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Posts posted by smitty

  1. You got some great things going in your life.

    As did (and do) many of us who post regularly.

    If it had been all bad - no-one would have stayed around! You seem to have left before things got really bizarre under the mighty LCM.

    Live long and prosper...you and your loving family. :eusa_clap:

    Thanks for the replys! I forgot to mention that I did have my share of crap like everyone ! I was just thinking about all of the things that have happened in my life as a direct result of my involvement in da vay. Yea, we got out before LCM's reign of terror.

  2. I have spent a lot of years coming here to read others experiences and learning how to move on. I would like to list the major changes that took place in my life as a result of my involvement with The Way.

    1. I was a reefer addict and had done many other mind altering substances for many years. My involvement gave me the desire and strength to get cleaned up. You people who have been addicted know how deep the pit can be...

    2. I was given the opportunity and avenue to leave my home town and become a man on the WOW field. We had to learn at least partially how to depend on God for much of everything.

    3. I met my wife of 33 years on the field and as a result, I am the proud parent of three beautiful daughters who each love God and demonstrate in their own way. My wife and I have shared unbelievable journeys and adventures together.

    4. While at Rome City I had the thrill of working the farm, tending livestock and experiencing the hitch hiking to LEAD. I saw God's beautiful creation up close and was pushed as hard as I had ever been pushed. The saying"whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger." is applicable here.

    5. We were assigned to twig coord in Lakeland Fl. The adventure of getting there was unreal. We had $1000.00 and a 68 chevy van. We left WV with my 56 chevy in tow. By the way, Nancy was 8 months pregnant.

    6..I learned a trade while in Fl that has sustained my family for 30 years. I am a paperhanger with a college degree! It is as if I was made to hang paper. I still love to go to work!

    7. Nancy gave birth to 2 of our children in our bedroom with no problems. We relied upon God because we simply had nothing else to rely on. Our third was our miracle baby that God saved alive who today is a strong wonderful woman.

    8. We were sent to SC where we have been since 86. We left the Way in 87 and haven't looked back since.

    There are many more thing to write about, but none of these things would have occured if Donnie Fugit and crew hadn't come to town in 71.

    Sure my life would have been different, but I kind of like the way it has played out. Sure I have some regrets, but so far so good.

    I no longer believe much of anything from PFAL. but God is real in my life and heart.

    So I guess you could say that my experience. however uncommon or different from some of yours, was ok in the long run. I detest many of the things that happened in the way, and my heart regrets how much of a follower I became. Am I wiser? I hope so! But I love my life and take the time to thank God and praise Him for it! I can't help or change what happened in my life or in any of your, either, so I am just another dude on the planet who's life is so out of my ability to control it that I am just livin it day to day... I am rambling now. Hope to see many replys!

  3. During my twi-tenure and post-twi study.....I have come to realize that wierwille was the "alpha and omega" of his organization. Wierwille's Law, or law of believing, embraced whatever was in the advancement of a wierwille-pyramid theology. All the trappings of idolatry are present to those who stand back and put it to the test of scripture.

    To "alpha" his mogness, wierwille claims he audibly heard from God. Wierwille "omegas" his life's work by stating, "I wish I were the man I know to be." What an epitaph! I wish.... I were.... I know. The service he rendered was self-serving narcissism. He was a legend of biblical proportions in his own mind....and all who ate fully at his table.

    In pfal....his teachings had a sinister way of stripping the individual of identity, worth, family, and inject pseudo-christian concepts and laws. Twig "families" became the essence of togetherness and "standing on the word." The more one became isolated from family and past relationships, the more one accepted the dependency of this new cult order.

    Wayspeak was the new language of spiritual acceptance. Holidays were shunned and ridiculed in teaching the more and perfect way. Of course, Halloween was unmasked in all its evil, but Christmas was pagan, too, donchaknow? Rather than focusing on common ground areas of agreement, twi's teachings reveled in stirring up strife and division!!

    In systematic manipulation, as if we were marching to a silent drumbeat or stirred to action by subliminal messaging......more and more were attending the annual Rock of Ages and/or going WOW. Each commitment reinforced "the buyer" of his product or was it all self-induced to claim access to peer pressure and group involvement? No matter. The results were the same as twi continued to grow and dominate our lives.

    By far, imo......the most captivating episode of twi was the corps indoctrination. Silly me, I actually thought that going to Emporia would garner spiritual growth to help others. What the heck did I know...being 21 and naive? Ha. I didn't expect to subject my life to an isolated camp of wierwillism. With information overload and 3 months of rehashed pfal, welcome to Emporia. The "us versus them" was not only directed at unbelievers, but non-corps as well. In retrospect, I see how they laced vanity with elitism.

    In the corps, wierwille's suggestions were NOT merely suggestions, they were commandments! After all, the guy was not only the man of God, but a general of sorts. I really never took that corps analogy to mean equivalent to marine corps....but, behind closed doors, it is amazing how one can be manipulated and exploited to do whatever. The double standards reeked of unfairly partial in terms of gender or good-looking, etc. And, why do the girls most often ride the motorcoach with wierwille to other campuses? Stop it, I told myself. You are supposed to render prayers and double-honor to those who serve in leadership.

    The perfect storm was created.....the DTA classs deemed me as a front to the devil, others could also be tools, and the mog was infallible.

    By 1977, 1978....some corps and brave souls were exiting twi, but only a small trickle. Most corps and advanced class grads were corraled by an invisible fence, a doctrine that underpinned its cohesiveness...."The Word is the Ministry and the Ministry is the Word." Wierwille stated his law many times over. The teachings of The Way were synonymous with The Word; thus, standing with twi was standing for God. If you left twi, you left God. Simple, right? In a world of smoke and mirrors and motorcoaches....the inner circle guarding wierwille's image of idolatry, allowed few to peer into the secret world of lockboxes and lust.

    So many things could be stated......but, wierwille's death in 1985 brought an end to the stanglehold and the chains were broken. Wierwille's law of believing could not save him. With one glass eye and his world unraveling, cancer claimed another life. And still, Howard and Don addressed the corps and staff with lies about vpw's death. With cancer as a devil spirit in wierwille's adv class teachings, the curtain was pulled back for all to see. Even Geer, in his poop paper was covering over the sins and death of wierwille.

    Do twi offshoots continue to praise the name of wierwille? Yeah.

    Do wierwille followers still cleave to their pfal series of books? Probably.

    Did wierwille's self-righteous "law of believing" triumph over God's laws of sin, adultery, pride, works of the flesh, etc? Nope.

    It has been a long, strange journey back to my homeland, my family, my true self and my Lord....but I made it. And yet, I know that others didn't fare as well. Some still struggle with accounts of rape, abortion, divorce, abandonment, isolation and even death. I can easily count 15-20 close friends of mine who died prematurely. For some, it will continue to be a life of regrets, and hardship, and misery.

    These past 10 years I've come to Greasespot for mainly one purpose.....TO EXPOSE TWI.

    Thank you, Paw for keeping the doors open here at The Cafe for all these years. There is no way to fathom how many lives you've helped as the rippling reaches around the world. Even Peter Wade from Australia, a man who is mentioned in the pfal class, sends his regards to your efforts. Awesome, man.

    Journey on. You are all welcome at my campfire.


    An awesome rendering, history of what it was, thanks for sharing
  4. Some folks from West Virginia — and probably a few from elsewhere — should remember Steve “Huck” Miller.

    Huck was involved for a while with TWI in the 70s. He passed away July 7, leaving behind what appears to be a very fine family that is obviously missing him.

    Huck was a friend of mine. He shared a house with me on Strawberry Road on the banks of the Coal River in the early 70's. We rode motorcycles, he had a BSA and I had a Norton. We would race around, witness in bars, and have a great time. He was trueblue, honest and a great friend. His wife Pam is one of the finest women you could meet. She nursed me back to health when I had walking pneumonia. May God bless and comfort the family and friends of Steve.

  5. Great thread! Nancy and I will be celebrating 30 years in August. She is my best friend and companion. Old love is la beautiful thing, all of the pretense and doubts are over and a calm settles over. You are free to be yourself and you have someone to be yourself with!

    We met as WOWS in Davenport Ia in 75. She was my branch leader, 5th corps and I was a mere West Virginia hillbilly. Now she is no longer my branch leader, even though she my try to tell me what to do! LOL

  6. Dear Hope, I visited the website today for the first time in several days and saw your post. Nancy and I send our love and sympathy to you . Words fail at times and this is one of them. Sincerely , Hal and Nancy

  7. LEAD A death defying, hitchhiking, leap of faith, that may include any or all of the following; Freezing, hunger, danger, latrines, sunburn, no smokes, dirty hair and body, carrying used toilet paper in a baggie all day long to be thrown in the campfire at night, no coffee, heavy backpacks and a oneday and night "duo" with God.

  8. Leaders Meeting... A mind numbing waste of time where a "leader" bloviates for hours on end oblivious to the fact that most of those present HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW!!!

    Same definition can apply to, "Twig Meeting", After Glow", and " Branch meeting".

  9. I want all to note that John and Hope paid me well for wallpapering at their home. We also had a card party or some game and drank some beers! I remember the LC's being surprised when I presented them with a bill for wallpapering at their place. I seem to remember that they paid me later,, but weren"t too "blessed " about it!

    You guys need any papering done? I'm retiring in a few years and won't be available!!!

  10. I remember at Corps week long ago, a buddy of mine got reproved for not having a good attitude while working in the breakfast tent. He replied " Hell, I paid good money to work here!" I remember laughing at that TRUE statement, we paid with blood, sweat and tears, not to mention our most valuable asset, time!.

    I worked on limb cars,bc's cars, twig leaders cars, wallpapered rooms,, raked leaves,painted houses,repaired plumbing, fixed roofs, etc, but all of that labor added to the things that I can do well for myself and others WHEN I WANT TO!! Sorry for yelling.

  11. Now this is the kind of stuff that keeps me coming back again and again! Just when I think that I am all over it and don't want to think about Der Vey, a topic like this comes up and with it comes some of the most wacked out ideas that I have ever heard! Thanks for the great enertainment CK!!!

  12. Thank you to all of you who posted. You know that we all have mixed emotions, feelings, and memories. I have friends here in South Carolina who have never lived anywhere other than here, and who have never had a LEAD moment, pushing yourself beyond what you thought you coluld do, stepping out into space, trusting God to take care of you.

    I am thankful and unthankful about all of it at the same time. We are all the sum total of everytrhing that we have done, and I am in a happy place in my life as a reult of all that went before.

    Do I sometimes wish that some things were different? Sure I do. I wish I had some hair on my head!!

    I must say that in all of it, I don't blame God for anything. He has directed my paths and still does.

    I remain thankful for it all.

  13. It was about this time of year in 1971 that I had my first meeting up with some cool folks from the Way. They came to West Virginia to get some people for a film PFAL class. Man was that an exciting time! I was sure that I had found the truth!

    I rate this pivital event as having the most profound affect on the rest of my life as anything I have done before or since. Getting a college degree, first car, first kiss, first "all the way", pot smoking ,LSD, all pale next to getting involved in the Way.

    For the next 17 years, where I lived, what I did with my time, who I married, what I did for a living,a nd how I prepared for the future, were all done in accordance with what I felt God wanted me to do in the confines of the Way.

    Now that I am "out " longer than I was" in ," I can still feel the tugs of wrong teaching coming up in my mind at times.,

    Nancy had two of our children in our bedroom, because we had no money to get a doctor! All turned out well with the births, thanks be to God, but we had to do that because of the depth of our involvement with "moving the Word'. That is just one example of how powerful the grip was by the Way. I am sure each one of you all have similiar stories to tell.

    I can't think of anything else in my life that has had so powerful of an affect on so much of my life other than my marriage to Nancy.

  14. I was just wondering if a guy like, say, Craig Martindale, still is getting up in the morning and SIT and studying? I realoze that I can't really know this, but really!! Is it possible that he, amoung others, still feel

    they are "the apple of God's eye" ? Does he still stand erect at the presence of God, claiming his sonship rights?"

  15. Mark, Thanks for the vid. My Mom, brothers, and I have been fans of Jessico for many years. The poor devil is a tortured soul. He has a big problem with huffing gasoline and lighter fluid. Mom said that recently his trailer burned down with all of his memorbilia and recording equipment. A sad tale of unrealized, unatainable dreams.

    By the way, I do miss the hills, especially when it is 100+ degrees and 90% humidity in August down here in South Carolina!!!!

  16. Hey Tonto! I'm not the one who was in CO. I'm a West Virginia boy, But have lived many places thanks to the Way!

    Hey Cynic, I had forgotten that Terri was secy under Mike. Are you a WV hillbilly?

    I remember Terri having me up to the Limb for dinner with her. We had a great meal and after I wanted to go sit on the couch and possibly do a little kissin and huggin, but she told me right away that we had to clean up the dishes and the table first. We never did make it to the couch that night, or anyother night! I did some work on her way car, a 69 Chev Impala.

    Anybody know of her whereabouts??

  17. 30 years ago this momth I was getting my van ready for the trek to NK for ROA and WOW training. I met my future wife Nancy Cezario, who was 5th corps and my branch leader. We were sent to Davenport IA for a really awesome year. I really had a good year. I got to help get the Word over the USA lol and enjoyed the Bicentennial doing the Lord's work. There was 5 families of 4. Plenty of humanity and excitement. Played my first fooseball machine [they didn't have such a thing in WV] and met some great stubborn midwesterners. Found out what winter was really all about!

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