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Posts posted by Janis

  1. It breaks my heart to hear you people talking like this.

    I want you think for a minute. What was it that attracted you to The Way International? And be honest.

    You had a need and you believed that God was taking care of that. You did it of your own free will, right? Did anyone beat any of you over the head and make you go? Did anyone force you to stay? So men and women stopped believing God' Word and fell into whatever it is they fell into. Are you so perfect that you can stand in judgement over anyone?

    I think you folks need to stop and think about the futility of what you are saying here. If you want to change anything, get your heads back into God's Word and CHALLENGE GOD to teach you.

    I did. I knew this all along. My relationship was with God, not people. It had been the whole time. No matter what did or didn't happen with the ministry, God is still God and still willing able to fulfill His Word.

    This is only going to fester as long as you allow it. Do what I did. Get past it and get back to God. He was the reason we all went to a fellowship to begin with, right?

    Just think about it. Don't respond to me, respond to the call of God....because you know, Jesus Christ is coming back. It could be sooner than you think. Don't get caught with you pants down. (ha ha)



  2. God bless everyone that is here and will stop by.

    You know God is able and willing to see us through any situation that we may encounter. Nothing is too big for God ALmighty. He is there and is a very present help in time of need.

    We have the ability of operate the power of God at any time. I would like to share something with you. No matter what situation we find ourselves in God is right there when we but call on Him.

    I got myself in a mess. I was being raped. I called on God and I felt two tornados whirling around on either side of my bellybutton. It shot out of me and knocked the guy clear off me and into the door. He could not get out of the house fast enough. He was shook up, needless to say.

    Sometime shortly after that I found Psalm 18. God was very wroth on my behalf. I saw that section live like never before.

    I have a request. Three people that I love that need help. Scott, Leon, and Nancy Lou. Lift them. Lift me so that I know what to do, if anything....



  3. God bless and thanks you guys for working so hard.

    I need to vent, if you want to go you can. A little background first. I decided to leave the Way International in 1989. It was not an easy decision for me. For me, it had to be based on God's Word as that is what kept me around for the time I was there to begin with. I did that and have not regretted my decision. What I find so sad, is that where I have grown and changed and am honest with myself and others I still find that there are people also not associated with the Way that maintain the mental attitudes that caused the division to begin with. People you think you know are hard, legalistic, religious and mean. Then they turn around and want you to feel bad or like in my case I let it get to me and I get mad and I cuss them out. And that isn't nice either and it causes more trouble.

    Has anybody been through this, and what did you do to not get caught in a trap?

    Thanks for listening and even though I try to act all tough and not let those see, it really hurts me that people feel like they have to force their beliefs on me or confrom to their ways.


  4. I knew Mark as my brother in Christ, as a/v guy par excellance and as a personal tour guide to all the backstage ins and outs of the WoW auditorium. He taught me that the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation knows no bounds and that anything done in love blesses everyone.

    I will see him at the return

    Janis Lang

  5. WHo is the 14th Carat corps looking for my kitty cat. He was such a riot. Who is this?

    I am Janis Lang the one chasing David Crawley all over the place. What a mistake that was? He is a robot at Way Builders now. He did not even remember me. Pray for Crawley.


  6. I left right after the rock in 1987. I had been out WOW, it was great, we were left alone for the most part and protected by people walking the spirit. I heard so much bs when I got to the rock I just said, whoa, wait a minute.. then my mom got sick, I came back to GA and I have been here ever since. There are a handful of believers, a leader that I love very much Don and Patty Granerio. I have been tucked away most of the time. I am doing just fine. I feel like we all lived through an atomic blast and we are just getting our bearings.

    So HELLLOOOOOOOOOO my brothers and sisters, I am here.


  7. With cream. Thanks. How do you know we never met? I talk to everybody I ran across, I never met a stranger, been that way since childhood.


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