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J0nny Ling0

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Posts posted by J0nny Ling0

  1. I live in Juneau, the state's capital city. Juneau is located in what we call the Southeast Panhandle. Juneau, was named for Joe Juneau, a gold seeker who put Juneau on the map when a local Tlingit Indian, Chief Kowee, showed him where the "yellow metal" was. Took him there by canoe, if I remember correctly. check out the map link, and scroll to the lower right corner. I have also lived in Haines, just north of Juneau where I still own a house, as well as in Kenai, which is located on the Kenai Peninsula, up in South Central Alaska, down on the coast. But I have traveled the state extensively in the Interior up to Fairbanks, Chena Hot Springs, Two Rivers, Delta Junction, and Tok. On the Bering Sea Coast, I have been to Unalakleet as well as Nome, Mountain Village, Emmonak, Shaktoolik, Stebbins, Kotlik, Council, and St. Marys. All of the times I traveled to those places, I was working , and mainly building housing for the Eskimos and Indians, and making big bucks! It was nice getting that forty dollars an hour, lots of OT, plus hotel and per diem. And man, those Eskimo women in Nome! Whew! You can google any of those funny sounding villages and come up with some fun viewing and reading. And so, hopefully this link will work for you. It's just a map...



  2. I'm sorry Jonny!! I wasn't saying I was against the electric fence idea. It might work. I was just making a comment that the wolf/malamute I had, it wouldn't have done nothing for him.

    It's quite all right, I wasn't responding to you, for, I understood what you said. Someone else here seemed to be getting worked up over the idea, so, I just decided to drop the subject. And like I said to Ron, no doubt YOU are the "go to girl" on this subject here concerning wolf dogs. I have never been around them, and really, I am pretty fascinated with the whole thing. What do you call your new wolf dog?

    And Ron, to show your dominance as the Alpha Guy, remember, you may just have to mount him.... :biglaugh:

  3. I think Johnny is wrong..

    Whatever. I have had great success with it. But, one must do it properly, and make sure that they have their kids in line as well. One must actually train one's dog to the fence, which takes time and effort. I knew a woman who had two Walker Hounds (serious long distance travelers) who had them trained to a five acre perimeter in Potomac, Maryland. The dogs could run till their hearts were content! They had far more freedom than being kept in a chain link kennel run. But, the woman worked with her dogs regularly before she trusted them to the fence system. There is a training video that comes with the system.

    But, this is turning into an argument about the merits/non-merits of electronic training. So, I'll stop, and anyone else can have the last word on it, that's okay. Like I said in the beginning Ron, no doubt someone will disagree. And, do what you decide to do. It was only a suggestion based on my success with the invisible fence system. Cheers! :wave:

  4. And, like I said, I only used the shock collar on my bone head dog, but not on any of our other dogs who were very "soft" and trainable. Certain things for certain dogs.

    An Incredible read, if you want to know The Truth about Alaska's wolves is "Alaska's Wolf Man" by Jim Reardon. It is the story of Frank Glaser, a man who came to AK in 1915 as a young man and hunted for the Alaska Railroad crews, as well as trapped wolves for the Federal Government. It is an awesome biography of one of the most remarkable Outdoor guys I have ever heard of. He owned a number of half wolf/malamutes and used them as sled dogs. He preferred them over any other sled dog after that. And, from the kind of guy you seem to be, I am sure you would love the book. Huge amounts of info about wild wolves as well as wolf hybrids, and many modern myths about wolves are dispelled as well.

    And Ron, it definitely seems as if Vickles has great experience with wolf dogs and therefore no doubt can help you a lot! Happy training and rearing! :)

  5. I read the book back in 2003 or so. It particularly pricked my interest because the kid had come from the same general area where I grew up and went to high school. But, if I recall correctly, the kid in the book was portrayed as a dreamer and self made "intellectual". He also seemed to be very selfish in my opinion because of his lack of concern for his family and his purposeful decision to not communicate with them. And, when he was down in Collyfornya (CA ;-), he seemed to be a free loader as well. And, his foolishness got him killed. I am very curious to see how he has been portrayed in the Movie. I guess it was directed by Sean Penn, and so, no doubt the take will be "interesting". The conclusion will probably be that George Bush and the Neo-Cons killed him.

    We get a whole lot of what many of us Alaskans call "pilgrims" who come up here for their Alaskan Adventure. They can be seen the State ferries on their way up from either Bellingham, Washington, or Prince Rupert, British Colombia. They are often clad in wool and hiking boots, and with a trademark "Laplander wool hat" with the ear flap and strings hanging down. And, they almost always write in their journals and read books in public. They frequent the espresso shops of Juneau, playing their guitars and busily philosophizing with their peers about this and that, while their back pack leans against a chair. And of course all of this is just fine, although it is sometimes kind of funny to watch. Especially when they are decked out in what they think would be "Alaskan attire". Meanwhile, I am wearing blue jeans, a t-shirt, and Xtra Tuffs.

    And so, was Christopher McCandless one of these "pilgrims"? In my book I would have called him so. But was a he a smart pilgrim? No, personally I thought he was an idiot, and his foolishness killed him. Alaska is a very harsh place, particularly up North where he perished. The lay of the land and the mountains are probably no worse than many places in the Lower 48 when you think of the Rockies, the Appalachians, the west coast Coastal ranges, the Cascades, etc. But Alaska is sparsely populated and just plain HUGE. An easy place to just disappear in. And it is particularly harsh. The Interior of Alaska is way more easy to travel in during the winter because it is frozen.

    I have Pals in Two Rivers, AK, where I have spent much time, who simply can't wait for wintertime! In the summer, one can't really just go hiking in the woods or on the tundra as easily as in the winter because there is so much swampy land. And man, the mosquitos! I am here to tell you that I have been in many of the places in America where the mosquito population is claimed to be worse than any place else. But I am here to tell you that I have never ever experienced anything like the intense clouds of the biting little bastards that I ran into up North in The Interior! And, they are not particularly big mosquitos up there, small, actually, but their sheer numbers screwed me out of fishing the Little Chena many a time! It just wasn't worth the temporary insanity that they can bring upon you!

    And so, I am glad that this story has been told, so that future wandering idealists can take heed and not hurt themselves like McCandless and his family was hurt.

    This book "Into The Wild" is the kind of Alaskan book that we find displayed in the check out lines at supermarkets and such. There are a lot of books like "Alaskan Bear Tales", and "More Alaskan Bear Tales" and others that are written by people with personal experiences up here, or are about people and their wild tales from the North. Another Incredible read, if you want to know The Truth about Alaska's wolves is "Alaska's Wolf Man" by Jim Reardon. It is the story of Frank Glaser, a man who came to AK in 1915 as a young man and hunted for the Alaska Railroad crews, as well as trapped wolves for the Federal Government. It is an awesome biography of one of the most remarkable Outdoor guys I have ever heard of. Too bad young McCandless didn't have just one 8th of old Frank Glaser's savvy. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the boy, and worse for his family whom he left behind. But I think that his lack of clear thinking was hindered by a large dose of pride, which came before his fall.

    And so, I do look fwd to the movie. Apparently it has already come and gone here, but will be out in DVD at some point. And, thanks for the heads up at the "shout it out" chat thing NaughtyGrrrl! Oops, I mean RottieGrrrl! ;-)

  6. The Way did have no mass suicides, but there have been suicides by people in TWI or after they left and attempted to adjust to real life, how many will probably never be accurately known.

    And there has been suicides amongst people while still in or after they left the Army, and the Navy, and the Catholic Church, and the Baptist Church, and the NFL, and many of America's high schools, and many of America's colleges and universities, and on and on. The point is, The Way and The People's Temple were no way near the same. I am not trying to excuse VP for the bad things he did to people. But this comparison is ridiculous. I know, I used to be in The Way too.

  7. i

    happen to believe people

    so i'm not saying lingo that you in your own little world weren't helping people (and i mean that)

    just don't dismiss everyone, ok ?

    Why thank you "cathedra". But I do dismiss people who allude to some "fact" that The Way was anything like Jim Jones's suicidal cult. I know that your life is miserable because of your involvement with The Way, because you have stated it over and again, and, I wish you Godspeed and deliverance. But you must admit that we Ex-Wayfers have, by enlarge, fared far better than those 900 people who died at "Jonestown", ya know what I mean? At least we are still living and breathing, ya know? Count yer blessings girl, and breath a sigh of relief. Peace be unto you Excie...

  8. Ron,

    Wolves are harder workers than Malamutes. They kill to survive. They do not look for a Big Bowl of "Ol Roy", they kill and eat red raw meat, and it is in their blood to do so. Check out what I told you. Modern technology can work wonders for you. And, re-inforce your training with stern voice commands. The Poster who went into the "Alpha Thing" is absolutely right. YOU need to establish yourself as the bada$$ Alpha Male. Let him know who is The Man. I once tackled my German Short Hair (right after he bit me!) and bit his neck with my teeth and growled until he submitted to my dominance. He turned over on his back and submitted. Dogs are what they are. "It is what it is." You are the one who picked the "half wolf", and now you get to deal with it all. And, from what I gather about you, you are an outdoors kind of guy, and will no doubt enjoy what you will have learned from this whole thing. But don't under-estimate the greatness of modern technology and electricity. You will be happy with the results... :)

  9. I was never a part of any ministry or cult that resembled anything like that which was described in the first post, and I was with The Way from 75 till 91.

    I do remember the SNS tape "The Current Psychological Hoax", and listened to it while I was in Oregon. And I remember being appalled that anyone would think that The Way was anything like Jim Jones's cult. I do remember the impact that the news had on my twig though. I had a whole family coming to my twig, a retarded child and all, who, after hearing the news about the "colt" as they put it, ceased to come to fellowship anymore, and I was really pi$$ed about that. I was doing nothing more than teaching that family about Jesus Christ our Lord, and then wham! The "Oregonian" got to them and it was all over. Hacked me off big time.

    Jim Jones was way whack and was a murderer, and The Way ministry I was involved with, warts and all, was NOTHING like The People's Temple that Jim Jones was the leader of.

    DUDE, I think that your "vision" is way off base. I don't know what to tell you to do about it, but, it was/is way off base...



  10. Well now. He is half wolf ya know. Now, is he leaving the yard and doing his killing? Or, is he just killing and eating what passes on through? If he is leaving the yard, I suggest this: "The Radio Fence". This fence is what is also known as an "invisible fence". It is a system, relatively cheap, that has a wire that is buried about three inches below the surface of the dirt, runs around the perimeter of your yard, and is connected to a controller box which sends out a signal along the perimeter wire. The dog wears a shock collar, and when he approaches the wire/perimeter, it gives off a warning beep from the collar. If the dog moves closer, then he gets a corrective shock. I used it on an extremely "alpha minded" German Shorthair, and it worked wonders. He had a whole acre to run on, yet never left the perimeter that was set. The neighbors though he was marvelous when he'd come to the front of the yard along the street, yet wouldn't leave. I didn't tell them why. Haha. But, he had wonderful freedom, did not have to be kept on a chain or a cable run (both of which will make a male dog meaner'n a snake), and everybody was happy, especially the dog, because he had huge freedom, and learned to protect his perimeter, our home. Also, once he was trained to the fence, I rarely even turned it on. Just google "Radio Fence" and you can read all about it.

    Now, this will help solve your problem outside of your yard. Maybe a "corrective remotely controlled shock collar" when it comes to the trash? But you should try normal corrective discipline at first, which of course takes time and effort. Resort to the shock collar if all else fails, and only do so with the strictest of self discipline according to the instructions of "shock collar training". One can ruin a dog if one does it wrongly. Some may chime in here and say that this is a "Nazi Tactic", but, all I know is that electronic training helped my bone head dog to have wonderful freedom in his life. Our recent dog, Jake, never needed to be trained with a shock collar, because he was so "soft" and not bone headed. He was eager to please. He was trained to the invisible fence though, and it gave him all the freedom he needed. Hope that helps...


  11. Is there a difference between an Alaskan Brown bear and a grizzly?

    Actually, for the longest time, there has been some debate, but the majority of biologists have agreed that the two are the same. They were both named "Ursus Arctos Horribilus", which means "horrible bear" in Latin. Both bears were considered the same, but there has always been the distinction that since the "Grizzly" lives "inland" (where food is harder to come by than it is on the coast where the salmon flourish in the streams and rivers), the Grizz is more aggressive than his/her "coastal cousin", more commonly known as the "Brown Bear". However, recently, as in the last few years, I have noticed references to our local Brown Bears when their Latin name was referred to, that the word "horribilus" has been dropped. When I asked a friend of mine who is a biologist where I work, he said that with the Coastal Brown Bear, the word "horribilus" has been dropped because they are in fact more "benign" than the inland Grizzly, who is still "Ursus Arctos Horribillus". Yeah, it seems that the Grizz is usually more pi$$ed off than the Coastal Brown Bears, because they have to work harder for their food, and consequently are more aggressive towards other predators, including their own kind.

    So NOWDAYS, there is a distinction in the name, although the genetic make up of both bears remains essentially the same. You may find information that differs from this, however, because there is always more than one school of thought. Me? I don't trust any of them for a second. Not when I am on level ground with them. And Timothy Treadwell? Well, he was a farce, and he got what he wished for. Up here, we refer to him as "Timothy (Bear Scat) Treadwell", the fool who got his girl friend eaten and two bears killed...

  12. This is an article about a poor guy who lived through what all we outdoors folks up here have in the backs of our minds when we are out and about, hunting, fishing, or hiking in the woods. So far all of my encounters have been benign (thank God), but always very scary. Once I was on the cell phone with an old friend while walking my dog near the glacier, and I was approached by a big bear and her cubs. I told the gal (an old high school friend) that I was going to shoot to scare the bear off and then did so. Three rounds into the dirt at the bears' feet. It really freaked my friend out, but fortunately, it scared the bears away also, with my dog Jake at their heels. So, I guess my friend had an Alaskan Bear Experience over the cell phone. Kinda wild, that. Unfortunately, this poor guy in the article didn't fare so well. Sounds like the bear was on him so fast (and they are fast when they want to be), even if he had a gun, he might not have been quick enough...


  13. How about burn the chaff as in the remains of Harry or rather an effigy of HEW and VPW, followed by all Way magazines and PFAL related materials,

    Why would anybody want to do that? They are dead. They have received the worst that life gives out. They have been cut off from the Land of the Living. Do you really want to get all "lathered up" and angry all over again while doing this? Will you exhume the body? Will you also be crying and cutting yourself with stones? Those guys are DEAD. They will have to wake up one day and face The Almighty, and He will deal with them as He sees fit....

  14. I remember the record in Acts where the people brought their "hookie pook" stuff to be burned as a biblical back up for the Uncle Harry Day thing. And, since that record is biblical, I am willing to believe that what they did then was a good and spiritual thing to do, and that there may actually be things in present day life worth expunging from one's presence, with the "burning of it" being symbolical of a commitment to keep one's thoughts on Things Above.

    For instance, I used to do LSD and listen to the Moody Blues and endeavor while tripping to "understand" the "spiritual message" they were trying to communicate to me. And those were days of much confusion, austerity, and loneliness for me. Many times also, I had racking and vivid dreams filled with weird spiritual torment where I would finally awake from my tormenting dreams in an awful sweat, and the music and voices in my head while dreaming were many times from certain Moody Blues and Pink Floyd songs. And so, for me, to jettison those record albums was a good thing, and symbolic of my decision to continue to allow the Truth to set me free. And I was and am free indeed...

    Today? Well, I wouldn't burn anything, I'd just give it away. I do remember though, once when my kids were little, burning a music CD that they found. One of my kids hates clowns (and mimes). Doesn't like 'em. He got the crap scared out of him when he was littler by a "jack in the box" clown that jumped out at him. His older sister kept chasing him around with it and scaring him by cranking it and making it jump out at him. Back when he was three or so and just never like clowns (or mimes) after that. And so, when he and the other kids, when he was nine, found an "Insane Clown Posse" CD on the side of the road in front of our rural Alaskan home and showed it to me, we had fun doing a "ceremonial burning" in the fire pit in our yard. The pictures on the case kind of freaked him out (they were in fact hideous) , so we burned it. And after that, I taught him about not fearing things that gave him fear and to just laugh at it and that it was a new day. And now, he is off to clown school and has a shot with the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus! Well, not really.

    But like many here have said, it's everyone's choice. But that's where the emphasis should be on PERSONAL CHOICE, and not someone else telling me what to keep or what to get rid of. And, the good old fashioned "spring cleaning" and trip to the dump oe St. Vinny De Paul's is always a good idea, in my opinion...

  15. Dark waves roll in and crest on desolate shores. The suffocating mists of autumn twilight haunt the bleak coast, concealing the vengeful wraiths of the fallen. There is a palpable tension in the air; an indrawn breath held in anxious suspense for the climactic moment of release. As darkness falls, a deep rumbling suffuses the earth, something felt rather than heard. Off shore, deep below the surface of the waves, there lies an ancient evil patiently biding it's time in stygian depths. In black waters, surpassing the deepest midnight, there stirs something darker still. Driven by a sinister will, the beast surges upward, it's power proceeding it in a ebon wave of foul desire. Breaking the surface, it unleashes an otherworldly challenge of tyranny and triumph. Death rides the midnight tide.

    Keanu Lingo-Age 20 From his MySpace blog...

  16. "When the exigencies of the improperly ordered universe collide with unknown stimuli, it becomes near impossible for one to differentiate between the polarization of the known universe and those that await us. Therefore, we must endeavor to persevere..."

    Dr. Jonny Lingo-PHD/Associate Degree in Practical Theology-Way C. of E.

  17. There is a Way Corps website called "The Way Corps". It is not affiliated with TWI, but rather is a gathering place for old friends. Stokley has a "page" there I think. There is a "member's search" there. It's kinda like MySpace in it's structure. Just google "The Way Corps sign in", and then join it. If you weren't in The Corps, well, just join it anyway for the purpose of finding your friend, and then leave after you find him.


  18. My own quote, but first some background:

    There is a certain type of "nut and bolt dressing" (goo) that we in the mechanical and marine engineering field use when we are being smart. It is particularly helpful when used on the nuts and bolts used in a boiler piping system. Boiler pipes are always hot, but then at times cool quickly when not in use, and the threads on both nuts and bolts expand and contract on a regular basis, as well as dry out and rust easily and are many times a "biotch" to loosen up when the time comes for repairs. This "goo", this "dressing", is called by brand name: "Never Seez", because when used, the nuts and bolts stand far less of a chance of seizing up. Auto mechanics use it as well. And so, here is my quote which is still written on the bulkhead of the engine control room of the Motor Vessel Kennicott:

    "When the opportunity presents itself, never seize it!".

    Never Seez is usually a silver or copper colored kind of goo that is brushed on. There is another brand called "Anti-Seize" as well. Great stuff for you mechanic guys out there! And for you girls too, should you be so inclined! :)



    Well, at least my shipmates understood where I was coming from...


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