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Posts posted by tinytim

  1. most rules are made for a reason, to keep people safe.

    you get to the traffic light and it's red, it's late at night and no ones around so you run it. this happens night after night on the way home from work. 3 weeks nothing happens. 4 weeks nothing happens. 2 months and still nothing has happened.

    one night you get to the traffic signal and look all ways, nothing. you pull out and run over a 12 yr old boy you didn't see on the side of the road. his mother is sitting in a car down the road and he has gone to get help because their car broke down. mom is in a wheel chair, thats why he went alone. she sits and waits but the only sign of life is an emergency vehicle that flys past. her heart sinks when she hears the siren stop not to far from where she sits and waits for her only child. but he's dead because you didn't follow that one rule that time. was it to much to sit and wait the 1 to 2 mins it takes for the light to cycle?

    a personal concert tip:

    pay 35.00 for some binoculars and get cheap seats. you'll have more fun and not be complaining the next day.

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