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Wishing for Freedom

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Posts posted by Wishing for Freedom

  1. It is getting too much for the Way Corps on the field to teach foundational classes live. They are taping a new class. The syllabus is being redone. They haven't announced any of the content. I am just guessing, but I think it will be closer to PFAL than WAP.

  2. Belle, Decomai and Lambano was taught the same as they were in the PFAL class. Receiving the Holy Spirit book was used as a reference in this teaching.

    Just Thinking, I think that most people who want to leave have left. It appears that the biggest reason most people weren't there was because of debt. Either for homes or other items. To go you had to be out of debt. People were exciited and it was nice to see old friends. I couldn't believe some of the people who are still around. I appreciate your offer of help. I will need to remain as I am for a few more years. Any changes I could make would only cause more problems than it would solve.

    So much of the information taught was from the old PFAL class. The new foundational class is being videotaped. I guess this was the pratice run. I guess that means we will need for fork out more money for more classes. I don't know for sure, I am only guessing.

  3. Well like a good little wayfer, I went to the special. The theme was "Pratical Keys to Biblical Research". Instead of the two rooms, we were only in the one ballroom. No tables this year. Lots of promos for the bookstore.

    Basic things taught

    Why we research the scriptures

    Scripture Build-Up - 4 Crucified

    Word Study - Receive - Decomai/Lambano

    Context Study - Paul on Mars Hill

    John 1:1

    and a few other topics.

    This is also the last time they are having it in Texas. The 2006 one will be split in two and held at Headquarters.

    More later.

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