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J0nny Ling0

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Posts posted by J0nny Ling0

  1. So Just thinking, your profile says you are a guy. And the person that hit on you was a guy.


    I should say that this must have been very unsettling. Glad you threatened to kick his a**!

    Too bad all of you girls weren't mega black belts in Tae Kwan Do or something. It woulda been cool if you all coulda kicked their asses each time and simply respond with; "Hey, he tried to pork me!"

  2. I have something VERY INTERESTING to add to this topic concerning B.G. Leonard's visit during the "VPW Memorial Rock" and this is totally first hand.

    A friend of ours, Carolynn (Young) Walters, 8th Corps, was given the job of being Rev. Leonards "Corps Buddy" during that Corps Week/ROA. She had been close with Steve and Suzie Sann up in Montana, and Steve had asked her if she would be Rev. Leonard's buddy. My wife, being a good friend of Carolynn-they had been in Montana together-naturally wanted to spend time with Carolynn, and therefore was around B.G. a number of times due to this situation.

    One day, while Carolynn was sitting at lunch with B.G. and my wife, I came by with my WOW burger or whatever, and had a seat with them. I was introduced to B.G. as Rev. "Lingo" which made me feel pretty important-what a MORON I was,hah!- and we slipped into some small talk. While we were lunching (and I got ketchup and mustard on my golf shorts-God I hated wearing those things!), Takit could be heard practicing up on the main stage, and they were really loud. All of a sudden, B.G. slams his old fist down on the table and says with tremendous anger:

    "This ministry will not stand! It cannot stand! That music is the music of Baal! This ministry is going to fall!"

    Since I had just been ordained at that Corps week (you know the one where God's blessing was so evident that Big Top almost blew down and killed us all), I figured that I needed to "handle the situation" and try to calm him down. I blathered on about the freedom we have in Christ and etc, and he just looked at me with a red face and said with great force;

    "Sir! This ministry will fall down because of idolatry, you mark my words!"

    And he went back to eating, and we all tried to recover from his "religious outburst with more "small talk".

    Anyway, I thought of his words alot as the whole thing came a tumblin down...

  3. Concerning my sexual abuse experience.

    I mentioned it as a "sexual abuse" experience, but really I said it with tongue in cheek. It was definitely not what I expected from this clergy gal, but it was also "not unpleasant". I mean after all, I AM a guy, and I wouldn't have responded the way I did with my heart pounding if I had felt "abused" or disrespected, or whatever. I mean, you all know what it is like when you get turned on, right? Like I said when I wrote the incident, I was kinda flattered too because she was a beautiful woman, and most guys like the idea of being "wanted" in that way by a pretty woman. Sorry, but it is in my physical make up to like sex, and most likely it is the same with most guys..

    But even though the seduction was exciting (and really, she did it well), I also knew that it was wrong, off the Word, whatever, and that the thing to do was to leave like Joseph did when Potiphera (Potiphar's wife) said to him "Come lie with me!" I am amazed that I actually left when I did, and a few times I wanted to go back there again, but I didn't. So, I just chose to look at as I said before, that she was a thirty something gal that needed/wanted some sex, but that she made the wrong decision before God when she persued me. She woulda been better off saying something to me about the Word, because she didn't actually come up with the object of her desire anyway.

    And yes, it did seem incongruous that a clergy woman would make that attempt instead of something more godly. I will say that I never really thought much of it over the years, and only posted it after I had read of some of the abuse posted about here at the GS. I don't know that it affected me negatively, really. I just moved on. And this gal did marry a fine and handsome young man by the way, and the last I heard they are still married...

    I also would have to refer to this as an attempt at "sexual mis-conduct" and not sexual abuse. I guess it could have developed into abuse if she had chained me up... icon_eek.gif Or worse, if I fell in love with her because of the relationship, but to her it was "just sport sex". But it never went that far. I feel that if I had been willing to "go with it", then I too would have had to share in the responsibility...

    [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on January 08, 2004 at 15:07.]

  4. Once, as a WOW in Los Angeles, I didn't eat for three days. My one WOW bro had spent all of his "seed money" on food and weird clothes, and my other WOW sis kept all of her "personal food" in a bag in the fridge with a sign on the bag that said; "This MY FOOD! Keep out!", and my other WOW sis (the sweet one) and I had spent all of our money on the rent deposit, 1st months rent and utilities. We were broke, and the nice WOW sister (Kathy) and I hadn't eaten for three days.

    On that third day, when I was out looking for a job, I was pulled through the air by my nose to an out door burrito stand. There were businessmen and women standing there putting in orders for food while others were eating at some picnic tables. They were eating tacos, and stringy beef burritos full of guacamole, home cooked pinto beans, sour cream, salza, cheese, and green chiles! I was just standing there with my mouth literally watering as no one noticed the starving nineteen year old boy in their midst (there were more than two others you see). I was almost on the verge of begging for someone to buy me a meal, but I thought of a verse in the Word, although I privately interpreted it as this:

    "I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging burritos!"

    As soon as that flashed through my mind, I ran home as quickly as I could, and there was Kathy, my sweet sister in Christ with a whole loaf of Orowheat bread, a big jar of Skippy peanut butter, a jar of raspberry preserves, and a gallon of milk! And she fed me one sandwhich after another until I was gorged, and I sloshed it all down with glass after glass of milk!

    Ahh...Victory in Jesus can be sooooo sweet at times, no?

  5. Well, right now, he is dead. Asleep like all the rest of the dead people. If he ever truly believed Romans 10:9,10, then he too will get up on that Gathering Day. But only God himself and Jesus knows whether or not VPW believed it. Personally, I believe that he at one time believed it, but only God knows the answer to that..

  6. CW-

    Yeah, that was really sick to be sure. You say that the ringleader was sent to Alaska because he/she had done this before? Yet the ringleader Mr. U________ was an Airforce sargeant. Wouldn't that mean that the Airforce sent the guy there, and not TWI? Or do you mean MRS. U? If so, Eeeauuuuwww! I hadn't even thought of her as being part of it! That doesn't really make it any sicker, but I had never thought of her as part of it. I was way down on the Kenai at the time and the LC was trying to hide it from me, yet I caught snippets, and then was all of the sudden re-assigned as a BC in the Central Region..Sorry for ya CW. I hope life is getting better for you day by day

    Dotmatrix, since you asked here is my own sexual abuse story icon_wink.gif;)-->


    Well, it was my first year in rez, and a good friend of mine (Brenda Roller) and I, had just made a fast hitch hike from Emporia to HQ for a two week visit at MamaInternational. The idea was for us to get a glimpse of the goins ons there, to see how things worked, etc.

    At one point, I needed to get the pants of my burgundy colored three piece polyester suit hemmed correctly, because the job I had done on them had left them a little too short, and the guys back at the Big E kept calling me "Highwater", and saying things like, "Hey Jonny! You expectin a flood?" Well, I knew they had a point there, but I never could get an appointment at the sewing dept back at Emporia, so I thought I would see if I could get it done at HQ.

    And low and behold, before I could even ask around, that first Corps night I found that my needs were going to be met! As I was getting ready to leave the BRC, this pretty blonde woman around thirty years old with a "Rev" on her name tag came up to me and said brightly in a sweet southern accent; "Heya there"Jonny", as she looks down at my poorly hemmed pants and continues; "Looks like you could use a hem job there! Why don't you come over to the sewing department and let me fix you all up?" So I told her ok, I'd be there if I could get the time to do it. And she was off and out the door. And of course, since the scripture is true, that verse in Romans 7 came to pass which says; "When I will to do good, evil is present with me" as I asked my self, did she say "hem?" or "hum?" But I shook the wayward thought and decided that it was nice to be able to get the damned pants fixed.

    So, the next day, sometime in the afternoon, I went over to this trailer which served as the sewing department. When I went in she was really nice and said; "Oh you came by! I was just about to close! Here. You are going to have to get those blue jeans off and put your suit pants on so I can make some measurements. I'll just slip into the back". But first she put a closed sign on the door, presumably so that she would only have this last job to do for the day. So, I wait till I can't see her anymore and whip off my jeans and put on the suit pants and then my cowboy boots. I usually wore my cowboy boots with my suit you see. My one suit..

    Then, as I was standing there and she was looking me up and down, she says with a mischievous smile; Do you dress to the left or to the right?" Well, I had no idea what she was talking about. Because of that mishievous smile, I am thinking; Is this like the carpenters trick on the apprentice about using a left handed hammer? But also at this time, I was getting mysteriously aroused. There was just something in the air there that was getting to me. The grin was a big part of it, and I was beginning to feel that this peculiar question about "dressing to the left or right" had something to do with it also.

    So, I said to her; "What do you mean, do I dress to the left or to the right?" And she says; " You know, when you put your pants on, which side does your equipment hang on, the left side or the right?" As she stared straight at my zipper. And man, did I turn beet red as the whole thing became clear! I started stammering and stuttering as I began to try and figure out which side I "dressed" on. I hadn't even thought of it before! And as this was going on, her friendly smile continued, and the sexual electricity in the air grew stronger and stronger. Then she said mischievously; "Well, let's just find out!". And she just smiled at me and waited for a response. And there was a certain response, but I think it was "involuntary". And I was thinking; 'Oh my God! What does THAT mean? Is she going to have me "drop trow" right here and now and give an inspection?!" My mind really was running "epiluo" if you get my drift..

    But then she says; "Let me measure your inseam", and she bent down with her tape measure and proceeded to measure me.

    The first thing she did was take one end of the tape and slide it up the inside of my thigh right up against my "equipment" and holds the tape there as she says in that very nice southern accent; "Now see? There "you" are. You dress to the right. You need to know this when you go in to have a suit tailor made for you or if you rent a tux or something". But she kept her hand up in there as she measured down to my heel. Then she did the other leg. Whoa! Sha-wing!

    Well, by this time, there was no hiding what had been occurring in my physiology. Those polyester suit pants were just way too loose! In one sense I was "way enjoying it", but I was also "way confused" too. Here was this gal. A Reverend, and it appeared as if she was getting just a wee bit "fresh" with me. Well no, not just a wee bit fresh, I was in effect being seduced in a manner similar to the way that Faye Dunaway seduced Dustin Hoffman in "Little Big Man!" Man, it was really weird and wonderful all at the same time!! I had come to HQ as a part of the Corps program to better myself as a Christian leader. To be around Reverends, maybe Dr. Wierwille, or at least Jonny Townshend, and now here was this Reverend woman doing just the very things that I used to entertain with GLEE before I became a believer! Oh man oh man! What to do?!

    As she stood up smiling at me, she looked down and said in false surprise; "Oh my! Just look at that!" But proceeded with the faux "pants fitting session" by saying; "Now you see, we women have a whole different situation going on down there. You boys have all of that equipment ya know, where we girls don't have anything at all! Just look!" And she puts her hands to her crotch and pulls upward so that her pants were pressed up into her, ah, into her, uh, (I just can't say it!) into her "Y" area and says again; "See I don't have anything but this little old twat here and you have all of that nice equipment! And that makes the hem job for a guy very different from a girl!"

    Man! There was no question in my mind now that she definitely wanted me for a zesty session right there in that trailer! She wanted to help me "achieve Shangrilah" and take her there with her! But man, was I confused! I was thinking of hot, yummy, torrid sex, and "let not fornication and all uncleanliness be once named among you as you becometh a saint" all at the same time!!

    "Could it be that all of this is really "OK" and that this is part of my Corps training?" And if so, then it would actually be my duty to proceed with this aspect of my training!

    OR, is it what I really think: A horny woman with a Rev tag who wants some extra curricular activity with me, the vulnerable 22 year old, first year Corps kid..Which was it? What to do God?

    Well, you know what I did..I fled from the trailer naked and wounded! No, actually, I just told her that I had to be going, grabbed my blue leans and left. Now, did I feel really bad or abused? No, not really. Actually I was kinda flattered. I didn't really tell anybody except for a couple of guy friends. Since she was single at the time, I just figured that she was horny and wanted to get it on, although I did figure that it wasn't really the right thing for her to be doing as a clergy woman. But then I figured also that she was human, just like me. I certainly didn't think of it as the tip of the iceberg of a "sex farm" or anything. Maybe because I am a guy it didn't seem so invasive as it might have been for a woman..

    [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on January 05, 2004 at 15:31.]

    [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on January 05, 2004 at 18:06.]

  7. Aww geez guys, I'm kinda heartbroken right now. OU (university of Oklahoma) just lost to LSU in the Sugar Bowl, and I don't have the heart to get back into this right now. But Ex 10, thank you fthank you for your kind words, and you too Linda Z, Alfakat and Dot. i had a few beers tonight as the Sooners lost this years Championship, so it would be hard to get back into this.

    But Dot, I will come back and tell you how I was seduced by a TWI clergy woman. I mean she didn't quite get all that she wanted, but it really was salacious as hell! icon_eek.gif

  8. Your arrogance astounds me. And evidently, you know way more about me than I do, so who am I to continue this discussion?

    And this is why it is never worth posting any positive experiences about The Way.

    If a person comes here and does not toe the "party line" of total negativity, then that one person is branded as a mindless automaton who only worshipped Wierwille, and as a person whose opinion is worthless. I think that this is getting back to the original intent of this thread.

    So like I said, I guess my opinion here is worthless...

    Nice thread Linda Z, I think I like you, and could have a nice converstation with you

  9. Ok, fair enough CW. And I surely do respect your not wanting to "cling to the Ministry that taught you the Word". I didn't, to be sure. I got thrown out on my a** back in 1989 because I spoke up about the b.s.

    And, I am well aware of some of the things you went through. I too was in Alaska when that particular LC allowed all of that child molesting to go on because he knew "by revelation from God" that the perpetrators weren't really doing what many of the believers warned him they were doing...

    Yeah, he was really "walking", wasn't he? Letting those scum run a Children's Fellowship! He and I went around and around on so many things, and the only reason he would even entertain my confrontations at all was because I was clergy also. But he still wouldn't listen, because well, he was a friggin joikoff..

    Eventually I took a job on a commercial halibut boat and went and fished in the Gulf of Alaska. Kinda like Peter..."I go a fishing...."

    It really made him mad cuz he couldn't contact me and my wife would just tell him, "He's out in the ocean. He'll be back when he gets back. Ask God what to do". He was desperately trying to take care of "damage control" with a fear that I had "bad mouthed him" to the believers in my area.

    So, yeah, sorry for getting off the thread here. But I wanted to let Cool Waters know that I know of some of the things she went through, and to apologize if I had misunderstood her.

    But anyway, I still did enjoy my early times in The Way. I liked the simple structure of the twigs and branches, the home fellowships, and yes, I liked PFAL, and I really did go from being a way lost soul to being one with direction. And as I have stated before, I am really sorry for you all that were abused. I didn't know of it going on, and had I known, I believe I would have spoken up about it.

    Or maybe I would have been too afraid, or, maybe I would have worried about my position. I was caught up in it too ya know. But I like to think that I would have spoken up at risk of being ostracized. I did it in a number of situations on a smaller scale even before I got "ordinated" Almost got kicked out too!

    Ya know, I was almost seduced by a female clergy woman when I was in my first year in the Corps. I mean, I was shocked to the bone when it happened. Should I tell it?

  10. So CW, when God answered my prayer the very next day when I asked him to send a Christian to tell me about Jesus Christ and the Bible, and a wonderful WOW came to work with me and witness to me the very next day, according to you, it was just a "cruel joke". Well sorry, I don't think God plays cruel jokes.

    The Way was a good thing that went bad. Not an evilly devised program to farm sex slaves and get money. It ended up that way, but I believe it started with a desire to provide something besides empty religion to people that wanted something besides dull denominationalism that rules with heavy hand. It became a denomination that ruled with a WAY heavy hand, to be sure.

    Sadly, almost every group, be it charitable organization, churches, labor unions, etc, start out with good intentions, with a desire to help people, but end up going bad due to corruption, lust, greed. Even some politicians start out with a desire to help their constituants but can't handle the power once it is handed to them. Saul couldn't handle it, David couldn't handle it. It's the way of human beings...

    Only Jesus Christ our lord could and did handle it. He is the only one

  11. Does anyone remember a guy down in Escondido named Buzz or Fuzz Patstone? He had a nice place that he called the Good Seed Ranch. I went there once for a big WOW get together with Johnny Townshend in 1976-77.

    What ever happened to Fuzz and the Good Seed Ranch? I remember thinking how wild it was that someone, a believer, could actually "own" a place like that? I was only 19 at the time, and home ownership was very foreign to me...

  12. Madelaine and Margurite Smith. They are identical twins from Great Barrington, Massachussetts. I think Larry Newey was their first TC back then.

    Margurite married Tom Lawrence of the Ninth Corps, and Madelaine almost married Kevin Nye of the Tenth Corps. I think Madelaine, after she graduated from the 11th Corps, married some fellow named "Kline" from California. They were/are dear sweet girls, and I would like to get in touch with either of them. There was also a sister of theirs in The Way named Lorraine... Aybody know anything?

    [This message was edited by Jonny Lingo on January 20, 2004 at 0:27.]

  13. Hi. Dan McGraw was living in Juneau, Alaska up until about three years ago. He is married to a gal named Cina (pronounced "see-na"). They were part of our Ex-Way informal fellowship and we saw them alot. But my wife and I moved north from Juneau, and we later learned that they moved, and I cannot remember where they went.

    Dan was/is kind and wonderful, and even gave one of my sons a nice old trumpet that he had taken very good care of. Dan was a member of the Juneau Brass Ensemble, and played the tuba with that bunch. What a musician he is...

    He and his wife had stayed with The Way up until around 1994 or 95. It was kind of amazing, because since I am an ex Way clergy guy (who had moved back into town) and Dan and his wife had been friendly to me and my wife, they were accused of going to my "evil anti-Way fellowship" which was not even existent!

    Another faithful Way couple had been accused of the same thing, but since both couples knew for a fact that they had never been to a fellowship at my home, they were completely baffled by the fact that they weren't even asked if they had attended any meetings at my place! When they tried to set this guy Bob Wagner straight, he just told them that he knew by revelation that they had been "disobedient to God" by going to my meetings, and they (both couples were put on "probation", whatever that was supposed to mean. But it was so laughable and sad, but then again it made it very easy for them to take their leave from The Way. Especially after they were "marked and avoided"...

    It was after all of this that we all began to enjoy a wonderful reunion type fellowship with this bunch, for at one time in the long ago past, I had been the Twig coord in Juneau

    So, sorry I can't help you all out as far as their whereabouts are concerned, but maybe I can find out more from my Juneau friends...

  14. Hey, thanks WB, I appreciate that! You know, I really did have a great time with a whole lot of my Tenth Corps friends. Lots of NICE people, like you said...


  15. Hey there you all. Just thought I'd post so this will go to the top. Being buried on page two is kind of a drag...

    I heard from Dick Michaud the other day. He is fine and having a nice holiday season. One of his kids, his oldest boy is in the United States Airforce. My my how time does fly



  16. Thanks for your thoughtful response Socks...

    "eso si que es?" Isn't that Spanish for something?

    And yes, Pawtucket, I will always love Ann Marie and be thankful for her life. In fact, I have a son named Riley, and Ann Maries' maiden was taken into consideration when Riley was named. If you see her, just tell her the incident, and she will know who I am. My wife also knows her because they were in the Corps together...

    And Word Wolf, I could say that my memories of being on the field were definitely ther best, but then again, I have some superb memories when I was in residence with Ex 10 and the Tenth Corps as well..

    I think that the first time I ever saw a major flaw in the Way (and it had nothing to do with sex) was the time I came back from being a WOW.

    A good friend of mine and I who had both undershepherded Harvey Platig when he was a new guy (I knew Harvey when he was "the new kid up the street" back in 6th grade) were standing under the big top auditorium while Harvey was giving his crowd pleasing "Valedictorian WOW speech" designed to get more people to go WOW.

    Harve was up there and the crowd was just roaring as he talked of the twelve classes they had run that year in Florida. And when he was done, the crowd jumped to it's feet, and VPW came out and gave him a big hug. At that point, my friend, the guy who had undershephered me says with great dismay; ".... Jonny, look at Harvey. He's only been in the Word for two years, and he's already on main stage!" And instead of reaming him a new a**hole, I hung my head too and thought about my WOW year and how I had "failed" compared to Harvey's "numbers". After that, I had a jilted idea of what it meant to please God, and slipped into the idolatrous ways of glorifying myself instead of God. Oh, I did alot of things out of the Love Of God, and there were wonderful times, but at other times I didn't, and strove to "prove myself" as a leader and all of that jazz. But when I look at it now, it was just a simple (yet very consequential) breach of Ist Corinthians 13, a breach that I ALLOWED by disobeying the scripture. I think alot of us did this actually...But I don't think of it as having been brain washed, but rather us just being people doing the old man nature thing and falling prey to wanting the recognition from other humans instead of our "already obtained recognition from God"...

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