sounds like you are busy with kids?


  3. Momentus is still alive and well and is not necessarily connected with CES or John Lynn. The ministry is called Christian Character Development and the trainings they offer are really quite good (if you are willing to look at what you say you stand for and/or what you are actually giving off to others). there is a training called Discovery and another called Breakthrough. They have a marriage training called One Accord and one for teens called (I think) the Gap. I took the Momentus training called Breakthrough last Winter in MI. As far as I knew there were no other ex-Way folks there and that suited me just fine! Speaking as a practicing therapist (mental health), it was a great experience and very healthy. As an ex-Way person I would caution most to stay away as most ex-Way I have encountered really don't understand soul life and how it differs from their spiritual life. It has the possibility to change one from victim orientation to victor but you have to be prepared for change and willing to "put yourself out there" more than most are used to. I would recommend it for all who would like the opportunity to think differently about themselves and break free from self defeating ruts.


  4. Our favorite female chiropractor is alive and well and living in Indianapolis, but she has suffered a health scare recently and is in need of your prayers for a total recovery. Please pray that Shirley can have viotory in Christ Jesus and be able to receive some of the love she has freely given to others over the years. God bless you all!

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