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Posts posted by HappyGay

  1. God just delievered me from TWI and right when I started to feel my "new freedom" I was tempted to visit a local psychic. I have been taught all of my life that psychic's were bad and forbidden to see. I remember what the scriptures say about them but I told myself,"I'm tired of living by fear!"

    This psychic told me everything I knew myself but felt like my personal power was taken. I have been feeling "fearful" ever since. I told God that I was so sorry I went and that I promised Him and myself not to do this ever again.

    I do not attend church and GSC is all I have as a Spiritual Family. I confess to God, Jesus Christ and all of you that I have sinned! With the Spirit of God at GSC I claim my forgiveness, healing and deliverance from any negative devil spirit operations geared toward my life. My spiritual protection and abundance comes from God and the Lord Jesus Christ,daily. I thank God and praise God for His deliverance right now in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.

    Thank you for reading this and your prayers for my peace.

  2. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice..."

    I think it was His voice that called us out of the way...

    He must have seen the brokeness, the confusion, the pain...

    "Doctrines of Devils?"

    How subtle and evil can evil get?

    To infiltrate your mind at its core?

    To take love, inoccense, trust and faith;

    Then wreck, mangle and destroy.

    To absolutely STEAL, KILL and DESTROY

    Those who put money in their own horn.

    Damn it all! Just damn it all!

  3. Freedom - freedom to think your own thoughts, freedom to study what you would like from OTHER books than just TWI approved materials (or not study at all!), freedom to define yourself, freedom to express yourself, freedom from trying to convert everyone, freedom to live without having a "coordinator"...

    freedom to ENJOY your life - I mean REALLY enjoy your life.

    I thought I was happy in twi. I wasn't. I just told myself that to keep myself in bondage.

    Gosh! Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

  4. To be honest with you it's been a long time since I have felt any real emotions either. Like JavaJane any emotion that would cause me grief, empathy, or sadness I would consider as an attack from the Adversary. It was all fear (False-Evidence-Appearing-Real);I needed to shut out the feelings and renew my mind. I would often wonder why some of the tragic events on the news would not phase me. I would sum it all up that they weren't walking in the light of God's Word so of course "what do you expect Worldy people!"

    For me today, I am grateful that I have cried a few times at the movies and that my heart goes out to the victims on the news. I have been such a fricken robot, numbed to the core, Way Disciple these past few years that it is a miracle that I can feel at all.

    My emotions are still a roller coaster ride but I know it is all going to be so much better.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Not too sure that this is on the topic but I feel it sort-of pertains.

    I recently chatted with a psychic who attends a local Assembly of God Church here in town. She told me I was delivered from great bondage and wanted to know what this "chanting was that came from the ministry." "Oh," I said,"they teach you on video how to speak in tongues!"

    Her mouth dropped! She shook her head and said,"You can't learn how to speak in tongues by a video class! It's a gift from God!"

    This woman...possessed by the :evildenk: and filled with debel spirits...had more common sense and spiritual insight than I have had in the past 20 years.

    I appreciate this post and have learned a lot from it. I always thought "Believing = Receiving" was like witchcraft because you'd have to possess "magical spell-power" to make anything happen.

  6. I heard a Christian psychologist on the radio today quoting a verse from Psalms where God says He'll teach you things during the night. This guy said he often asks his clients about their dreams because there's a lot more to them than just nonsense. He says it can be God teaching you things about life. Does anyone know what verse this guy is talking about and if so, if that is the true meaning?

    I have never heard or seen a verse like that in the Bible. You might want to look some of those key words up in a concordance.

  7. :asdf:

    I had a new one last night... I was in the auditorium (and you were there, and you, and you....) and I had decided to leave twi before I got there. I had also informed my leadershi this was the last event I would attend. I was there with my iPhone playing games during the service because I was so bored, but I was trying not to let the light from the screen be seen by anyone so I wouldn't get in trouble. After the service, I went out into the lobby where a bunch of my old Way D team were. I was trying to get past them without having to stop for conversation because if they asked me where I was going after the service I would have to tell them the truth - that I was leaving twi, and I didn't want to have that conversation. One of my Way D sisters caught up with me and asked the dreaded question. I informed her I was leaving twi - that it didn't mean I didn't love her, and it didn't mean that I thought she was a bad person. Another person from my past came up and asked, and I explained it to him as well. And another and another. Soon I was surrounded by the believers going all the way back to my first fellowship, and I could tell by the way they looked at me that I was a disappointment. That they thought I was possessed. Then they turned their backs on me and walked away, looking over their shoulders occassionally at me as they whispered to themselves. Some of them were crying.

    I just walked out, packed up my stuff, and left them behind, knowing they thought I was a terrible person - even worse than a terrible person - they thought I had given myself to the devil and turned my back on God, that I had become evil.

    Edited to add what I just remembered - there were coyotes outside the auditorium, black coyotes that running in circles around a weak mangy puppy that was trying to get into the auditorium for shelter. But no one saw the puppy but me, and I knew there was no way I could help it because I needed to get out of where it was trying to get in.

    That "weak mangy puppy" was me! Trying ever so hard...as beaten up as I had become by them...struggling to "fit/get in". After all, this was "The Way" and only way to God's heart. Blah! Blah! Blah! :asdf:

  8. Oh it's even better than that. They even had a process for what they did in the name of "God" to people. The prophecy team (or whatever they call(ed) themselves) sat around like a council and compared prophecies. Like it was something actually legitimate. Like they were somehow immune to suggestion. Then when these "findings" were presented to the person being "helped", the name of the person (or people) who "saw" all these things was not revealed. How convenient.

    These people are SICK!!! Completely outta touch! If I were to attend one of these CES prophecy meetings they would throw me out for laughing histerically (sp?) It is all too crazy! Seems TWI and these off-shoots get crazier and crazier as time goes on...great comic relief!

  9. Oh, I can't resist. Let's talk about the former "interim" year for a sec. Mine was spent on staff at Camp Gunnysack in the food disservices department. (Actually the food was pretty good when I was there, and we really tried to have enough for seconds. I heard the food really when downhill when some tightwads started "overseeing" the budget and whittled it down to skin and bones--yuk!) An interim year on staff was another way to say prostitute yourself for the ministry. For a whopping $150 per month, my fellow WC brother and I (a fellow GSCer--love ya, man!) worked our arses off about 70 hours a week. Yep, 70 hrs. In 6 days, because it's the commandment of the Lord to take one day off. So that's right around 300 hours a month, for $150, or 50 Cent an hour, that's right 50 Cent. A song is playing in my brain: "We're in it for the love not the money........"

    This is scary! I never was involved with The WOW field or WC because I kept my full-time career. I always felt so guilty for not putting God first this way. Recently, like last month, I was approached with a propacision (sp?)to take The Advanced Class on W&P this coming summer so I could eventually go "on Staff" at HQ's. Because of this website my life won't be ruined! Once again, thank you GS!

    It's all too crazy!

    • Upvote 1
  10. Getting back to the subject of how hard it is for people to get rid of TWIt doctrine. My mom hasn't been to a fellowship since 1985. She still has wayspeak in her vocabulary. My sister and I both start gagging when she says "Let's believe for...." "Believe" all you want, say it "in the name of Jesus Christ" to seal the "deal" with God, and that's the magic potion to get your heart's desire.


    Bingo! Can only laugh about it now.

  11. One of my siblings and I were talking about this very thing last night. I "marked and avoided" my family for five years after they were kicked out of the WC because I believed the lies Mosquito told me (he was on the phone with my LC the MOMENT he had them pack up their stuff and leave, and my LC was on the phone with me IMMEDIATELY after - they missed my parent's call to me by SECONDS... How is that for trying to break up a family??) They never specifially told me to M&A my family, but it was encouraged, and I remember having meetings with my LC where he told me that it would be "best" to limit my contact with them because it was effecting me spiritually.

    Prior to this in preparation for inresidentured training as WC, my parents kicked my 16 year old brother out for being "rebellious"... kicked out as in threw him out on the street with NOTHING but the clothes on his back. He lived under a bridge for a while before he took up dealiing drugs to make enough money to live - because no one would hire a 16 year old at a legitimate job without an address or parents' permission. He is still recovering from that.

    Well, it has been seven years since I reconciled with my family, and three years since I left TWI. My family is still effected by the whole situation - they keep major life events secret until they absolutely have to tell someone else (major life event like marriage, divorce, "I'm going overseas for the next six months and you can't contact me", major across country moves, etc.) The entire family is disconnected. We do love each other, and I have one brother I am very close with now, and for that I am thankful. But when you compare that to my husband's family (and according to TWI, we should NEVER compare!) my family is a tattered mess. See, my husband's family was never in TWI.... there is nothing more important to them than family - and that includes in-laws like me! Our child plays with her second and third cousins on a monthly if not weekly basis. FAMILY.... EARTHLY FAMILY is more important than any religious group.

    And if any religious group tries to break up families, they have nothing to do with God.

    And if any religious group tries to put down the importance of the family to GOD, then God is not in them,

    GOD loves us - he is our Father (in Christian religions) and our Mother (in other religions)... God is the Ultimate Parent, the Designer of families. To try and pull those bonds apart that God built into our DNA is evil.

    My heart goes out for your poor brother. TWI has made innocent people such terrible victims. Out on the street at 16... my mind cannot fathom his pain or resentments! I bet he has a heart of gold before God. Gosh, this story really upsets me and I pray he'll know peace, prosperity and great love. It is so due him. Damx TWI :CUSSING: !

  12. Well HappyGay, now that you phrase it differently, its obvious you aren't a troll. So, no disrespect intended, please accept my apology. We had a very nasty, "real" troll here very recently and he got banned - so, forgive me, if I thought the way your questions was worded that you were him come back with a different name - people do that all the time on forums.

    Sorry Dude :(

    You saw GT's answer telling me to "shut up." That wasn't too "Christlike" so I doubt he's going to be able to give you any "Christian" advice, but others have already given you some personal answers.

    Thanks Sunese! My comments have been provocative, spiritually speaking. I hope you all at GS will forgive me. I left TWI last week and feel really scammed by "religion". I need a new pair of glasses now.

  13. Well, I am a Dudette but don't blame you for the mix up.

    I have re-read this post and can't believe I spent 25 years in TWI recruiting God-Hungry people, teaching at Fellowship Meetings, running to HQ's on my only vacation time, trying not to second guess my "standing on The Word" and Believing to Receive...only to find out that I have lost my faith in all things Spiritual!

    Now wanting "proof" of the existance of God and Jesus Christ? Validate! Validate! Validate! I don't want to be scammed again! There are so many theories out there like we're all aliens in a big experiment...fortunately, I am not that far gone yet.

    I think I'll get back in line. Thanks for all of your comments!

  14. To prove Yahweh, their is a DNA and RNA machine like thing that puts that code together, this stuff is way over my head, but their is a tread called DNA and RNA in Doctrinal, their is a you tube address there so you can see this thing, I would try to offer you that as proof, something is behind that machine like thing, it has been on the earth on three different accessions?

    Wow Thanks! Now that is just what I'm looking for! I will definitely read it.

    On another thread I stated that I would come up with my own concept of God and Jesus; I suppose this has happend to many here at Greasespotcafe.com.

    It's easier to believe in a god and Savoir of the World if they are a bit more like yourself.

    Ya' know, maybe they'll eventually delete this post?

  15. thank you happygay for your post your thoughts

    gay people straight people i don't care

    but way people -- leaders -- mean mean mean people.

    i don't think god is mean

    Thank you Excathedra!

    I'm going to develope my own concept of God and of Jesus Christ. From now on both of them are loving and caring towards ALL mankind. Goodness towards that do good and evil towards those that do evil. Kind of like basic karma 101. I agree with you, I don't think the real God is mean either. Thanks!

    Would like to buy you a cup sometime!

  16. It's very possible the CLM was a repressed bi-sexual man. I'm no Doctor of Pyschology but his actions do stand to question his own sexuality.

    I, for one, have gone to extreme lengths to rid myself of this homosexual Debel spirit...fearing hell and all that. I am not a "man-hater" and was never M&A'd. I married to prove to myself that I was delivered and really enjoyed him, but still had my secret fantasies. As a cheerleader and a teenager I remember how suicide would be the only answer.

    I thoroughly understand what homosexuals go through in society. The bigotry, hatred, and ignorance is truly unwarranted.

    Not one of my homosexual friends or lovers have ever tried to deceive me spiritually or take 10% plus of my income for their personal profit. They have been more loving and caring without conditions placed upon me than any Way Disciple I have dealt with lately. God knows what my sexuality is...I can't hide it from Him; so why hide it at all anymore?

    I have read other threads where homosexuality is discussed. Without a doubt I feel homosexuality is genetic. With so much hatred promoted by the majority of the Christian religion, to the point of even murder, "why" would anyone choose to be Gay?

    The best advice I have for LCM is to explore his sexual fantasies, but not at the expense of hurting others.

    Remember Jim Baker from that Christian TV Network (PTL or something like that)that absolutely hated homosexuals? Turned out that ol' CLM...I mean Jim, was a latent homosexual!

    I hope I didn't get off topic.

  17. How about being locked in a closet with a giant sized Way Syllabus and hearing loud laughter?

    And my favorite recurring dream:

    I'm in a large house filled with wonderful luxuries (can't spell today), a place of high esteem. I happen to waved back to the cute lady across the street...then, wham! Out of nowhere a group of Way Disciples enter my house and take everything I own! I am left with nothing.

  18. Thanks JavaJane! :rolleyes: You are too cool!

    After so many years of manipulation with TWI, I find myself questioning the validity of "everything". Even to the point that Christianity as a whole might be nothing more than a giant hoax. Wow, what citisizm? I guess I am just crazy right now but will get through it.

    Guess I'll purchase one of those anti-cult psychology books availalbe through your links here at Greasespotcafe.com.

  19. Hey, thanks for all of your replys.

    I no longer subscribe to "fear tactics" about standing before YHWH or God or whatever anymore. Can't name three Christians or Waffers that I would like to spend eternity with. If it is true that non-believers' will simply be no more after the Judgement then it might be a better deal.

    Actually, I think I am looking for scientific evidence. After TWI, I no longer can trust my emotional side concerning "religion".

    Hmmm, wonder if I can just delete this post?

  20. I was just wondering how many of you have really experienced "knowing" the invisable Jesus? What concrete evidence do you have that he is still alive?

    I have been brainwashed since birth to believe in Jesus Christ even though we have no original documentation (Greek manuscripts)to prove the New Testament is factual.

    Please do not reply with "you can feel him in your heart" or "if you have love or compassion in your life then you have Christ" because even the Neanderthal's cared for and about their own. And please, not the old Baptist saying of "You've got to go by faith."

    So, there is this invisable God who sent his physical son to save Israel. Israel first, then God decides he wants to save the rest of the world...but if you weren't Jewish you were considered a "dog". Just goes to show you how hateful man-made religions can be. Jesus defeated Satan? Really? Where's the proof?

    God vs. Satan...good vs. evil. What if it's really the choices we make in this life?

    I could go on and on...but really, has anybody met the invisable Jesus?

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