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Posts posted by Angelfish

  1. One thing that keeps me from eating very much meat is the way animals are treated on factory farms. I have read what goes on in those places, and I don't want my actions in any way to perpetuate that system.

    I know everyone feels differently about this, but I do not think that animals' feelings should be discounted simply because they are animals. I have decided that "do unto others" does not apply just to other humans.

    Each person must listen with open honesty to conscience, and to act with integrity once the voice of conscience has been heard. If your conscience is not making any warnings, consider reading more about factory-farm conditions for animals.


  2. I like the answer "I don't want to."

    But if that's too direct, try this: Refer to the verse that tells about all the members of the body have DIFFERENT functions and purposes. You could say that during a deep prayer in which you begged to be a better mall-witnesser, God revealed to you that your "place" in the body is not to do that but instead to (fill in the blank) - something like blessing the existing believers at fellowship.


  3. The other thing about Rocky Horror is that it was a place for gay and bisexual people to meet one another. That was a BIG draw.

    About Tommy - I really relate to the scene toward the beginning of the movie which Ann Margaret is trying to find someone who can heal Tommy. Remember when she takes him to the church for a faith healing, out of desperation and because she'd tried everything else (this is the scene in which Eric Clapton is singing and they haul in a big statue of Marilyn Monroe to worship - very weird! Must be a virgin Mary sort of thing.) But the look on Ann Margaret's face is so hopeful for Tommy's sake. I totally relate to this scene because I know what it feels like to hope for divine help within the context of a sham organization.


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