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Mr. Ed

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Posts posted by Mr. Ed

  1. in addition to the Prophetic Council (picture the Jedi Knight roundtable?) there had also been an imposition of extra-biblical standards and requirements from some camps. i say that this too was elevated above the standard of the word, because it was made equivalent to the word. things like momentus (call it whatever you want - it was still momentus), 12 steps, counseling, group therapy, often in alignment to what MG was having to study in school.

    these things were being incorporated into many areas and the buzz was that they would be 'required' for ordination and leadership positions. also people that completed them walked away with false authority 'over' others when they became 'group leaders' for the next program - like they could judge which programs YOU needed to be in because they now had some more earthly knowledge (gnosis). you could see this filling some empty hole left in a heart by insecurity or a feeling of having sqandered so many years in TWI and not having a career or completed an educational program. danger will robinson.

    the continued justification for these programs that i had heard were the 'strong results.' i object. anthony robbins can charge $50,000 for an evening and get a group of realestate developers from florida to walk on hot coals, speak up boldy in negotiations, and leave their spouse for the 'right relationship.' they all think they got some serious results too but it doesn't have anything to do with the Bible. the grand results that the world will settle for cannot be compared to what God offers through Christ.

    the sides of this programatic approach seemed to be primarily divided along the same lines as the board split. several of those who appear to be the prevailing 'post-vote' board members have already spoken against the elevation of programs over a bible based standard. considering that some people regularly going to 12 step meetings can report that speakers often speak against christianity as 'not ever helping them' i can only hope this 'counsel' gets reappraised.

    real deliverence comes through Jesus.

    AMEN & AMEN...THIS WAS WORTH REPEATING!! Very perceptive...if you haven't already, you may want to read the book Elizabeth suggested "Christian Psycology War on God's Word" .... It's become mainstream and accepted as truth when in fact it is half truth (which is no truth), it's a great expose, it helps reveal the deceptive lies and their subtlety. Definitely a good read!
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