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Posts posted by speck

  1. Did you ever hear from any of them. I'm particularly interested in Ted, John Anderson, The Mosqueda boys, Carla Salo. I used to hang out with these jokers at Corp Week and ROA many a moon ago. I was 12 - 14 and F7 in the early 80s.

  2. I too am a Child of the Way. The extremely ironic part is that my Mom told me that I was the one who introduced it to her when I was 5 (I think someone told me about it in school - maybe a teacher). Someone should have slapped me right there!

    From the ages of 5 to 7 my Mom was just involved in the local fellowships/twigs in Colorado. Then she met my Dad who was also in TWI with "Real Clean Windows" scary but I actually see other posts about this on this site. They got married when I was about 9 and then at the age of 11 we joined the Way Corps. We were Family 7.

    I honestly do not have bad feeling towards TWI until my Corps years. That place was just creepy as all get out - what do you expect from an old Sanatarium. I will always have nightmares about that place. I think I could probably write a good horror movie with that material.

    I truly felt comoradaree with the fellow children of the Way Corps, I think they were more like my family than my actual family during those years. What I felt from adults including my parents was fear and abandonment. I remember my freakin choir instructor at the Way Corp had a wooden spoon with a hole bore in the middle, from what I deemed as to cause even more pain. He beat some poor kid so hard he broke the GD spoon. And of course nothing was done behind closed doors. The kids were left without parental guidance for hours on end. I don't recall seeing my parents except for at mealtimes. And I'm sorry, but what child should be forced to live in a room down the cold scarry hall from their parents with another child that they don't even know or might not even like. Hell it's not like I signed up for College and a "dormmate"

    There is so much to be said I really could write a book about it. I honestly never realized it was a cult until some years ago. All I know is that when I hit the age 18, I moved 1600 miles away from my parents and the influence of TWI to go to College and I never went back. Why, because deep down inside, I just knew there was just something "NOT RIGHT" about all of it. They thankfully got out in 87 or 88 soon after I left but thier marraige did not stand the test.

    To this day, I do not trust organized religion in any shape or form. I married an aetheist. I like to think that I believe in a higher power but I definately would call myself a skeptic. Growing up the way I did has left me with the following life long demons that I will always fight : distrust, fear of abandonment, fear of love. I have a child of my own now, and I'm trying my best not to let these parts of me affect her life but I would be lying if I said it wasn't a stuggle at times.

    This is not to make any parents of Way Children to feel guilty but becasue at the time you just didn't know any better - after all you were brainwashed. I forgive my parents, for the bad chioices that they made. I just know that this is my journey and the things that I need to "GET OVER" like the previous poster had to say. Everyone has their own pile of S-- to deal with. This is just mine.

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