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God of nothing, God of something, and God of everything first

Dust everywhere we even eat dust but dust shall we return to.


Here I am sating to talk person with you the reader of this Work of my heart, Prophecy of year2027, or just letters from a crazy person what ever you think I am here. Some of my friends believe I needed Psychotherapy workers because they believe I saw myself has more than I was because Grease Spot Cafe honer with apostle above my name. But no harm was done by anybody I know who I am so what I believe Christ called to be his apostle but I am a man like apostle Paul say was.

I been thinking a lot about do I need Psychotherapy help yes but for me saying I believe God told me I was a apostle but because I can not handle the world crises like my Cable not working, like feeling of no value, and other things. Today with friends I feel like I am of value the person that likes to do for others because that no everyday feeling I will give it a another try. Yes Psychotherapy care on the 12th of April I see my doctor which can care for me in that Psychotherapy field too I did pick him because that but its a plus.

We have to see what this brings one day at a time you see we need each other more than we think to the person that talks hours crying other people problems because she to afraid to talk her own. We let pride cut us off from getting the help we need but we never thank our friends for working with by listening to us crying our heart out. Some times that all we can do about life because we are not ready to deal with the things holding us back in life.

My friend Rap was just trying to help me and my Paw was just trying to honor I hold nothing against anyone we are all human. Board are just boards otherwise if you see a board as more maybe you need to see a Psychotherapy too and Churches, cults, believes, bibles, stories, religions, un-believes, atheists, or no matter what your into it what make you you no more no less. We are in this world together and we must work together to receive a mind of love which is truth because names mean little.

Some say there is no God and some cry there is but I say there is and there is not because it depends on each person to decide what they believe and what they do not believe. I believe God in the love of each person deep in our DNA to love is where I see my God but you might see something different all together. Science says our whole Galaxy is like a heart beat making is a living creature so if our galaxy is alive why not dust the smallest that most see being alive too.

God to me is that dust of creation or Intelligent design of a creation from nothing has dust changing from one kind another and back unto whatever begin as. Did you know you are breathing in a dinosaurs dang when you breath in flesh air today or when you eat a apple where did it come from? A dinosaurs cast it out as wasted energy then a plant eat it as food and then that plant is casting out as shinning apple and you think that no dang.

I been breathing dang, eating dang, drinking dang, sweating dang, or anyway I did not think of I am doing to live this life that seems like it dang but I must go on. We are all dang eaters but we are all humans in need of understanding we all want to be the main show but we must be happy to be ourself. Thank you my friends with love of truth unto you an holy kiss of truth what that might be from Roy.

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