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Posts posted by drums4fun

  1. When one does their doctoral dissertation.....is this a common practice to advance one's master thesis work?

    Or, is this a cut-and-paste job that deviates from standard academic practices?

    With correspondences course-work to Pikes Peak Seminary, on the surface it appears that wierwille simply submitted his master's thesis work with a tweaked version. It almost looks like a psuedo-plagairism of oneself if you ask me. :)


    The doctoral dissertation doesn't have to advance one's master's thesis work, although it may. It depends on the field and the path of inquiry the student is taking. For me, it was 10 years between my master's and doctorate, and by the time I started my dissertation, I was in a very different place than where I'd been as I finished my master's. There is also an assumption in academia that the dissertation research should be an original and rigorous work that would make a unique contribution to the field. Did VP achieve that? And with VP's habit of using others' intellectual property as his own, I doubt that he would have made it very far in a sound doctoral program anyway.

  2. He certainly was a compassionate fellow, wasn't he? :wacko:

    I'll never forget that moment. I was stunned. Not a word about how the rest of us were doing, how she might be doing, etc. It was one of those red flags I chose to ignore until years later. I called becuase VP told everyone at WOW training that he wanted to talk to any of us personally if we were planning to leave the field. He was in England at the time for a meeting, and the limb coord was there too. So I thought I'd do the next best thing...yep, just following orders...

  3. "Well, if she wants to be an idolator, that's her business."

    1977. The sum total of compassionate words of wisdom during a phone conversation with LCM after one of our WOWs left the program after a group of Christians snuck her out of a coffeehouse, out all night, then stopped at the apartment to pick up her stuff and head home after she'd decided (with a little help) that Jesus Christ was in truth, God. We had no idea where she was or how she was, and had been up all night looking for her.

  4. I'm very sorry to hear about this. I enjoyed a little time visiting with him at Intl in 1975, along with at least one mini-seminar on music he did at ROA. I agree that he was very down to earth. I don't remember where or when, but I heard him give his testimony about his life, and it was, as he put it, "pretty deep". And he was a wonderful musician. One of my twi buddies in Columbus had all of the Tower of Power and Cold Blood albums Skip played on. A great alternative to the unwritten "guideline" about playing Way Productions music at least 50% of the time. :) My prayers are with the family.

  5. Thanks, taxicab. And congrats to you too. Honestly, the only misgiving I had after leaving was losing touch with quite a few friends over time. Without the "luxury" of reconnecting at the ROA, along with our nomadic lifestyles at the time and no digital technology, it was easy to lose touch with others. This certainly wasn't enough to keep me in, once I began to get some clarification on what was going on, with no reassurance that the issues were going to be addressed at all. But other than that, no regrets whatsoever! Hard to believe it's been that long. Every anniversary of becoming post-Way is sweet, imo.

    Out for 21 years? Wow, congrats! Celebrating my Sweet 16 this summer!

  6. McWierwille's? The letter M is just an upside-down W? So that's where the golden arches came from? I don't think I can drive by the old McD's in town and look at it in the same way ever again. I love it, Waysider. It made my evening!

    Also,speaking of innovation by revelation, does anyone remember a line of teaching that suggested that when a creative idea was spoken or put out there by a believer, the devil would get hold of it and use it for his own purposes if you didn't act on it in a timely manner? My memory's a little hazy on this one, being ex-way for 21 yrs now.

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