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Claude Davy

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Posts posted by Claude Davy

  1. Thank God for VPW!!! Yes after his death, I discovered more indepth details about what he has taught all of us. All in all, regardless of some errors, he was brave enough to teach us more fundamental details in research and if you listen carefully to him, Alot of individuals who got hurt would have not been victims of misquided so called brothers and sisters of Christ. The comfort of being born again and the knowledge he taught us freed many of us from alot od Dogma Doctrine that would have eventually lead our minds into a religious type slavery!! Was he perfect??!!! Don't be a complete moron!!! He had frailties like all of do, some worsed than others. Does that mean we should throw away everything based on his character flaws??? Logically that would be very stupid. He taught alot of us to think for ourselves, challenge everything regardless of whom its coming from. Many have forgotton that teaching and by their own error they got lead astray into harmful manipulative selfserving causes that had nothing to do with what VPW stood for. Alot of you know this , but not enough tell it. Make the word of God your own and be thankful that someone broke out of the traditional mold to teach us how to do it ourselves.

    The work is in your hands now, Do something with it constructive

    Again, Thankyou to the Family of VPW and all they sacrificed to help those who trully needed it, We are forever in your debt.

    P.S .. And for those who saught to harm us and our love ones, to only take advantage of our kindness for their own selfserving sick means...You will recieve the fullness of what Father has set to your charge. May God set forth the punishment before we do, for we are not so forgiving when measuring out the correct balance due you. :realmad: Goodbye and Goodluck!

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