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Posts posted by QamiQazi

  1. here is a list of departments I might expect to see, though I have little or no direct knowledge of them:

    1 research department

    2 food prep department

    3 publishing department

    4 printing department

    5 press & pr department

    6 accounting department

    7 payroll department

    8 building and grounds department

    9 general legal department

    10 purchasing department

    11 procuring department

    12 data processing department

    13 motor pool department

    14 off-grounds department

    15 massage department

    16 greasepot cafe monitoring department

    17 reflections department (haircuts)

    18 audio video (AV) department

    19 way builders department

    20 wow department

    21 corps department

    22 outreach department

    23 outrage department

    24 sunday night snooze department

    25 WayGB (bleSS patrol) department

    26 personnel management department

    27 rumor and scandal-handling department

    28 real estate investment department

    29 assets investment department

    30 travel department

    31 3rd aid department (general medical)

    32 4th aid department (works with the rumor & scandal folks)

    33 trustee entertainment department

    34 toadie grooming department

    35 way teen department

    36 way pre-teen department

    37 way grade-schooler department

    38 way infants & toddlers department

    39 way seniors department

    40 way woods grave-site grooming department

    41 way chris geer lookout department (on grounds)

    42 way doug mcmullen lookout department (on grounds)

    43 way greasespot hijinks lookout department (on grounds)

    44 way department tracking department

    45 way budget and planning department

    46 way slush fund and offshore banking department (all very legal, no doubt)

    47 way BOT emeritus hush money department

    48 way rosie and donna accommodation department

    49 way give harve something to keep busy department

    50 ???

  2. Based on the definition, VP meant enemies within. Maybe that was the beginning of the purge?

    He probably meant anybody that didn't like what he did on that bus of his, among other things. It was probably also a way to make the Corps fear one another, if they had any thoughts of "disloyalty," somebody next to them was under orders. He could be a scary, freaky guy, VP. A real wacko.


    fifth column


    A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims.

    [First applied in 1936 to rebel sympathizers inside Madrid when four columns of rebel troops were attacking that city.]

    fifth colum·nism (klm-nzm) n.

    fifth columnist n.

    fifth column

    n : a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst [syn: Trojan horse]

    Fifth Column

    This term for a group of insurgents, traitors, or spies is a calque from Spanish. It dates to 1936 and the Spanish Civil War. That year, Nationalist general Emilio Mola had surrounded Madrid with four military columns and declared that he had a "fifth column" ("quinta columna") within the besieged city. The quotation was widely reported in British and American newspapers and the term quickly caught on and generalized.

  3. And what's the calendar about? Did I miss the 5 seconds where they actually explain that?

    Is this a return to the pre-Let Bartlet be Bartled daze, where everyone was wandering around afraid to take a stand for something?

    Tom Skerritt gave us the Dem perspective of Reagan's SDI program. "Who cares if it works?"

  4. Next week's looks even worse by the coming attractions. Barlett wanders into a disaster area resulting from "the big tornado." Leo declares the President "AWOL." All the new VP needs is a plaid sports jacket and he could be doing used car commercials on late night TV.

    And Will is defecting to the VP? That's not the same Will.

    Amy looked bad. Real bad, for Amy. And then she resigns.

    And CJ looks like she had cosmetic surgery. Not that it's a bad thing, because she looked very good.

    Rob Lowe may have defected at just the right time.

    Who is writing this stuff? I wonder if the general malaise of Bartlet's WW is a reflection of the post-Sorkin writing team.

    The rotten fish on Josh's desk pretty much spoke for the whole episode.

    Jacob and Ishmael was a good episode. More like a play than a TV script, though the previous episode was much the same in that respect.

  5. Mrs. Landingham's funeral service was last night. Amazing drama, not just for TV, but for theater.

    That episode had to win an award. In his grief, Bartlet curses God - in Latin no less, and calls Him a "feckless thug."

    Landingham appears in a vision. Bartlett faces the media with his MS for the first time. Damn good episode. Anybody else remember this one?

  6. The Platig reply suggests JP may have acted impulsively and without sufficent consideration of TWI's response when he wrote and published his letter. It's okay to "mean well," but good intentions are only the start.

    SkepTex pointed out there could be a down-side to donating money. Sure enough, Harve is exploiting it for every penny's worth.

    Was this pasted in or transcribed? I notice some typos and grammatical errors. (And if I caught a few, laleo is sure to come up with plenty others.) That's unusual for any "official document," especially one for which their may be legal consequences. For instance, there's an apostrophe after a plural noun. There's a question which reverses the words It and is at the beginning.

    It's the sort of detail that wouldn't ordinarily be overlooked at that "level." Maybe it was rushed. Maybe it went through different channels for some reason. Somebody pointed out that Rosalie didn't respond. Was Rosalie even informed? Is this palace intrigue, a palace coup? Who was hiding what, and from whom???

  7. Anybody else watching Bravo?

    I haven't seen the old episodes so don't give anything away. I started last season.

    Last night's episode had Bartlett going with Leo to the White House counsel to discuss the legal ramifications of concealing his MS.

    Toby's tantrum was over the top, but he had some good reasons for being angry, not the least of which being a new scandal to deal with. As communications director, he is not going to get much sleep for the next 2 years. In response, Bartlett was rightfully indignant, but maybe too indignant, and just a little cavalier, considering the stakes.

    Once again, Sorkin is trying to impress us with Team Bartlett's devotion to the Constitution, and his desire for full-disclosure. He even told Charlie never to lie on his behalf, for love or loyalty, or he would be disowned.

    By contrast, Clinton.

    The sarcasm was hilarious. CJ had to interview staffers in the attempt to discover the source of a "leak." Then Donna confessed to the leak, but also confessed to kidnapping the Lindberg baby, and hiding Jimmy Hoffa's body, I had to re-play it 3 times because I couldn't stop laughing in time to hear the next lines. Donna's confession may be one of the all-time great scenes for the series.

    The next staffer tells her how to determine whether a person is guilty of witchcraft. Almost died.

    Hadda be there, I guess.

    [This message was edited by QamiQazi on October 23, 2003 at 11:32.]

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