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Posts posted by Franko

  1. Not every having been in "The Way" I cannot speak to the specifics of this woman's case but I was concerned about the linking of losing ones indentity with being a SAHM.

    Any time you are involved in a relationship you necessarily give up something else. This is especially true of marriage and parenthood. When my wife and I married we discussed this issue and she chose to stay home. She gave up her corporate identity and chose what she belived to be a more important identity. We both believe that this has been beneficial to our children for many reasons.

    As a husband and father I also have changed my identity. I no longer can justify playing on the company softball team, going on twenty mile bicyle rides two or three evenings a week. I specifically limit my career at work to spend more time with my family. I don't go to bars with friends anymore and my most recent weekend outing was cabin camping with my son's Cub Scout Pack in a blizzard.

    I know my wife is frustrated at times by this identity she chose and as the kids have grown she is looking to change again. Maybe the big difference for her is that she at least had a say in the initial decision and certainly has a say now. But both of us are still limited by our commitment to each otherand our children, but the benefits of that commitment out weigh those limitations.

    Maybe one solution to your friends problem is to embrace the SAHM part to offset the other issues induced by TWI. Possibly this would allow her to hold onto something meaningful while she waits and works on the other issues.

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