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Posts posted by orientswife

  1. I pop in here once in awhile. Not too often. I was in 21st Corps as well with my husband. We only did the summer camps out at Gunnison our first year inresidence. The rest of our inresidence time was at HQ. I know Caryn S got married and is close to the NY area. But I haven't a clue on the where abouts of anyone else.

  2. Sunshine in WA,

    did you get a message saying hi from a couple you know yet?? I asked someone to pass the message on to you but I don't remember who it was!!

    My hubby and I were married on Feb 14, 88 in WA by Tom. We lived in Lynnwood. Started off in twig with Lynn then coordinated one of our own for a while.

    You and Sara came to visit us when you were in residence and we were on staff at HQ.

    If you still don't know who I am - email me at orientswife@hotmail.com and I will tell you.


    Someone - Dale - I think asked when we were in WA? We were there from Aug 87 till 90 or 91. Dale I know your name but not sure, if I remember you from WA or working at HQ in Finance dept. Was in residence and on staff till fall of 95.

  3. My son uses the AR program on a regular basis. When he was in second grade, I requested him using the AR system of books/testing to encourage him to read more and push him to reach a higher reading level... which it did.

    As a regular volunteer in my son's media center (library/computer), I help alot with the label of books for the AR system. I notice that alot of the books have a very low point range -- many are 0.5 or 1.0 unless you get into something like Harry Potter series than you hit 40 + points.

    My son's school uses the AR testing system more for tracking the Level of Reading that the students are at. The points aren't even used. Sure it is tracked by the testing system but it isn't used as a reward/punishment system. The goal of reaching the next higher reading level is the reward!! What an accomplishment for a child to have -- to see their level go from for example 2.1 to 3.4 in one school year.

    Who cares if they get .5 point to 50 points as long as they are improving themselves? It is more than just learning to read. It is learning to think, remember and comprehend what they are reading that is important.

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by ToadFriend:

    ... so began the horrible torment for the xxxxxxxxs that resulted in the loss of a baby they loved, back to a home that could not offer very much in the way of love or money. It is a very sad thing,...



    Please don't take offense to this. But I was

    just wondering if you knew the birth parents... how do you know how much love they have to give or their financial situation.

    Yes it was a very said thing for the folks that adopted. But why judge the birth parents especially if you don't know them? I am sure they love that child very much.

    I find it said when folks judge others like that especially if you have never been in their shoes.

  5. There is hope!! The kid will really do when he is ready. Not just physically but mentally too.!! More than anything I found that potty training was really a power struggle issue thing for me and my son. It isn't worth the fight. Just know that he will eventually do it all on his own anim-smile.gif Trust me you won't be packing that diaper bag too much longer and then you are gonna miss it!!!!

  6. I just had to do this the other day!! I opened the door and saw white shirts, ties and name tags (not way ones) but nametags!!! I said oh no not today please leave. I don't want to discuss anything with you so just please leave.

    Yeah now that I think about it I was pretty nice to them normally I am not especially after a week like this past week I had had.

    The time before that I threatened call the police and to press charges on them for tresspassing cuz they didn't leave when I asked them too. They never should have argued with me about what I should want to do. To me they are just another form of telemarketers and I don't want them to come knocking on my door or calling me on my phone

  7. Latest word was that the test came back negative for the cancer!! I will be going up to see my folks this week and well hopefully be able to get the full scoop on what the doc said at the last follow up visit

  8. Sorry I haven't posted sooner!! I promised I would but I haven't been online much since I got home - stuff kept coming up!!

    My dad did come through the surgery fine. The doc removed two lymph nodes in the area as well to send in for testing. They mentioned the possibility that he may need to do a course of radiation but they won't know more of those details until the blood test are done. He should be going in to have that done within the next week or so. With the way things are looking I am hoping my son will be out of school for summer break so I can be there for that as well. Which would also be my off time from work (since I work in my son's school district!!)

    He has been quite positive through all of this -- says there is nothing he can do about it till the doctors give him all the tests, and their results so why worry about it?!!

    But he is down in the dumps cuz he is BORED out of his mind!!!! -- he is so use to being able to do stuff that having to take it easy and rest and recup is driving my pops crazy!!

    Thanks much for the prayers you continue to offer and I will try to remember to keep you all posted!

  9. Thanks to all of you have popped in. Just an update on my dad.

    His carpel tunnel surgery on his left hand went very well. Some of the feeling he lost has started to return to his hand. HOORAY!!

    He is schedule to have surgery for the prostate cancer on April 14th. YOur continued prayers are so much appreciated!!!!!!!! The timing couldn't have worked out better for us. My son will be on spring break that week so I will be able to be there with my parents not just for the surgery but for the whole week to help out in what ever way they need me too!!!!!! Will keep you posted on any more news that comes up

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