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Posts posted by watersedge

  1. if you being a non-celeb were to pass away

    would the press cover "your" passing?

    each soul is a special thing

    your soul is worthy of news coverage

    but only if you are news-worthy

    in the end, she leaves behind an infant

    wether through selfish thought

    or a distressed heart

    and her infant is the important part

    of this sordid twist


    something one gives, for honor is a gift

    it comes from the soul

    and can't be used

    many, and maybe far to many times

    honor shows itself as a weakness

    yet the strength of honor is true

    when honor, from the human heart is given,

    honor will prevail

    because human frailty fails

    honor stays the same

    and honor holds true

    good or bad, honor holds

    and honor is true

  2. it really never matters to me when or if my thoughts get posted

    my thoughts are mine as well as all who post here

    these are for the most part opinions

    based in fact or not

    entitled to those that post or leave them to be posted

    my point is two-fold

    when i "leave" a post, thought or opinion

    is it at the board's discretion to place or hold

    that post?

    all of my posts are "monitered"

    yet some may or can post freely

    without restriction

    to be placed in a "bubble" of restricted

    is the same as saying "drown"

    we will only let through what "we" want

    this is greasespot's board

    and i can and will respect that

    please don't tie my mouth

    or my heart

    thanks for letting me say this

  3. i live with someone and i like the way we live

    she has her own life and so it goes

    my better half doesnt harp on me about my life

    and neither do i about hers

    if we do decide to talk about the past

    it is civil and short

    thank god for that

    she gets along with my cat

    and i really like her dog

    when we get into a fuss

    we both shut up and go ouside

    she watches the sunset and so do i

    maybe from a different perspectve

    yet we do see the same event

    i did ask her to marry me awhile back

    and she said no

    it could have been a rejection

    yet i treated it as a statement of belief

    we are not in love with one another

    that may or may not happen

    but she knows me and i know her

    and thats fine enough

    living together or married

    my commitment is the same

  4. To answer a question, yes i was ahippie and know a few were (are)

    to be straight my hippie heart is still in me

    though baldness has taken over the hair part

    i wore the bells and the sandals

    the leather wrist bands and head bands

    and the beads

    no one back then "played games" as much as some do now

    by games i mean finger-pointing accusations that are foundless

    this was done to an employee of mine

    in front of his wife and 13 year old child

    by a goth dressed girl who wanted to "p**s off" her hat-wearing backwards boy friend

    for a fight between the two of them

    the cops got invovled, my employee was detained, embarrassed in front of co_workers

    the community, and his family etc.

    all because a goth nut wanted to hurt her boyfriend

    there are way too many details to post here right now

    but my employee was accussed falsley, and he has to pay the price

    of out of control teens fabricating lies

    hippies didn't do that, back in the day

    nor do normal people do now

    i guess responsibilty of action falls upon the shoulders

    of others, not the one who starts the action

  5. i never thought that life would take the turns that are happening now

    dis-obedience, dis-respect, total "dis" this and that

    the backwards hats

    and falling down pants

    where did this start



    is this now our culture?

    for me i cannot accept this

    yet i see that this beviour is


    and tolerated

    if any wants "goth"

    see the result

    it"s in the behaviour

    of those who don't care

    and i just talked to a goth neighbor

    he read the start of this thread

    will he change?

    no way to answer that question

    but her hat was on straight

    maybe there is hope

  6. Posted Today, 08:46 PM

    ""I believe that is coming out of her deep woundedness..."

    So how come Karen is allowed

    To have deep woundedness and yet people at GS are victims and whiners.....

    these are your statements, Dot

    here are mine:

    honestly, fear drives the motive"s" and "it" has the steering wheel

    in truth we all have been wounded

    and that's a fact

    claiming "wounding" is a coward's way out of conflict

    when the cock crowed, it was the "nell"

    3 times sealed the deal

    God begins in heart and ends in heart

    not in quotes of wounding

    from where i sit god always looks

    upon all with a smile

    and he gave his son

    that's all i need to keep breathing

    wounded or not

  7. here's mine...............

    laugh away laugh

    Your Language Arts Grade: 64%

    You only annoy your more literate friends about half the time. Remember, what you do affects those younger than you. Now, figure out your homophones.

    try next time

    was that spelt curect?

  8. What i posted on the 28th follows:

    " can someone (anyone) show me from the bible that personal prophecy

    is in god's plan?

    since when did a prophet or prophetess gain that ability?

    if it's there please show me

    i need (appended) to blow out my candles and do laundry

    go shopping and gas up..........please tell me

    wow a pocket prophet for each soul

    what a concept, tell me and i will do it

    sounds almost like "tom-tom"

    a spiritual navigation system

    totally commited to each soul's "benefit"

    do they sell for $$$ or sense? "

    is there any change or will there be?

    Van halen has a chance to "hook up"

    long before CES

    sorry for the caps

  9. can someone (anyone) show me from the bible that personal prophecy

    is in god's plan?

    since when did a prophet or prophetess gain that ability?

    if it's there please show me

    i need when to blow out my candles and do laundry

    go shopping and gas up..........please tell me

    wow a pocket prophet for each soul

    what a concept, tell me and i will do it

    sounds almost like "tom-tom"

    a spiritual navigation system

    totally commited to each soul's "benefit"

    do they sell for $$$ or sense?

  10. I guess william clinton should not be "questioned" about his pardon powers?

    President Ford was the only vice-president and president ever to sit in those offices

    without an election

    appointed to vp in '73 to succeed spiro agnew

    given the presidency in '74 after nixon's resignation

    he served, whether i supported it or not

    and he served with decency

    thanks president ford, god bless you and your family

  11. has anything changed from the "big five questions" since the beginning?

    is it still the same circle of queries without answers

    or has time evolved enough that no clear answer emerges

    to a single querie, perhaps just a montage of "suggetions" to the same question?

    war sucks either foregein or domestic

    sickness stinks either foregein or domestic

    hatred hurts either foregein or domestic

    pain steals life either foregein or domestic

    being broke, homeless, without means of support, sick

    sucks, having no hope sucks

    has anything changed from the "big five questions" since the beginning?

    life has "its" function, and then there is life

    life that we all breathe

    hope in

    pray for

    life that fulfills

    that life is in me and you

    it is christ

    no more asking, no more questions

    a gift given by a benefactor, without question

    a gift borne of love, of freedom

    no more do i ask

  12. stupid people............do you really mean this Dot?

    maybe ignorant, blind or blind or blind

    stupid is as stupid is

    as far as the eye can see stupid reigns

    perhaps "intelligent challenged" may be a better description

    just cause i don't see things a certain way

    does that make me stupis? stupid that is

    are animals more important than a human soul?

    when and if anyone hurts an animal they hurt all life

    and i am a pet owner

    god forbid when a human soul is laid to waste

    let the sentence begin for years to come

  13. "The truth is we are losing this war because the Way Ministry is destroying lives faster than we can work to give then the med’s of hope that there is life outside the Way Ministry.

    So we can not stop holding this hill the “Grease Spot Café” until the Way Ministry has fallen and is no more."

    my thoughts only:

    truth is "hills" are held with courage, gut determination to stand agaisnt all who would take the hill

    no matter the price, no matter the cost

    out-numbered and with reinforcement days away

    the way? who or what are they? a group of a few who hold terror over the members? and really can't do that very well?

    perhaps the better question is "why is greasespot here?

    from my perspective, it (being greasespot) has been and continues to be an avenue of release from pain,

    no matter how large or small the complaint may be

    thus greasespot serves a greater endeavour than some may percieve

    for to assist in alleaviating human suffering is a great endeavour indeed

    as far as i can see the only "war" being lost is one of words

    and the pen is still mightier than the sword

    the way has a butter knife

    Score as follows:



  14. forgiveness, to me is as others have amply stated, freely given by the giver alone and in no way be construed as an order to "do so or else" by any higher power god or man included...

    a gift is given out of heart, not coercion

    my interpretation of the 7 X 70 is what jesus said was "his standard" to follow, and freely his choice

    and if any followed that option was ok and any that did't was equally ok. his salvation of my soul is not dependant upon the "numbers" i produce or the ones i reach out to. it is my personal relation with him

    and how i decide to live the life i was given that counts.

    if i want to, if i decide to, i will forgive and move on in life's harmony

    i will not be told to do so because so and so said to do it

    if my choice is not to forgive, then i will choose and still move on in life's harmony

    in the end i will stand before the almighty, alone

    to answer for the things i did right and the things i did wrong

    and when the final score is tallied, my wrongs will far out-distance my rights

    after all, as a human i was born dead and full of sin

    then it is up to god and his choice

    maybe that's why he sent a saviour

  15. "It's a bit more complicated than that. There's an appeals process that's something like three months. The hearers of the appeal, once they decide to take it up, can take forever to debate it. Once they make their decision, assuming they uphold the sentence, that's when the 30 days kicks in."

    as rafael has written, that is how the the laws are stated in iraq. the appeal judges could (9) as i understand could uphold or overturn and there are no time constrictions as to the the decision

    even saddam is due to the rule of "humanized" process

    and the above mentioned verdict was rendered for infractions from 1982

  16. i am moderated for my posts here, and if this makes it to the board, woohoo

    who has any right to restrict free speech? if you( not you jl) can host an "open forun" how do

    you dictate the content?

    "I am not going to restrict the open board. Nor am I asking that anyone follow the mission. I was merely showing you what I use to make decisions. I rarely interfere with any threads in the open forum. This particular one was considered offensive by members of this community. We looked at it and agreed that it fell into a category of offending people"

    these are your words

    and if i say poof and it hurts somones feelings is that grounds for restriction?

    jl said sorry what more do you want? to me it is time to get over trivial garbage.

  17. sorry safari but i've never been to hawaii, and i do not know you

    but you seem to feel compelled to label me as you freely wish

    that's fine with me and label me as you will

    call me anything you desire

    i do not know you or anything you talk about

    but at least i know not to deal with an accuser

    that has a propensity to hand out fiery pants

  18. they just executed a fellow here in florida tonight. he killed 5 young people

    he was on death row for years at tax payer expense

    i do agree with sudo on due caution before anyone is put to death

    find out all info prior to the execution and the make the choice

    yet if the evidence is clear and stands up to scrutiny, fry the a@# who stole life from another human being

    an eye for an eye is good enough for me

  19. Thank you for the reply, SUDO, you are entitled to your own opinion and give you full respect for that

    may i ask this? wise to what? who i have been told i am, or who i am?

    accusations are a funny thing, not funny ha ha

    and the ramifications can be devastaing

    is it within the realm of an ex way person or persons to label anyone they wish

    mark and avoid if you will?

    isn't that one of the more hurtfull implemantations of policy that led to the downfall

    of the way?

    lock box? when it came to sex with young ladies for futherance of position or status?

    these are word that i have read from this site.

    my story from last night reflects something that really happened and i am called a "liar"

    call me what you will at least you said what is in your heart

  20. WAYSIDER here's the full context:

    "me, fearful of a confrontation, walked away

    shame on me, and shame on my heart

    i shoulda done different

    tonight i really think i cannot walk my life in fear anymore

    i learned that fear is a shackle, chains will no longer bind me

    my fear stopped me from doing right

    my fear cannot nor will be any reason not to stand for truth

    jesus is truth and my soul tells me he is my saviour

    and he saved me to help others"

    ps luv the horns u gave me

  21. wasn't sure if there would be a reply to this post

    WG i went back to the store this morning on my way to work and did speak to the manager and was told she would check out my complaint. the gentleman pushed the premium button on a cc purchase and didn't know how to get back to regular. i buy gas by cash and couldn't help so he went in and asked for assistance. thats when this "lady" called him all kind of names. the manager did follow up and the "lady" has been terminated from her job position. she had previous problems with others

    thanks for the advice

    SUDO i've shopped at this store for years and the staff changes on a regular basis. this particular clerk was a recent hire and according to the store manager she has had other and similar run-ins with patrons.

    it may seem far fetched to you but i have rarely been at this store at night, so i have never seen this "lady" before last evening. the morning crew is always pleasant and that is what i am used to, as that is when my visits occur. thanks for your input

    SAFARI VISTA if you want to call me a liar feel free to. were you there? did you see or hear what transpired? or is assumption on your part the rule of life? i don't know you, but if it makes you feel good to rag me, have at it

    "my fear stopped me from doing right me, fearful of a confrontation, walked away

    shame on me, and shame on my heart"

    that's what i said and that's the truth

  22. a clerk at a 7/11 store i stopped at tonight be-rated and belittled an eldery man because he "pushed"

    the wrong button on the automated gas pump. she called him a dumbass as well as a f>?k a$$

    this "lady" further went on to say that "old f#4ks don't know what they are doing" that "they are a waste of time"

    i suppose that must be true, cause a child told an adult of his worthlessness

    me, fearful of a confrontation, walked away

    shame on me, and shame on my heart

    i shoulda done different

    tonight i really think i cannot walk my life in fear anymore

    i learned that fear is a shackle, chains will no longer bind me

    my fear stopped me from doing right

    my fear cannot nor will be any reason not to stand for truth

    jesus is truth and my soul tells me he is my saviour

    and he saved me to help others

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