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Mrs. Bolshevik

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Posts posted by Mrs. Bolshevik

  1. Waysider,

    Thanks for the support!

    Oh, the glorious things to look forward too.

    Oh, and George R,


    If you went to Med School RIGHT NOW!!! By the time you got out the total would be high enough to pay for all of Med School. And then, you would also have a new career. :)

    Mrs. B

  2. "Ask him what would he do (as a fellow scientist, and all) if he found evidence that clearly cut across and contradicted the Genesis account? How would he handle that? ... Would he even consider the possibility of that happening?"

    Dearest Garth,

    Thank you for your opinion.

    You may want to ask yourself, what you would do, if you found evidence that clearly cut across and contradicted the theory of Evolution? How would you handle that? Would you even consider the possibility of that happening?

    If no then, hum...

    As a scientist you I am sure are willing to consider all the evidence. If this is true maybe you would be interested in seeing the museum so you would actually know what you are talking about regarding how "off" this museum truly is.

    As it took four hours to walk through, there is a lot more to it than pushing bible verses at people.

    Have an excellent day!!!

  3. Hello all.

    Having actually seen the Museum for myself, I can tell you there are a lot of facts presented –the same facts that Evolutionists use.

    Bolshevik and I went to the Museum with an extremely skeptical point of view. Bolshevik, a former Evolutionist himself, and me, (I don’t really know that much science and I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or another). I took the Way of Abundance and Power class in the 90’s, and remember being told to believe that the adversary was the “Big Bang”, and that other scientific topics without any actual evidence or true research which I viewed as absurd. We thought this would be another “here’s the bible now you just believe it , ok” place. Anyhow, I actually wanted the creation museum to disprove themselves, I wanted it to be so hokey and so flaky that it would actually give credit to evolutionists, because at least evolutionists had facts.

    I heard a quote once, it said something like, “Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out.” This is how I entered the museum.

    When we entered the museum, the first area we went through compared and contrasted the views of evolutionists and creationists. They didn’t favor one or the other; they simply put them side by side and placed the facts out there. (They even had the famous “Lucy” fossils.) They showed two men working at a dig site. One had an evolutionist opinion and one had a creationist opinion—both working with the same facts, fossilized bones with two different opinions on how those bones became fossilized. They didn’t hide under biblical verses, or expect large leaps of faith, they simply presented the facts that evolutionists also have, and placed them with their view of the bible. I have to say it was quite logical.

    They had time lines of when scientific theories originated such as evolution, and the gap theory. (Many more too, I just can’t remember them all.)

    It took four hours for us to get through the Museum and honestly it was too much information for me. I think someone who is an evolutionist or scientist would appreciate the vast amounts of what they present more than I would.

    If you are considering going to see the museum I highly suggest you do.

    Whether you are a/an:

    1. Evolutionist—You would be able to more firmly establish what you believe and you could be more culturally competent. Just because we have a different opinion doesn’t mean we are too good for an alternative view.

    2. Creationist—well, I guess that’s obvious. If you go in with a certain opinion it will just be established for you.

    3. Undecided—you would be able to have an additional side to the story presented.

    The museum emphasizes also, that Jesus Christ is the Last Adam. It takes a walk through Genesis 1 through 11, presenting scientific facts. They say that as a Christian, if you do not believe the events of Genesis 1-11 then there is no need for the rest of the bible, because there is no need for Jesus Christ, and therefore Christianity at all.

    Sorry this is so long, I don’t mean to offend anyone or cause any controversy, just to state what I saw. We had a good time and we left going, “hum, I never thought of that”. Even if it’s just food for thought it was a positive experience.

    Love to all,

    Mrs. B

  4. Hallelujah!

    Roll away, Roll away roll away!

    Every burden on my heart......roooooooooooooooolllllll.....aaaaaawwwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy!

    uh, sorry, I suddenly felt the need to finish the song.

    Even, "God Bless You", said by some people sends chills down my spine. Depends on the person's tone many times its just like they are saying F$%@ u.

    And then there's:

    Happy Hearts Day

    Resurrection Sunday

    Dinner instead of Lunch


    All conveniently changed to be more 'accurate' in life. Sad, very sad.

  5. If they change the title of the "Decade of Prevailing", they would have to change their signs and robotic conversation. They don't have the staff power for something this BIG. Nor do they have the ABS support.

    As far as I'm concerned they can have the word 'prevail'. I'm tired of it. If they stick to prevail, then they won't wear out another word that I used to like.

    Mrs. B

  6. I ask these questions, because I have this thought in the back of my head that seems to say to me over and over "these things happened because YOU allowed them to, and therefore YOU are responsible... sure, other people ENCOURAGED and TOLD YOU TO, but ultimately, this was YOUR DECISION, and only YOU are RESPONSIBLE...."

    I have felt the same way and thought these same things. Even though I was responsible for what I was saying, thinking, and doing, I had a preset determined set of reference because of being in the way at such an early age.

    To me it’s like this:

    My REALITY at the time of so many thoughts and conversations is that of one completely different than it is now. While growing up in my way world, I thought things like:

    "My earthly family isn't as important as my spiritual family, all I need is the household" (I was around 11 or 12 when I thought this)

    “They think I am really a quality person, maybe I should go in the corps.” (I was 13, 16 and 20 when I had this thought.)

    “If I yell at my brother in front of the limb coordinator completely humiliating him they will see that I am tough and able to be way corps.” (I was 14 years old at the time, how sick is that.)

    “Here am I send me, I just want to go where the need is.” (I was 19 years old at the time)

    “If I make all my decisions based on the longest part of my life, all eternity, as taught to me in the Way, then I should go as fast and as hard and as persistent as I possibly can even if it means wearing myself out and doing something I don’t really want to do only because in all of eternity somehow God is going to make it up to me.” I was 20 ish.

    Uh, now I see God really wants me to enjoy my life now too.  Sorry I digress. But I think you get my point.

    “Sure I’ll take another @#$% assignment even though I don’t think this is really my strength so that I can become a ‘more spiritually mature individual.’” When in reality they just were just filling a position they needed filled. I wasn't 'called' to do what they assigned me!

    Yes, they influenced me and yes I made decisions I am not proud of but it reminds me of a kind of movie, I am not sure what the technical term is but its like when you have a certain plot, and all you let the viewer know is one certain way of thinking, M. Night Shyamalan does this in his movies quite a bit and also, The Sixth Sense comes to mind. Where the entire movie from the beginning Bruce Willis talks to this kid that “sees dead people”. A critical thinker would spot certain elements of the plot right away and start to piece it together. But, I was completely amazed at the end of the movie when all of a sudden, the story shifted and I now understood what was truly going on.

    Being, ‘raised in the Word’, I was inclined to have a predetermined mind set of what the Way was about. I didn't have a say in what I believed until later. I didn't question anything that was taught to me because people who questioned were weak and not faithful followers. It wasn’t until I was humiliated and accused of things that weren’t true of me that my plot in life shifted and I began to see the way for what it was. And how I was influenced to do the things I did.

    I was no longer able to be controlled.

    I was then asked to leave.

    It all came down to my REALITY in the situation.

    And now all I can do is move on as mentioned earlier in other people's posts. Repair the hearts of the family member's I hurt and the people I love, no longer being "under the influence".

    I hope this makes sense.


    Mrs. B

  7. Welcome Mrs. B!

    Welcome, Mrs. B.

    May I call you Mrs. B. or does that sound too much like Mrs. T., the pierogy lady?


    Hello, and thank you for your warm welcome! I am happy to be here. Oh, and Mrs. B is fine with me! :wave::love3:

    Mrs. B

  8. Training staff at HQ means less staff they'll have to pay to work, since WC work for free - or actually, they WC pay to work!

    True and true!

    Each year more people leave staff than come in. They are so stretched from their dwindling pool Advanced Class Grads to "inspire" to come on Staff that they need a way to keep things going.

    And Polar Bear you are so right. Gunnison is opening for business!

  9. The Special's this weekend at HQ.

    Lot's of excitement. Last one I hear was really good. Amazing!!!!!! -- Say those who went say.

    What was amazing about it you ask?

    They don't know either!!!!!

    But it was Awesome!!!!!!!!

    Yeah they say,

    "Let me just get my notes out." "Wait I know it was in here some where." (or was it) :doh:

    yeah right!

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