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Posts posted by Jafin

  1. Well thank you everyone for your kind posts! I've had a very busy month so this is the first chance I've had to come back to reply.

    I forget exactly who, but several of you have said that the best thing to do is to get into the Word and find out for myself. And that's exactly what I've been doing. About 3 or so years ago I prayed probably the most honest prayer in my life. I said "Lord, I want to forget everything I've learned and I want You to show me Yourself." I believe it's in large part that prayer that I am pursuing Christ. All you've said has been helpful, mostly from the perspective of "Yes! I'm not the only one!"

    I'm curious though... does anyone know how many other younger Way kids (more or less like myself) are here?

    Thanks again everyone!

    The grace of Christ, the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!


  2. This is my first post and... well frankly, I'm curious.

    I was born in 1985. My parents were very involved in the music ministry part of TWI. We had a 'twig' meeting in our house once a week every week. Around 1989 my parents left the way in the midst of all that was happening. They continued to meet with the 'branch' coordinator or whatever who also left around the same time for about another year and then left completely and haven't continued meeting with any Christians since. While I was only 5 years old when my parents almost completely severed their connections with TWI, I grew up with many of the way teachings and doctrines engrained in my head until my parents started to sort out some of what they believe to be true and what was false.

    Now I'm 22 years old and I'm in a bit of a conundrum. It seems that the vast majority of what I grew up learning I'm discovering is false. I've been meeting with some Christians for the last 6 or so years and really growing. There are only a few things that seem to stay the same and I'm wondering how many are finding many of the things true or false as well. I have a list of topics below, a couple of which I have found true, most of which I think are false and I really want all your input. I think there's a lot in me that I don't know about that's been hurt by what happened in TWI and to my parents... amazing what can get to you in your formative years.

    Anyways, here are the topics I'm curious about:

    1. The Nature of God and Jesus. Is Jesus God and is God Triune?

    2. The Nature of Man. Body, Soul and Spirit?

    3. Speaking in Tongues. Is it legit? (I know this one comes up a lot on here)

    4. Baptism. Baptism in Spirit or in Water? Salvation dependent on one or the other?

    5. Believing = Receiving. Is what the Way taught right?

    6. The Nature of Ministry. What the heck is it?

    7. Prayer. What is prayer really?

    8. V.P. Wierwille. A servant of God or a malicious seeker follower.

    9. Ex-communication. When someone stops agreeing with you, do you shun them, or mark and avoid, like TWI?

    10. Salvation. How?

    11. End result. Heaven or something else?

    12. Rapture. Every believer or some?

    Thank you all who respond to this. I really am curious. I'm also open if anyone has any others they would like to mention that were big way matters.


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