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Posts posted by undone

  1. And don't say Jesus didn't have qualifications. "This is my beloved son, hear ye HIM".

    quote: Mr. Hammeroni

    Jesus was a Rabbi.

    He had all the qualifications of the job, which meant he did the work, and had the equivalent of

    Certification at the time.

    quote: Wordwolf

    I think you missed my point if you thought I was talking about Jesus's qualifications. I was referring to

    the nay sayers that questioned his qualifications. :asdf:

  2. Those in authority often don't have qualifications, credentials. Or few, or the wrong ones, to run an organization, to counsel PEOPLE.

    Quote by Mr. Hammeroni

    As for qualifications:

    When Jesus finished telling these stories, he left there, returned to his hometown, and gave a lecture in the meetinghouse. He made a real hit, impressing everyone. "We had no idea he was this good!" they said. "How did he get so wise, get such ability?" But in the next breath they were cutting him down: "We've known him since he was a kid; he's the carpenter's son. We know his mother, Mary. We know his brothers James and Joseph, Simon and Judas. All his sisters live here. Who does he think he is?" They got their noses all out of joint.

    Matthew 13:53-57 The Message

  3. Quote: Rascal

    Hey undone, why are you offended with folks here? Is it because we talk about what these people did to us?

    It sometimes feels like folks get more angry at us for telling what happened than the perpetrators who assaulted us.

    I don`t understand why the people who merely report the abuse are treated with such venom and and accusations, while love and respect are reserved for the perpetrators of the evil....sigh

    Your mad at the wrong guys people.


    Sorry if you thought I was treating you or anyone with venom. IMO and in my observation I

    feel there is sometimes a personal attack on some who offer a different opinion. I can see a little of

    EP's heart in his post's. I don't necessarily agree with all of them but I do believe he has a pure heart.

    I just thought I'd send him an "atta boy" to maybe brighten his day. Not looking for a fight.

    PS For any and all who have been hurt by twi and/or ces/stf I pray that your hearts will be mended and

    for some that you can learn to trust again. Bless you all....... :love3:

  4. Oh, heck, who's surprised? We've seen it demonstrated right on this thread.

    People have popped in out of nowhere to attack any dissent,

    and NOT with reasoned discussion, most of them....] (Quote Wordwolf)

    Parting thought before the dissent:

    A stitch in time saves nine

    THREAD LIGHTLY..............


    U. Done


  5. Wow Hammeroni,

    Literally. I said, "you're not giving yourself just a LITTLE too much credit here, are you?" (Hammeroni quote)

    Did I give myself too much credit? for what? I just wonder why it bothers you so much that not everyone had

    a bad experience with Momentous/Breakthrough/Vision Quest. Maybe you should consult your pillow on that

    one. Just a thought.

  6. Dear Hammeroni,

    Sorry your experience with Momentous wasn't a good one. I guess it goes with the saying that you can

    only please some of the people some of the time, half of the people half of the time, but not all of the people

    all of the time (or something like that). What is awesome about that is that we are all uniquely different

    and experience life in different ways. How boring would it be if we were all the same. The one common

    denominator in our lives that can bind us together is the Christ in us, how cool is that?


  7. Quote: Mr. Hammeroni

    I think it is a myth, that change has to be uncomfortable. "some change implies lack of comfort" is not equivalent to "I suffered discomfort, therefore I experienced change."

    Quote: Undone

    But transformation isn't always pleasant, ask the butterfly.

    Sorry if you thought I meant it was always uncomfortable. But I hope you can agree that sometimes

    the things we learn a lot from in our lives have not always been comfortable.

  8. [b]Quote Caribousam

    "If anyone here besides myself in GS Land has actual experience in a training - Momentus, Vision Quest, or Breakthrough - I would like to hear about it. It's good to have hard data about experiences in the training. Sometimes the web and blogsphere blabber isn't a great representative of reality."

    Hey Caribousam,

    Just came back from a Discovery Seminar. It was awesome. Did Breakthrough last year and I think I liked the Discovery better although both were great. My family went together and it has made a big difference in our relationship to each other. We are more open and willing to have the hard conversations that are sometimes needed, especial in a family. In both Discovery and Breakthrough there were people from all walks of life and all levels of faith, I saw one maybe two people who really didn't like it or had an adverse experience. Most of the participance loved it. Also the experience and bonds that you make with the other participants is very rewarding. It just goes to reinforce that we are all in the same boat (In Need of a Savior). My Discovery was 26 participance, Breakthrough was 29. Don't get me wrong there was some uncomfortable times during the experience and you felt like maybe you didn't want to be there.

    But transformation isn't always pleasant, ask the butterfly.

    God Bless,

    Undone :wink2:

  9. I am not actively promoting these particular trainings. I am only saying that I had an overall positive and frutiful

    experience at Vision Quest. And that this type of training is not for everyone. Sometimes we need to get out of comfortable and/or set ways of being and doing if want want to grow. Sometimes growing will be painful. As a Christian, I seek out better ways to give, to grow, and to learn. Prayerful thought, study, and prayer often takes me to places that I know are right but might sometimes seem unusual or strange to others. I've long ago learend to confidently take to the roads that seem right, often despite the criticism of family and friends...and it has made all the difference!!

    The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost

    TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5

    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim,

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

    Though as for that the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same, 10

    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black.

    Oh, I kept the first for another day!

    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

    I doubted if I should ever come back. 15

    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

    I took the one less traveled by,

    And that has made all the difference.

    Well Jesus did do some radical things, so it's a not so hard for me to see him using some unorthodox methods. Sending pigs into the sea, raising his voice to raise the dead and quiet a storm, and confronting the religious establishment of the time make him pretty radical.

    Yes churches should teach the Bible and help people get to know Jesus. Unfortunately this is often not the case. What a lot of churches seem to be into is growing in size, collecting money, and throwing out some Biblical crumbs so that people keep coming back. The reality is - professing, devout, serious Bible believing Christians are some of the most messed up people around. At least that is true here in Massachusetts.

    My advice - go to whatever church or training or fellowship that suits your fancy. Take responsibility and ownership for yourself and your actions. And trust God to help you make sense of it all.

    AMEN...... :eusa_clap:

  10. Wow, are we not all apart of the body of Christ? Do we not all know that it is the advisory's goal to

    steal kill and destroy. To take the church of Christ and make it a joke or of little value to Gods people.

    Why can't the Christian community uplift, exhort, comfort and for goodness sake pray for one another's

    Ministry's. Why is it a default to ridicule, judge and point the fingers at something that unless you are

    personally involved in you really know not enough about to pass any judgment (as if it were even in your power or right to judge). CES/STF is endeavoring to do God's will and minister to people and if the

    presences of conflict or internal problems is supposed to indicate Godliness or heart then I think we

    better look at the book again. How about David? or better yet look at the twelve, "who's the greatest

    among us. Is that maybe what is going on here? Who's the greatest ministry out there and lets bash

    the rest? Get a grip. Maybe the Lord is pruning the branches of this ministry or maybe it is as evil as

    some say but nonetheless Christ is preached. Amen............

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