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Posts posted by Neo

  1. i never heard anyone teach that way followwers are a superior breed of humans. but IF you believe that the WORD of GOD is true and that 1co. ch12 is true and that WE who are born again of GODS spirit can operate the manifestations then you can do what THE WORD says you can do. but if you dont believe that we have the exceeding greatness of GODS power when we believe then why even talk about GOD. do you believe that GOD raised Jesus from the dead ?

    Where The HELL did you come from? Don't talk about something you don't have firsthand knowledge of!!!!!

  2. You know it's uncanny and just a bit...no, a lot...unnerving that even though it has been over 20 years and I am reading the words on a computer screen, his voice still resonates in my head when I read them. It doesn't matter which class it is or which SNS or whatever his voice and Loy's voice seem to haunt me. :blink: I guess you never really do get that spunge clean.

    Oh well...


    You are up late. I just needed to say that I too, still hear their voice.


    ps I'll stay in the boat! :jump:

  3. QUOTE

    i think that your description of vpw borders on idolatry...

    What exactly does this mean and exactly what is it supposed to prove Mr. Ham? Truthfully it doesn't prove a thing to me - other than the fact "half a dozen other posters" have come to the wrong conclusion. Let me explain why I believe this further.

    In ninth grade I gave the conclusion and the correct answer to a math question when the rest of the class was completey wrong when applying the same formula. The correct answer to the quesion was "0". The rest of the class had said something else - they all (without distinction) said: "-1".

    The teacher then asked, "How many of you say the answer is "0"? About half the class had their hands raised, mine included. Then she asked, "How many of you say -1?" There were a few more than half of the class whose hands were raised who said -1. She asked again, "How many of you still say 0? Now there were only 3 hands raised, instead of 8 like before. She asked again, How many of you think it is still -1? Nearly everyone's hands were raised now, except mine. Then she asked again, "How many of you still say 0? Now only my hand was raised.

    Do you want to know why it was still raised? The reason was I had cheated. I looked in the back of the book to find the correct answer to that math question. That didn't mean I understood how to arrive at the correct conclusion to the math question, I just had the correct answer without having the understanding of how to come to the correct answer. That is exactly where I believe a lot of people are at with the PFAL class today and with the PFAL collateral materials. They cheated and "looked ahead". Of course, we got the correct answer in PFAL - but that doesn't mean we have got the understanding on how to arrive at the correct answer. Now everybody in the class has got their hand raised with some other answer that was already written in the book.

    The next thing I knew the teacher had started questioning me on how I arrived at the answer. Since I was now the only one in the class left who had said "0" and also because I couldn't give her an appropriate answer (I didn't want to admit I cheated and that I already found the answer in the back of the book) I just said, "Well, I think it could be 0, but I might be wrong." The rest of the class was now looking at me to side with them. I then put down my hand. When she asked for the last time, "How many of you still think the answer should be -1?," then I raised my hand.

    Of course I would have gotten an A+, that is, before the rest of the class "peer pressured and talked me out" of the correct answer, even when I knew the correct answer by cheating and looking ahead and not knowing how to arrive at the correct conclusion to the math question.

    All (without exception) I learned from that experience in ninth grade taught me was I should not cave into "peer pressure" - that I should learn how to arrive at the correct answer without cheating and looking ahead. I should gain an understanding of the material that was presented by applying it and workng it for myself - especially if I want to keep an A+ grade I can be proud of.

    I just needed to put my two cents in. This post is a beautifull example of why we need to do what Dr. told us we needed to do, and that is to, "MASTER THE MATERALS!!!"

    I believe that we cannot just go from memory, but need to REALLY understand what we were REALLY given, and what God by way of Dr. REALLY gave us! And that was the silver mine that so many others had just walked over.

    Again I want to say that I love ALL of you and only want Gods' BEST for you.

    Much Love,

    Neo :beer:

  4. did you take any of their classes?

    their series of classes is about eighty five percent or more the same basic material as vic's foundational, intermediate, advanced.

    one thing different though, they have more than one teacher. While that eliminates one central authority figure, I still think they are basically lock stepped.

    I think they have so much emotionally invested in twi, that they really can't take an honest look at the doctrine.

    I'm not suggesting that they are bad people.

    What REALLY troubles me, is not a "kind, gentle organization" that just wants to "move da word", but the kid who seems to be trying to spearhead a return of the old corps program, along with it's austerity and elitist attitude, who regards pfal as his heritage- he's a product of their training program.

    I don't think he has even half a clue about the evil "gramps" practiced.. I think they raised him up to think vic was some kinda mythical character, who slew the bible in twelve sessions, and thinks it was the few rotten eggs in the old ministry that caused all the trouble.

    The leaders of cff are among his counsellors..

    So I wonder. Is he rogue, off on his own adventure, or are they supportive of this "new'" program? Where are these new "leaders and workers" going to be sent?

    These are a few issues I'd consider and ask about before getting involved with the group..


    Nice post!

    Yes I have taken their class and all it did was leave me empty.

    They have taken PFAL and changed parts of it. Also, at many places in the class one, who really understood PFAL, is left hanging because they leave out some most important info.

    To be continued.


  5. A) We can't have WTH actually admitting to a mistake, can we?

    It has to have been an INTENTIONAL error....

    B) I saw it in the other post.

    However, if I responded to every single instance of something wrong, WTH would be furious and insist

    I was picking on him. Instead, I use most of my time more productively. (I let it slide, and that's no

    exagerration and no lie. I'm sure WTH will claim I didn't see the first one, but if so, he will be mistaken.)

    When he decided to make a significantly-lengthed post on it-especially one that included misinformation-

    I made a note to respond to it as soon as was convenient. (I didn't drop everything and respond.)

    So, all of WTH's speculation as to why I responded to a post several paragraphs long, when I left

    alone one that was 2 sentences long, was all incorrect.

    If he'd used Occam's Razor (and used it CORRECTLY), his first guess would probably have been the

    correct one.

    Sadly, he's still trying to make the case that pfal was correct in using a word incorrectly, and willing

    to torture the English language and make elaborate, empty, circumlocuitous posts to do so.

    He's certainly free to do so. He's also free to think he's actually fooling someone. And to think

    he'll get some sort of "atta boy" for doing so. Technically, he'll get the last, but from other posters

    who do the same, not from the only one whose opinion truly counts.//

    This may help!

    Remember what Dr. said?

    "Do you know why you have a problem forgiving? It is because you have forgotten what God has forgiven you for!!!"

    In TNDC, pg. 172, The Church Today Dr writes;

    Division always frustrates Christian efforts. May God deliver us as the Church from being contentious and difficult, from maligning our brethren, from bickering and quarrelsomeness, from dividing the Body of Christ by our lack of enlightenment. There is too much division outside the Church; our solidarity is imperative to give us strength to move forward in spite of the opposition. May the Father in heaven, for the sake of the only-begotten Son, bless us with such an abundance that we may cease to be a part of the problem and become a part of the answer. May we as members of Christ’s Body become so filled with love that we may be teachable and have our hearts opened to His Holy Word. And may we receive of Him and carry the blessing to all we meet, that they may see us and know we are His.

    I sure love ALL of you, for as God said in


    All my Love,


  6. I liken it to "my muscle (energized by God) is bigger than he (the adversary) that is in this world, and likewise are my spiritual siblings being bigger."


    Christ most certainly IS the teacher, spiritually, not Dr. Wierwille. Same for the Epistles of Paul. They are really the Epistles of Christ from his ministry seated at the right hand of God, instead of his previous ministry on earth as recorded in the four gospels. Both the originals from Paul and the collaterals from Victor Paul are "by revelation of Jesus Christ." As Dr said, "I didn't write the book."


    You also wrote: “...so in behavior you can for the rest of our life remind someone how they are just not quite arrived yet...”

    Yes, I can. But that wouldn’t be love, so instead of moving TOWARDS mastering the Word (with it mastering me) I’d then be moving AWAY from mastery if I used my past ten years of study to lord it over someone with less. Sure, I can get very feisty here with those who try to out-feisty me, but I try to quickly calm right down and look for ways to bless with what God has shown me in these ten years.

    In the SNS teaching “Christ Formed In You” Dr addressed this subject. The SNS tapes were not copyrighted, and have been openly marketed by several grad groups for years now. With that and with fair use in mind let’s see what Dr said on that SNS tape #732 from November 24, 1974:

    In II Peter is a tremendous truth, chapter 3, verse 18.

    II Peter 3:18: But grow in [what?] grace [grow in grace], and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    Grow in grace. The word "grace" literally could be translated "love's gifts." Grace is always God, who is love, at work. Love at work is grace. It says "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

    It doesn't say "grow in the knowledge of scripture." The Way Ministry's loaded with that stuff at times, but no love. We've got grads of the class on Power for Abundant Living, I wish I'd never taught them. All they do is prance around showing how much knowledge of the scriptures they have and make everybody else that hasn't got that knowledge feel badly, if they can.

    Why my goodness, what did I ever teach them God's Word for? It breaks my heart. It's not the knowledge of the scripture you know, but the extent to which you know Him and walk in the love wherewith He loved.

    Nothing wrong with knowledge of the scripture, but it looks to me you haven't got enough knowledge if you don't apply it, and you ought to read a few verses that tell you how to put it on, how to love with the love wherewith He loved, how to forgive with the forgiveness for which He forgives, how to keep your tongue under control so you don't go blabbing everything all the time.

    It's an unruly evil, remember? The tongue. No man can tame it, so quit trying to tame it, let God tame it. He's the only one that can do it, otherwise you're always gonna have the running off of the tongue.

    Grow in grace. That growing in grace is to grow in the love-life of Christ, like you can grow in the new birth, you can't get more spiritually. Then in the growing of it is in the renewed mind and in the walk.

    Grow in grace. Love at work in your life by God through Christ who saved us when we were totally dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without hope, people. He loved us enough that He saved us. Can you and I really, if we know what that means, do less than endeavor to build the grace of God in our minds and the love wherewith He loved, to share that love.

    So, it's not a knowledge of the scriptures, but what? Do I love? How do I love with that knowledge?

    Does anyone have a “Back to Topic” emoticon? ;)

    This may help! :doh:

    Remember what Dr. said?

    "Do you know why you have a problem forgiving? It is because you have forgotten what God has forgiven you for!!!"

    In TNDC, pg. 172, The Church Today Dr writes;

    Division always frustrates Christian efforts. May God deliver us as the Church from being contentious and difficult, from maligning our brethren, from bickering and quarrelsomeness, from dividing the Body of Christ by our lack of enlightenment. There is too much division outside the Church; our solidarity is imperative to give us strength to move forward in spite of the opposition. May the Father in heaven, for the sake of the only-begotten Son, bless us with such an abundance that we may cease to be a part of the problem and become a part of the answer. May we as members of Christ’s Body become so filled with love that we may be teachable and have our hearts opened to His Holy Word. And may we receive of Him and carry the blessing to all we meet, that they may see us and know we are His.

    I sure love ALL of you, for as God said in


    All my Love,

    Neo :jump:

    I was involved with cff, and can tell you that they are NOT teaching what Dr. realy said and wrote!!!

    p.s. e-mail me if you want to know more.

  7. I think the best information out there for the public is the film "Waco The Rules of Engagement".

    Essentially proves the FBI deliberately killed the compound inhabitants with CS Gas in retaliation for the Davidians' lawful use of weapons in self defense of their lives but resulting in 4 BATF agents getting killed.

    The whole thing could have been avoided with just a little government restraint. But no, the feds had to prove they were the big bully on the block. Clinton and Reno should be held responsible for these murders. The lies of the federal government are appalling and apparent in this film. If you haven't seen it yet, its worth the time for sure.

    Let us never forget why God exhorts us to pray,

    1 Timothy 2:1-4

    I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

    For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

    For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

    Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

    God bless,

    Neo <_<

  8. Here is how (and this is just one of many examples we were given in PFAL - but I think it was by far the best one):

    John 12:32

    And I [Jesus] if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

    As Dr. W. explained in PFAL: Now, has everyone in your community been drawn unto the Lord Jesus Christ? Of course they haven't. So here the word "all" would not be all without exception, (because not everyone in your community has been called or believes on the Lord Jesus Christ) but rather, all with distinction - "all" those whom the Lord has called - all those whom he has disctinctly called.

    This is a prime example where we don't allways (pun intended) think critically when we often read the scriptures, or even in our conversations with one another. Another prime example would be in the usage of the words "throughly" and "thoroughly" - as we were also shown in II Timothy 3:17:

    That the man of God may be perfect, throughly (it's not the word thoroughly, there is no "o" between the letter h and the letter r) furnished (the word for furnished here should be perfected. The word is exartizo, it is the adverb. The word "artios", translated "perfect" is the noun while exartizo is the adverb, so to be consistant in our translation then the word should have been translated: "perfected". i.e. perfect, throughly -that is, through and through and throughly perfected unto all good works).

    I recall there was a discussion a while back on GSC where someone had said these words "throughly" and "thoroughly" mean the exact same thing. Perhaps they do in our modern day nomenclature, but not according to the Word of God. Dr W. addressed the same remark in PFAL ... He said, "Now that's what you're going to say (that is, that throughly and thoroughly mean the exact same thing - and of course, people still think these words mean the same thing today) but that's not what I'm going to say. Then he goes on to demonstrate how one can wash their hands "thoroughly" but one cannot wash their hands throughly because throughly implies an inside job.

    Dr. was actually making a reference to the gift of holy spirit here in this segment of PFAL, teaching us how the holy spirit would be the one doing the cleansing - and of course, it would not be thoroughly, but rather be done throughly, because the cleansing by way of the holy spirit always starts as: "an inside job." Of course, there are still pleny of Pharisee's who only cleanse the outside - or "the flesh" thinking it somehow results in a spiritual cleansing.

    We miss an awful lot when we just "blow stuff off" and we don't bother to stop and think critically about the words we often use - so why would it be any different when we come to reading the scriptures? If we would only stop, slow down, and think more carefully about what we read (and even what we say) we might (as I had stated earlier) be able to get a better understanding of the heart of the matter. This is where it begins - that is, in one's ability to manifest the more than abundant life for themselves.

    You are soooo! right.

    It's late!

    I will add more to this tommorow.




  9. Before I get started I should point out that this is meant to be loving encouragement in Gods word. If you get feeling defensive at any point, then I apologize for not writing clearly enough. My intent is not to attack anyone, so if you feel attacked then I encourage you to take a step back and try to determine why.

    I grew up in The Way. There's no way I can imagine knowing as much of Gods word as I do without that upbringing. That's not to say I know everything, just that I am very appreciative of what I do know.

    I'm no longer a member of the way, but I love them dearly. They are my brothers and sisters. Anything, ANYTHING they did wrong to me, I forgive them for. Holding a grudge does nothing to them and nothing positive to you.

    These folks are your brothers and sisters too.

    So that's what was on my heart, God bless you guys, you seem like a wonderful bunch of believers!



    Are you still out there?

    It has been awhile since we heard from you.

    Just wondering.

    Neo :rolleyes:

  10. Yes ....

    What you have here at Grease Spot is an environment beyond the control of TWI…The truth is out on TWI's favorite idol. There's no TWI leadership here to "shield" you from it, re-interpret it, "spiritualize" it, whitewash it, or make it go away.

    Thanks for the response. And I thank God that we have this platform in which to express ourselves from.


  11. This also needs repeating:

    Wonder how many folks would still hold on to the GRAND assumption that God gave "doctor" the Word - if they realized he was a lying, thieving, egotistical, mean, deluded, controlling, sexual predator and drunkard.

    T-Bone why do you say these things, do you have personal knowledge?

    Neo :beer:

  12. I don`t know neo, I have 3 syblings, syblings, parents, ghrandparents, extended family of aunts and uncles that didn`t get involved in twi they all ended up fine. I have to think that I would have been also.

    I tend to think that God is a lot bigger than twi and if he wanted to find us, or we him...it could have been managed.

    How about the question,,,how many of us would be in much better chape if we had never even heard of Vic wierwille and twi?

    I believe you are right, God is so big that He did find us and we Him.

    We cannot go back in time and relieve the past, but we can keep moving forward and continue to improve our lives.

    Also, I have two parents, two sisters(one my twin), one brother, two children, and eight grandchildren, all doing fine.

    And I'm only 48.

    Gotta run but thanks for the replies.

    Get back to you soon.

    Neo :beer:

    But then again, how many are no longer alive because of TWI 1?

    I do. :cryhug_1_:

  13. I would say the attending physician that pronounced him dead and/or was prepping him for the morgue, would much rather give the credit to God than be blamed for malpractice. A few more minutes and he could have just buried his mistakes maybe.

    I don't know who did what, but it did apparently take the shock to get him going, which frequently brings people back from "the dead". I'd vote for bad doctorin ... but at the least it was good the prayer had the confidence in prayer to insist on another jolt.


    IT IS ALIVE!!! :beer:

    Just thought this needed repeating!

    Exodus 12:30

    Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.

    Doesn't take much!

    With that said, I think we need to look for the profit in all of this.

    Oh well, just my thoughts.


  14. T-Bone,

    You wrote: “Jesus warned of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees – which was a theological system that bred hypocrisy. I tend to think vp's doctrine would fall into the same category – a belief system with a primary concern for appearances rather than matters of the heart. Of course, that's just my opinion. I'm interested in your thoughts on that.”

    When you say “vp’s doctrine” do you mean the whole ball of wax?

    I am very careful to distinguish between TVTs and the written record. It’s impossible to trace the origins and proponents of the TVTs. It seems many grads were loaded with TVTs and that gave rise to lots of baloney. I think your opinion is focused on those TVTs and their consequences. If you would come back to work the written materials, and them exclusively, you’d find that it’s a different picture there.

    As far as appearances go, they are important and had to be taught. I could see that, and I could see that some took that too seriously. We were HIPPIES, or many of us were, or like hippies. We had been indoctrinated into “letting it all hang out” and wearing torn and dirty clothes and not bathing. We needed some teaching there.

    And matters of the heart? I saw plenty of that taught. I’m sorry if you missed it. It’s not too late to see plenty of heart in the written forms of PFAL.


    You wrote: “In regards to Paul's warning of counterfeits – and even your own mentioning of the devil's activity – I was wondering if you could mention specific reasons why you think vp was a genuine minister of God."

    He led me to the True God. He showed me how to read the KJV and other versions and see past man’s religious baloney. We love God because He loved us first, and Dr showed me that God is love and that He loved me. From Dr’s ministry I was able to throw out the baloney of the RC Church that had plagued me with guilt and condemnation. From PFAL I received a strong desire to help others see that God is love.

    I know Dr to be of God by the fruits that grew in my life from his teaching. I know from the Word that his old man nature was not worth two cents, just like mine.


    You wrote: “I was intrigued by your reference to religious folks stuck in the 4 gospel time administration [which, I guess, you also lump me in that category]. vp's teachings focused more on showing the application of PFAL principles rather than developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. Has Paul's warning of some who pervert the gospel of Christ ever been a concern of yours in the struggles you mentioned in a previous post? In other words - did you ever think vp perverted the gospel of Christ?”

    I see the perverted gospel in churchianity where a relationship with Jesus Christ is counterfeited by emotions.

    Some of those emotions, in the early stages of this counterfeit process, can be genuine reactions to genuine understanding of parts of God’s Word. But, from my experiences, later on those emotions fade, as all emotional feelings do. When this happens the person who HAD experienced them naturally wants to recharge them because they felt good. By then he had absorbed the prevalent counterfeit teaching that THOSE FEELINGS were a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    I remember nuns in the RC Church describing this as the reason they joined the convent. In a sense they think of themselves as married to Jesus. They do whatever they have to do to artificially pump up those emotions. When those endorphins finally do flow they feel like they are “in love” with Jesus and that is their counterfeit relationship.

    I used to try and do this when I was a child in Catholic School, but being a male, I felt that it was impossible to go this route as efficiently as a female could, and I felt cheated.

    Later on in life I found that some Protestants had found non-homosexual ways of duplicating the nuns’ approach, and they could get the endorphins flowing. The charismatic movement of the time even brought some of this to the RCs, but by then I was bowing out.

    I suppose in other locales and in other centuries RC priests and monks may have gone this route of having an “emotional” relationship with what they thought was Jesus.

    I also know now that brother-brother love can be quite strong and even emotional at times without introducing any sexual elements. I would expect that the apostles had such a brother-brother relationship with Jesus, and THOSE relationships were genuine.

    However, those relationships were not strong enough nor spiritual enough to satisfy God Who wanted more for us. That relationship didn’t do them much good when they were out of Jesus’ presence, and it totally failed them during and after the crucifixion.

    There was a time when Jesus told them that it would be good for them that he would leave. The kind of relationship that they had with him would be ending soon, he was telling them. Then that time finally came and he was removed from their sight.

    What PFAL taught me was that the flesh person of Jesus Christ was removed by God from sight, and those flesh relationships were terminated FOR A GOOD REASON. That reason was that God had a secretly planned a BETTER kind of relationship for them.

    The ministry of Jesus Christ on earth, in the senses realm, was spectacular, but it ended. He ascended and sat down at the right hand of the Father. In II Cor. 5:16 we are told “Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.”

    Trying to go back to knowing Christ after the flesh is bound to end up in counterfeit soup because it is no longer available. You can’t call Christ on the phone and meet him at Starbucks. If you do it’s either another road to Damascus incident, or the more likely “spiritual problem.”

    The relationship we can have with Christ starts with receiving “Christ in you the hope of glory.” Then that is improved and it becomes Christ in you THE GLORY! This is the “Christ formed in you” teaching that so few heard or remember of Dr’s, even though he did it three times that I have tape of, and probably some more. I have posted one of the transcripts here, but I don’t know if it survived the pruning of a few years ago.

    My relationship with Christ is, IN MY WORDS, like the relationship a theater actor has with the role he plays. An actor is not the character he plays, but in time an actor can “identify” with that part. This can be a identity problem for that actor if it goes too far. For us, going all out in this PFAL sponsored relationship is void of problems. (Gal 4:18)

    In my RC taught relationship with Christ I had to follow him at a distance. In my PFAL taught relationship to Christ I get to fill his shoes and walk his walk. I take the place of the absent (flesh) Christ wherever I go, as long as I live in that mind of Christ PFAL teaches and not in my old man nature. This is the whole point of the remaining verses in II Corinthians 5.

    Let’s look at them.

    I Cor. 5:16-21

    Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh:

    yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh,

    yet now henceforth know we him no more.

    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:

    old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    And all things are of God,

    who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ,

    and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

    To wit, that God was in Christ,

    reconciling the world unto himself,

    not imputing their trespasses unto them;

    and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

    Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,

    as though God did beseech you by us:

    we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

    For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;

    that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

    In this passage Paul is teaching that the old relationship with Christ is past, and that the new one was in full swing for Paul, but not yet for the Corinthians. They had pneuma hagion and could SIT, but they were carnal. They hadn’t yet gotten Christ FORMED in their soul/minds. They had Christ CREATED in them spiritually, pneuma hagion, but their minds were carnal, old man nature minds, for the most part.

    Paul was teaching them so they too could rise up to this superior relationship with Christ. Paul was acting in Christ’s place for them. They weren’t up to that speed yet, so the “us” and the “we” in there refers to Paul and Timothy, the “you” refers to the Corinthians.

    I don’t see this kind of relationship taught in churchianity. I see mere emotionalism there at best, and a counterfeit christ-relationship at worst, especially when the trinity is brought in and it’s a god-man counterfeit christ that’s in that relationship. This is what Paul was talking about when he warned us not to pervert the relationship he had the revelation to teach. Paul’s gospel shows us the ministry of THE MAN Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of God.

    The relationship with Christ we can have is to become LIKE him as I John 3:2 teaches.

    To see the fullness of this requires PFAL because it was lost before the apostle Paul died. Full recovery took 2000 years and divine intervention. The Word was lost in the first century and then re-issued to us in PFAL in a new format, but the same ideas as Paul’s, with an added element. Paul ministered to God’s people by revelation to help them move into the Grace Administration, while Victor Paul helped God’s people by revelation to move into the into the Appearing Administration.

    Interestingly, the notion of the Word being lost and re-issued comes up in my next response to brideofjc, as well as elements being added in the re-issue.

    I just thought this needed repeating! How many of us would even be alive if not for what God gave us by way of Dr. and TWI 1?

    God bless,

    Neo :jump:

  15. Hey, Neo!

    If you'd come in to twi, charging in and raising your voice to object to what was

    said, vpw HIMSELF would have had you given the "bum's rush" out of the

    campus, possibly having you BODILY thrown out.

    Instead, you did it at the GSC. There was lots of disagreement, and you were

    still free to speak.

    Does that strike you as something noteworthy?

    Does that tell you something?

    Might a closer look be warranted?

    Sorry! Thanks for your support.

    (((((((( many hugs neo ))))))))

    is your last name sporin ?



    Ha-Ha thanks

  16. I guess Neo only allegedly wanted a confrontation. <_<

    Sorry I drive for a limo co and have been putting in many hours. As far as what I said before I have been shown the error of my ways and do want ALL to know that I only want to love. I was not acting out of the Love of God before and promise to think before I act.


    Neo :redface:

  17. Wow, you seem to be wound a little tightly. I dont recall anything in my post that was "answering" for DWBH it was simply an observation. An observation that I made on a post that you placed in a public forum. Now you dont want anyone to comment on it? Seems like perhaps if you want to talk to DWBH, you appear to know him if so then why not just give him a call? Why address your concerns in public if you dont want an audience?

    You are wright, I am upset that he had the nerve to post what he did and just like Paul did I am confronting him to his face! Let him answer for himself. It is not about you please do not take it that way.

  18. I think I used that answer on one of the questions in the "Home Studies" series.

    Shhhhh!!!---- Let's keep that our little secret. :wink2:

    Why wait sooooo long to disagree with what you were taught? Why attack Dr. now? :confused:

    Reminds me of Whoopie in Sister Act..."Bless you, Eddie!"

    That reply was not meant for the majority here at grease spot. I am only talking to one person! Let him answer for himself! :asdf:

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