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Posts posted by signals

  1. Something to keep in mind is that cancer research has gone light years ahead in the last ten years, than it did 50 before that. Far be it for me to defend VP, but back then all a doctor had to do was say the C word, and you pretty much knew you were going to die within a few years. People usually kept them to themselves until perhaps after the death.

    I'm beginning to think that Weirwill knew something was up when he decided to step down. Not to many cult leaders that are making cash over fist do that. Although I may accuse it of doomsday, most cult leaders that know they are doomed will take their followers with them. You have to actually hand it to him for not doing it. But I say that around 1980 when it was rumored he would step down is when he knew his fate.

    If he had an eye removed, they knew it was cancer. Perhaps it was in the advance stages and back then, prognosis' weren't good. Of course he wasn't going to want this to get out, because what he feared has come unto him. Remember also that cancer consumes, or drains, the immediate family, too. If he was going through chemo, he was probably hairless, and wouldn't have wanted to be seen. On the other hand, perhaps he actually believed that God would cure him and shunned the medical profession, until it was too late. I had a friend that never trusted doctors and ended up dying of cancer cells all over his body(from the spinal chord to his organs to muscles and nerves. He self-diagnosed himself as having arthritus because he would limp.

    So keep in mind that cancer was kept secretive in those days, and unlike today, we couldn't really narrow down it's cause other than smoking or pesticides. Until the mid 90s commercial buildings were loaded with asbestos. Radon just came out that has, or will, overtake smoking as the #1 cause of lung cancer. Radon is found in basements of homes. It is an odorless and invisible gas. My county has a high number and they send out free test kits upon request. So the research continues! banghead.gif

  2. Actually I hadn't read your posts at the time, and any information is worth it. My dr told me flat out after I was diagnosed and he had removed the tissue for a biopsy, either I quit smoking or die. Of course I rationalized...to which he said my cancer can only be caused by three things, diesl fuel-I don't drive truck, smoking-2 packs going on three a day, or hair dye used in beauty and barber salons. I'm not a hairdresser. I quit right then and never looked back. He also showed me pictures of my tumor.

    For 2 years he still found the cells and I had this surgery every three months. Been over 5 years since he found anything. In case your wondering a tumor are cancer cells that haven't caused as much damage or broken through the organ. Example:my cancer cells were inside the wall of the organ, if the cancer cells begin forming on the outer wall, or part, of the organ that's when it's declared cancer. This was my case anyway.

    My cancer is not a travelling kind, which means if I start to smoke again, the carcinogens will go right back there. Chewing tobacco also contains carcinogens which means if I were to take up that habit, again the original organ will start developing cancer. This doesn't mean that I can't get other cancers if I were to continue smoking, but they wouldn't be from the original

    Usually(and there are exceptions) the travelling cancers have some connection to the spinal chord. Again there are exceptions.

    Again lindy I thought nothing of your posts the more info the better.

  3. I said it before and I'll say it again...none, zip, nada, zero! Even when I was a WOW. Interesting story, when they use to have a witness sunday in the park or wherever, I would ask to go with the corps leader. Interesting thing is he was smooth, but we didn't catch any fish. Unlike the women who brought truckloads of guys, that never showed up again.

    Sure, I felt a little guilty back then, but looking back fate was with me, because It would have felt worse had I lead someone in.

  4. Take it from someone who caught a tumor which would have become cancer. Cancer cells, unlike normal ones, divide in an irradical manner. Normal cells split 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. Cancer cells divide something like 1, 3, 4, 7, etc. or other manners. No one feels pain when the cancer is developing, and most ignore the signs later. Cancer cells tend to feed in nerves thus numbing the pain at first.

    Remember I said there are a few of these 'eye cancers' this was just one. Although he may have damaged his eye with the lights, carcinogens may have come from smoking. I wondered how I got a tumor where I did if it was caused by smoking. My doctor told me that it is carried by the blood, and the blood carries nutrients it gets everytime you breathe. In other words it was either smoking(which he did) or chemicals.

    His cancer was more dangerous because it became I believe metastatic is the word I'm looking for. which means it travelled to other organs. Although the lights may have damaged his iris or retina, when the cancer entered it looked for a vulnerable area.

  5. You know what happens when you idolize people? They can do no wrong. Do people believe all this started with Craig? Craig got sloppy. That was his downfall. These things were going on since the beginning. An old cult doesn't change it's WAY.

    I get the impression that just because Craig left the gate open for hell to escape, VP got off sqeeky clean. It was always a pile of S*IT, but to everybody it smelled like a rose.

    That's why the more things change, the more they stay the same. I just thank God I got out when I did and never brought them a lamb for the slaughter. Even when I went WOW.

  6. I couldn't care less if you agree with me or not, Jim. People who spend hours programming others, don't like them to get outside info that might lighten their wallets.

    As I said, the doc would have had the best computers and programmers around. He would have used it, but no way would the common believer use it if he had a say, that's why if Craig did it he was following the leaders command.

    Again, perhaps my area was a test market, but they would discourage watching the news, and would say to read the bible instead of the paper. Also the internet although not as popular was still around in those days.

    All I've got to say is that I thank my God everyday that I got out of that cult and came to true grips with reality. In conclusion, I don't care either way!

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by Jim:

    So little time and so much to catch up on. Martindale was given the legacy of TWI, huh? But did he bring it down, or was trouble bubbling on the horizon?

    Lets assume that it's 1984 and VPW comes to his senses and sends Loy back to Kansas to be limb leader. Further assume that God grants VPW another 15 years of health. What would happen? I think that all this might buy another 10 years of modest to no growth. Meanwhile the Corps machine keeps stamping out brownshirts and sending them out to take over successful twigs, thus destroying the 'family' that drew many of us into TWI in the first place. On the other hand, if Loy were removed from corps leadership and VPW had done what he knew he ought to, the corps program would have been scaled back both in intensity and volume.

    VPW, pretty much an early adapter of technology, would have used the internet as a tool instead of cursing it as LCM did. I think this also would prolong the life of TWI. Loy's cursing of the internet just infuriated those of us who used it daily and inspired the critical websites that sprang up.

    VPW would have never canceled ROA. He realised a good tool when he had one and he also recognized the need to keep the rank-and-file generally happy. Remember the year of healing after the year of door-to-door?

    So what would we have? I think we would have 25-30 thousand faithful going to twig and ROA, not much growth, but not much attrition either. It's interesting to speculate, but that's all it is.

    I disagree about Weirwill and the technology factor. Perhaps he would use it himself but there is noway he'd want 'believers' to use an instrument of the devil otherwise known as information highway. Some were against watching the news, but it wasn't adhered to. But basically if you still adhere to the way weirwill managed things, perhaps some of us were 'test markets' or guinea pigs for the bigger picture.

    I think Craig(from your description) used the 'shaking the tree to drop the dead leaves' kinda concept.

  8. They elect their own.

    There is always someone behind the curtain.

    If you lived in a WOW, ahem, family, you can bet that they were going through your things. Some were even ratting on you to keep the spotlight off of them.

    The way reminds me of a dog pack. You have your supreme leader, his bitches, a couple of top commanders and subordinants that jocky for position including kissing the leader's behind.

  9. I'll try to write a generalized comment and clarify a few things. I was doing fine until I decided to open new wounds. That's when the file cabinet in my mind started remembering. Otherwise I never thought or looked back at the way. I do find that rambling here does a lot for the soul. I also realise that TWI loves it because it keeps an eye on everyone. Mention money and lawsuit in a sentance and you can conjure up Satan himself!

    Please read my original first and second paragraph because they come with a warning. I also said these questions should be answered to yourself, but what the heck! Someone said they miss the ROA and the people, but would never consider going back. Me, too. When this little seed starts(and I instantly destroy it) it's more for the people than the ministers.

    The doctrine they back up with Bible suits them. Weirwill used the Bible to contradict everything Christianity believes in, and put a spin to benefit him. Even the Jesus man concept(and keep it to yourself) is a spin so that by making Jesus equal to man, you can make the man THE MAN OF GOD OF OUR DAY AND TIME. The entire way doctrine is garbage.

    A cult is a cult. An offshoot is still a cult and is still tied to inaccurate interpretation. Best way to find out: Don't give them money and see if you're still welcomed!

    Here's what stumps me:What is TW1, and a bunch of other classes? If Weirwill's doctrine had to be changed that was proof that it was always inaccurate. How much is the pfal class? Did it go down while other classes emerged?

    These are just things I've seen go on with me at times. Like someone said, what some can brush off others have lasting scars...so true! But if you've brushed it off, what are you doing here? I happen upon this place by accident. You could say it's because of friends, but there is email...this is just a thought, because I'm one to talk.

    Someone mentioned looking outside of the waybox...it's called reality and I joined it 25 years ago icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

  10. I have the uncanny ability of talking in general, but drawing ire from the individual. You have been warned.

    The following questions do not warrant answers other than to yourself. They have been my analysis of myself since leaving TWI. I would have never returned if not for a reason. I need answers about myself, and all though it sounds selfish-It's a dog-eat-dog world, and everyone is out for themselves. We are all part of the human rat race and we all have problems.

    How long has it been since you left TWI? Have you sought counseling or psychological help?

    I've been out for 25 years and have not sought psychiatric help. I can honestly say that if you fall into this category there are things that have a grip on you. Until you've walked it, you won't get it. But be warned that even 10 or 20 years down the road at sometime there will be an urge to return.

    Hypothetical:If Weirwill was still in charge today would you have left? If you left because of Craig, why haven't you returned?

    Do you still believe TWI taught you the true word? Do you still believe Jesus was a man? Why leave the way if you cling to their beliefs?

    Consider the hypothetical my 'kool aid' question. If you left TWI because of Craig, you missed the point that it was all going on with Weirwill, too. Now if you had rather been kept in the dark, then don't read this because it's foolishness to you. Have you been away 25 years, yet? Never say never!

    'The point of departure is not to return, but anything can happen.' My next point is going to sound far-fetched but it is true and the secret to success or failure. It's not what you know but who you know. I've worked in corporations, government, and even menial jobs that paid the rent, and believe me top positions are given to relatives. Maybe Craig was somehow related to Weirwill...infact I don't doubt everyone in high places is related. Saddam wasn't the first to come up with the concept. Also you know relatives better than friends or anyone else, true they can still stab you, but you have more control of it. Far-fetched but everyone does it!

    Having been out for 25 years, I may have missed the Martindale exposing fiasco, but if he was the reason I got out of TWI, I would be thankful to him. Some people hate him but miss Weirwill...WAKE UP!

    Trust me guys, the battle hasn't begun. Some will start to think that maybe TWI was right. It's like a heroin addiction. Bitterness is nothing compared to the guilt. Which brings us to rage. Which leads to despair. Having found that others found the truth about TWI has given me relief beyond belief.

    Don't kid yourself, it isn't going to be easy. Remember that God didn't burn you, Weirwill and Co. did. But to each their own...

  11. So we agree to disagree on this one, wolf. I don't want to get touchy, but I find that in our subconscious we still have a link to TWI. I just recently shook one off. Example:We still adhere to certain truths taught by Weirwille. By his own words, it is only as strong as it's weakest link. Weirwille lied, his teaching was false, he didn't break, he disintegrated the word.

    They are good at what they do and did. As far as me, I feel it's time to cut the snake's head, and expose them for what they are to the world, as was their will. I want to get opinions from those that aren't 'likeminded!' After all they saw what I missed.

    That's why with this 100th post my posts will get rarer.

    I don't want anyone to answer, but did you ever do something stupid over a meaningless thing that would cost you dearly, or you regret doing it?

  12. I wouldn't have it any other WAY, oaa! That's why I throw thoughts here, sort of brainstorming. What is funny is that I just read the Allen lawsuit, and have been saying most things from their suit here on the boards. That proves that each of us were subjected to the same control.

    Make no mistake, even those who were treated with kid gloves because of their money were under their control. Many parents(read MY Story) that had money didn't like their children giving it freely to a cult. And yet the children chose to follow him regardless of what went on behind the scenes.

    Everyone was manipulated some in a positive some in a negative.

  13. Thanks for the comments guys! Maybe I haven't read it yet, but nowhere does this guy mention 'cults'. He wanted to find out what is evil(not in the spiritual sense). What he found in all his experiments is that good people can do evil things.

  14. quote:
    Originally posted by GrouchoMarxJr:

    Twi is not a Christian organization...they are a counterfeit that seduces people and then destroys their lives. The Wierwille apologists would have us ignore thses facts and simply remain silent. For those of us who have "run the gauntlet" of twi, there is a responsibility to "sound the alarm" to others. I would feel irresponsible if I watched this cult continue to scam people...and not speak up.

    WOW, GM! What a brilliant idea! We can go and 'witness' The Way. Why not go to writing sites and writing about experiences. Blogs are great these days and get read by alot of people. There are also journals, memoirs, life experiences, etc.

    All I'm saying is that the only ones here for the most part are current and exs. No ones listening. If you don't want to give the name TWI(and the only reason I am currently refraining is to avoid them from googling to see what is being said about them) use a description like somehere in Ohio or a farmhouse cult, for example.

    The WORD needs to get out and tell the real world our experiences. Even if we get ignored by some, the few that listen will matter.

    I have $100 that says TWI is currently googling Somewhere in Ohio and a farmhous cult! Sorry I don't tip my cards until the fruits are ready to bear!

  15. Although this may appear to be more psychological psychobabble, it is but it isn't.

    I just have yet another reason to kick myself for having gone astray in the way. Back in the way I was still going to college. My major was psychology, which I never finished. But I remember a weird experiment, that didn't click but described what happen in TWI.

    In 1971 Dr. Philip Zimbardo did a prison experiment that had a reverse and violent end to what was being studied. They had to call it off before time because people were having or on the verge of breaking down.

    These people underwent both psychological and physical testing before they were excepted to the experiment. Once the site downloads click on the Prison Experiment, and see what is offered.

    Also in Currently Hot, click on #6 in recent articles. It will come up in Adobe, btw.http://www.zimbardo.com/zimbardo.html

    Very enlightening. And to be personally filed under 'Should Have Known' but it proves that even if it stares you in the face, I still was blind!

  16. quote:
    Originally posted by Raf:

    If it were an inaccurate description, I'd be insulted. As it stands, I'm very happy to see that someone went and named a drink for me!

    If I see it, I'll raise a glass in your honor.

    Hey that's my name at a bunch of other sites!


  17. Ladies and gentlemen, the beer glass describes me. I'm hated by many and loved by few. It is YOU who are not worthy. I'm agressive and you probably won't like me. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate my quality and depth. I suggest you stick to more familiar territory. Maybe you should stick with the masses. Perhaps you're mouthing your words as you read this. Ingredience: abundant Arrogance.

    To TWI: I'm not expensive, you're too cheap!

    Taken from the bottle and reworded to fit my needs.

  18. quote:
    Originally posted by Raf:

    I'm trying to figure out if I've been insulted or not.

    I don't know. "Accurately described" and "insulted" are often synonymous...

    Oh, sorry, it's an offering! It's my beer of choice. If you ever see it in your parts, the bottle is very insulting! Besides it's the only drink jpe I could find!

  19. quote:
    Originally posted by Galen:


    "... Interesting 1935! Says a lot to me. Says We went through a depression and a useless Prohibition. Probably justifies starting a tax in the first place."

    I know that I will be mis-quoted here, and I already have been, ugh.

    It was not that they started taxation for the first time, in the 1930's. We had taxation, but it is was not focused on individuals. It was for businesses.

    "... Businesses in a warped way are suppose to alliviate the collection of taxes by home owners. But as they move out, taxes still remain and the tax payers are responsible."


    "Now there are all sort of odd tricks to do so besides the inevitable of raising property taxes, like creating new taxes to existing bills. Trust me, it happens. Example:I use less water, but my bill is $20 more a month."

    They meter our water, and they charge us for that water. Then using the same meter readings, they charge us seperately for sewage. So that one cubic meter of water is metered and we are charged for it's use twice. Even if that water went into my lawn or into our jaqquzi, they still charge me for sewage treatment of that water, as a different bill.


    Thanks for the correction, G, point taken. And about my water bill they did the same by adding sewage line fee, district fee...see that's not raising taxes, it's creating new taxes! icon_smile.gif:)-->

  20. quote:
    Originally posted by Mr. Hammeroni:

    Does the way still have all our names in their databank? When you move a few times and their newsletter follows you, they're tracking you.

    To this I would say.. wouldn't be suprised. For me, it would not be hard to find my name and current address in fifteen seconds. I would be very suprised if they did not have some kind of file on me- but I don't think its worth the bother, most of what I post can't really be THAT important.

    Maybe they think they are gonna pull it out as exhibit A at the Bema or something, "see, see, that's what he said about us...." That kind of mentality kind of makes sense in an odd way, heh heh.

    But I was thinking a little further this morning. I remember the little sales trick they shoved down our throats about having to produce some bucks to take the class- "well, money can be replaced. What about your time?"

    Unfortunately, it often turned out to be a waste of time as well..

    But the idea that somehow money was inferior, that there are more important things, that it wasn't worth fighting over- sure does not make sense, at least now.

    So, I offer the current BOT some "sound" advice.

    "It is only money. Money can be replaced, anyway. Its not a big deal. If you are not going to do what you said you were going to do with the money, give it to someone who will, or just give it back.

    You don't really NEED it, you can't take it with you when you go stone cold dead- besides, you'd be saving your precious time carrying on all the shenanigans, you'd stop the mad scramble for power when you are gone, and you could spend your few precious years trying to do SOMETHING USEFUL with your life, other than wasting it away, being leeches on the back of God's elect".

    Any takers?

    Yeah, maybe I am a bit paranoid, but as crooked as they were it wouldn't surprise me. Look how crooked they are they told you that money wasn't important but wanted it! I'm just speaking on my own behave, Since TWI was nothing more than a circus of conmen, it wouldn't surprise me if they made 'accidents' happen. We were their cashcow that needed to be controlled.

    I find it funny he taught the corps or whoever to hunt. What god given ability can you get from that? Being a hunter it's the thrill of the kill. I wonder why the corps were trained like a Marine Corps rather than a Peace Corps. Perhaps depending how you interpret the word could Corps be Weirwilles Corporations????

  21. quote:
    Originally posted by Mr. Hammeroni:

    My conclusion is that TWI has friends in high places

    Perhaps, but you'd think anybody with any kind of reputation or scruples would distance themselves as far as possible from that rat trap.

    Associations with "those" kind of people certainly can't look very good on a politician's resume..

    Politicians resume...anything for a buck!

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