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Posts posted by lindyhopper

  1. Nice, WW, twi has taught you well.

    Come on you are smarter than this. Do we have to start getting into sentence structure?

    What Oak said is pretty much what happened. but technicallywe should all be able to see that Zix called Chuck a bigot based on that statement. I know the wieght that word carries in our society and I know what it actually means. The way in which Zix just used it not only implies the way he sees Chucks views but is also used as an insult.

    And all this because little Zixy was offended. Enter the real world. Instead of telling people to go away and stop posting thier opinion, perhaps someone should go in their room, turn off all the lights, and curl up in the fetal position, if they are so easily offended.

    And inflammatory?

    Well isn't that just the worst thing that has ever happened around here. No wait, that happens quite a bit around here, now doesn't it.

  2. Fitting in is a very common social pressure. Cults take it to a more intense and damaging level. It is a hard thing to snap out of. Of course, there aren't too many things that you can fix in a snap anyways.

    The same way a parent that is never pleased with the efforts of thier child....it affects them for the rest of that child's life many times.

    Don't worry Ex. It anyone fits around here, it is you...can't ever acuse you of not being yourself. icon_wink.gif;)-->

  3. I saw the movie the other night and read the above article.

    It's hard to tell what comes across more in that article, Hitchen's counterpoints against the movie or his total hate for Moore. I think the later may have won out. Perhaps as a not so successful film maker he is a little jealous.

    I enjoyed the movie. Thought it was well done and something that needed to be done. As with most things I believe as a viewer one must get past the little jokes and propaganda-esk (like the kids playing in the streets of Bagdad) parts and see the more important messagees. Those were not made by clever editing or by twisting of words. They were made by seemless cuts of Bush and by people like the soldier that refuses to go back to the war, and the recruiters going to the mall on the bad side of town to get kids to sign the green card (I mean enlist). Seeing all the information at one time was also a little more damning than hearing or reading about some of the things over a number of years.

    I, as some may know, am not a huge follower of politics. Hense the lack of my presence in the plotical forums. So some of the stuff was news to me.

    I thought Bush's arrogance, stupidity, cluelessness, and hunger for power came thru in a profound way. You could also just see it in his eyes.

    I think some of the bigger points in the movie for me were all the convoluted connections that led to Bush, the attempts to hide it on the NG files released, the business man that said with a smile, "It's good for business, bad for the people, but great for business", among many other great quotes and points that were made.

  4. John are you going to make me pull out my Bible and start questoning every usage of the word "lord" and try to determine which god it is talking about? Because I think we could all get very confused trying to figure out whether it is God being nice or the devil (the deceiver) pretending to be nice or if God actually does get ....ed and kill a few people or if its the devil or if it is the devil who is the nice guy.......Oh wait...

    Lets just assume God is always good and that the devil is always bad....and there you go, no problems. Right? No wait...

  5. Ozzie,

    Terribly sorry to here that.

    I hope my signature didn't offend you. The one before it said "Who's yer Daddy?". It was kind of an attmept to be funny and profound at the same time as I try and fail at quite often. Plus it seamed appropriate, after all I am the resident swinger. As you might assume on this board that many responded to it with...."God, is my daddy." So then I had to ask in a sililar fashion "OK then....Who's your mommy?", which I think may have sparked Roy's "holy breath the Mother" ideas. Kinda weird I know.

    Anyways, sorry.

    Those we loose live on in our hearts in a very special way.

    I too thank you for being here.

  6. TTT obviously helpd twi agree with the Myth of the Six Million because they saw it as they were not Jews. Plus they accused well to do Jews as selling other Jews out during the holocaust. I never really remember it being taught or voiced in a Sunday Service meeting, maybe in a Corps meeting, other than someone saying if there was six million they were not all Jews. That is a known fact but still that was a lot of killing regardless.

    TWI just used this stuff as a tool for thier hate and superiority complex.

    I don't think they ever addressed the correction, at least not while I was around.

  7. It has been a while and the book was not a quick read, but i don't think Koestler was saying anything like that.

    He was a Jew. Supposedly, while reserching his liniage or something, came across information that said modern day Jews were not at all from the tribe of Juda or even one of the twelve tribes (hence the title of the book), but decendants from, as Danny noted earlier, a 10th century Russian tribe known as the Kazars. I aslo think he was supposedly in hiding for fear of his life after writing this book. Who know if any of it is true.

    TWI would take this info and say the only true Judeans still around are the ones the Bible refers to as deaspera(sp?) as in "scattered abroad". At the same time they would say, when Jews cried anti-semite, that they were the anti-semites for cusifying JC. How could they do that if they weren't really Jews? Just an example of the hate they spewed.

    I am interested in this identity movment, sounds very weird, but would also like to hear if anyone has info on the validity of Koestler's book.

  8. Wow! Quite a story. (experience)

    I'm glad you are doing better now. That is definitely the trend around here, you leave TWI and your life gets better. Go figure!

    Glad the G-spot could help.

  9. Perhaps this has been covered before, but not that I have seen...

    Anyone have some thoughts or opinions on the validity of this book that claims modern Jews are not related to the Judeans of the Bible. Not that it matters to me if they are not, but it is just something of interest to me and debunking lies that we've been tsught is always a good thing.

  10. hey Danny, i have been interested in the validity of "the Thirteenth Tribe". Maybe I'll start a thread. Not that it will make me hate or love Jews any more or less, but just curious.

  11. Hi nameless,

    I ment not too serious about twi. While he may argue his ideas to the point of tears, it is his life, not just his religion you are discussing. But I don't even know this person only what he has been taught, so learn about him from him. icon_wink.gif;)-->

    I was serious about a number of relationships that I had. I was also extremely hopeful, if I was in a serious relationship, that that person would get involved in the ministry. I knew that the relationship would only go so far and at some point the one I was dating came to the same conclusion. But that is the way dating goes. It runs its course until one of you moves on, can't go any further, or you both fall madly in love and get married eventually. This happens regardless of ones religion.

    I think the underlying (or overlying) theme here is. This guy is probably a great guy, have fun, but don't even consider getting involved in twi.

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