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Posts posted by MarieP

  1. I started reading a book last night about The Way, and something hit me hard. We can all say this person and that person in the Way did this and that to me. We can point out all the flaws and abuse, mistreatment, etc. The book was courageous to say the least, but focused on what others had done to the person writing the book. I did not read any remorse for how they treated others. The writer was in the upper tier of the Way and at one time believed Dr. W was the man of god of the world. All of us in The Way Corp did things we should not have done. We treated people the way we were trained and it wasn't always loving or kind. But it was justified because we had to have 'righteous anger'.  We can point fingers. We can say this person did this bad thing. But what about a deep long hard look at what we did? We were a part of it!  I went through the Way Corp with my husband, and that is when I was fully indoctorinated. I know I hurt people because 'I was Way Corps'. I hurt my parents and my siblings by removing myself from them. My parents were kind, they did not try to get me out, but they were extremely worried and they missed me. I missed my two younger siblings high school years. By the time I did come back, we had a weak relationship and I worked on rebuilding in after I left the Way in 1986. The Way ministry was more important than my family. When this washed over me, I wept and asked the Father for forgiveness for hurting them. My parents are dead, but I whispered to them to forgive me. I realized I had been duped. I could have had a wonderful relationship with them and still loved God and the Bible. It was in our last year that things started becoming clear. At one point I took off my nametag and put it on the Corp coordinator's desk and told him I was finished. My husband was the only thing that kept me in. I didn't want to end our marriage. 

    Before going into the Way Corps my husband and I had a fellowship in our little apartment that was wonderful. We all became good friends and had a lot of fun together. We were not pressured by the Limb C to run a class, and he stayed out of our lives pretty much. I regretted we left that sweet fellowhip for an ideal of becoming leaders.  I'm sure this post isn't as clear as I am trying to be. I guess all I'm saying is for us all to examine our own lives while we were in the Way, and repent for the things we now despise that we have accused others of. It has taken me years to get to this point, to be willing to ask for forgiveness. 

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