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Posts posted by Samwise

  1. Don't underestimate her. There are depths to her only a few know about. She was 1st Family Corps, coordinated PFAL77 with Bob Weingardner, took over Way Pub., then Way Prod., then Geer put her in charge of the entire Auditorium a year or so after Black Wednesday. Much to our dismay, Don WW resigned and placed her as VP, and then she became Pres after Martindale left. She wormed her way using people, friendships, deciept, and micro-management. She knows everything about everyone who worked for her, we would have to fill out and turn in a weekly plan sheet to her, accounting for every hour of the next week, when and what we would study, when we would exercise, when we would eat, what TV we would watch, when we would have 'intimate' time with out spouse. Then the next week, we would have to turn in last week's plan, marked in red anyplace we didn't stick to our plan and the reason that the adversary had talked us out of doing what we had said we were going to do.

    Perhaps the scariest thing about her is the fact that she can look you in the eye, smile, lie to you, and cut off your balls and stab you in the back all at the same time.

    Ya, I know I have been gone from here for a couple of years, but those like Catcup may remember me.

    (sign me) Still Straightening My Life Out

  2. Looking for Tom or Louise Cramer, former HQ staff, Grounds Dept. 17th Corps I think. Got thown out in one of the 'purges'. I think they went to NC to be near Moynihan's. They are originally from the Troy/Piqua area in Ohio.


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