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Posts posted by WhiteDove

  1. We were scammed

    I'll give this one more shot.

    Rotties thread (Isuggest you reread all the posts ) was about WHAT was IN the class. NOT about VPW OR CRAIG or THE Way. My concern if you will read my prev posts was not in defending VPV but that people speak the truth as I said previously there are plenty of things wrong with the way but we dont need to misquote things. I was only correcting the misquotes. I am sure that you would not want people attributing things to you that you did not say.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

    [This message was edited by WhiteDove on September 20, 2003 at 23:12.]

  2. Dot

    Thanks for the info I will read through the other threads.

    I was attempting to reply to your post only. My words were not to you or about you.But more importantly it is painfuly clear that I have hurt you it was not my intent. I am truely and deeply sorry. I'll send you a PT .

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

  3. Excathedra yes he did say that I did not say he lived it .

    My comment was not to dot it was in general response to people who post things that were not true statements. thats all. This thread was about What was in the class, not if VPW lived up to his words. Another words this is what he said/this is what he did two different threads your actions don't change what you say just the end result.I have read many of your posts and sometimes you have said some hurtful things But beyond that I see a better side of you. You are a very funny and caring woman and I'm sorry you had to go through what you did.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

  4. Rottie

    when I was young people always said to eat your vegetables or whatever was left on your plate because children in India were starving. To which we would always reply fine then send it to them. So I say drink your coffee children in India are sleeping. Somehow eating our food helped them not to starve so I figured drinking our coffee would help to wake them up. Makes about as much sense.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

    [This message was edited by WhiteDove on September 19, 2003 at 21:12.]

  5. Dot The mirror thing was crass and unexcuseable.

    Yes I did check the notes and the video in some cases because I wanted to make sure I was right in what I spoke. Which is my point alot of people read these posts and some go away thinking that they heard truth now that is partly their fault but then again we believed a lot of things because we trusted others too. what I was trying to say is that we need to think maybe more as posters before we just throw out some half recolected thing as truth.

    But yes I do think that there are a lot of people here who have been scr*w*d over and are not honest in their words because they are angry many with good reason granted.

    I've been working on your stuff so let me say it this way Melanie has done some bad songs but she has also done many very good ones. I don't trash her work because she had a bad day nor do I throw everything out because of a poor choice in her words in one or two songs. It's not about sympathy it is simply giving credit where it is due, and speaking up where it is not. But there are many people who just want to be angry and therefore see everything as bad and because of that they don't care if what they say is true or not. Now they can think what they want but when you influence others wrongly without any concern then I would say we should maybe consider if that is the path we want to take and be accountable to God for.

    I did preface my post with the fact that I know that some just did not remember what was said no big deal. But before I got on the forums and said something bad about you ( and I wouldn't) But if I was so inclined knowing that others would be reading . I'd at least be damn sure I have my facts straight. My question is this I guess if everything was so wrong,if everything was so pointless,if everything was so evil. Then why the hell did they stay around so long ? Why only when you get scr*w*d over does everything become bad that was just fine before? But you are right we can disagree and I don't have a problem with that. I just don't see the profit in being unkind just because you can.

    OH yea then what is this Dove Soup I see on the Menu ? LOL

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

    [This message was edited by WhiteDove on September 19, 2003 at 21:11.]

  6. Rottie I would agree with you I like to cook when I have the time. I think it was a poor attempt to put a little humor in the segment like the apple pear joke (which was an old one) like the PFAl jokes they were not funny.I don't think he ment it to be sexist he could have said it a angel in the living room I honestly think he just wanted to clear up the religious idea that you could not enjoy sex or have great sex . He just did it poorly .

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

  7. I have to speak up and before you barbecue me please hear me out.then you can add the appropriate seasonings. First I spoke with Rottie on a couple of things and she very kindly gave me permission to post this. I have been an class instructor for CF&S on a couple of occasions. I reread both the instructers guide and the full syllabus today much of it is a transcript of the segments. I have been out of the way for years now 14-15. I am not a Way supporter but in fairness I have to say The Way has enough things honestly wrong with it that we don't need to invent new ones. I take into account that for most of us it has been years since we took this class and our memories mine included are maybe not as clear on what was said as we think. That is why I reread the transcrips. There has been some comments on how the class was slanted but I would put before you that perhaps in anger to other things that have happened or for some other reason many feel that it is ok to just say anything and pass it off as truth. That is also slanting peoples opinions who read these posts and trust your words.

    It has been pointed out that this class was not much in substance I would agree even then much of the info was dated. So for most it was info they already new or could readily accesss.

    It was said the class was about sex. After a review I would not agree there is much about dating, relationships,The Virtuous Woman,Marriage and a fair amount of scripture.

    There are many down sides to the class many have been pointed out The Originial Sin Seg.

    The roll of men and Woman ,and ohers

    It was implicated that the class was slanted for men ,against Woman. Also that Dr. made a statement about woman's vagina's being ugly. I don't remember that nor have I seen that today. I'm again reading quotes from Dr. Wierwille from the class transcripts.

    "Helpmeet means companion, one who brings out the best in a man NOT a SLave,or a Dog. He does not take advantage of her raise hell with her."

    "Christ does not Lord it over the church if your man yells jump Baloney."

    "weaker Vessle means she is to be treated tenderly,lovingly,gracefully."

    "Both man and Woman are on a equal level with God."

    "Sex is not something that you just do: It is something that two people become."

    "Fantasies are a cop out make your wife your pin up girl."

    "Be forgiving there is no sound like the sound of silence,utter silence can be the loudest sound in the world when you are waiting for someone to break it."

    "Next to the Word of God the human body is the most beautiful thing."(note does not say male human body)

    I'm sorry I am not a better typest there are many more. But I don't see where you find any degrading ideas in those statements.

    They may or may not have lived those words in action and if not they should be held accountable but to make up untruths does not help the solution.

    I know that when I am dead I will have had some mistakes and faults, but also some good in my life I sure hope that people don't add to the list unjustly.

    I know that there are some edits and typos I'll fix them.

    One more thing for the record Trefor the quote was "a wife should be an angel in the kitchen and a devil in the bedroom"The context don't be a prude in the bedroom don't be afraid to be sexy. there is nothing wrong with it. This was in the section to woman there was one for men also.


    I smell something cooking ah oh it's me.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

    [This message was edited by WhiteDove on September 19, 2003 at 18:37.]

  8. Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

    [This message was edited by WhiteDove on September 19, 2003 at 3:00.]

  9. Rottie

    The CF&S class filmed in 1974 was a video version of the early live camps.The sessions are:

    1. The way of a man with a maid,man wonderfully made ,attitudes toward sex

    2. The threefold cord, The Virtuous Woman

    3. I Corinthians 7:1..ff The original sin

    4. Anticipation,Realization, Memory, New Morality, general anatomy and language barrier(Dr. covers slang terms for male & female parts and sex ect.)

    5. Male & Female anatomy

    6. Childbirth,lovemaking, birth control,masterbation

    7. Art of dating responsibilities of Men & Woman , Question and answer session.

    Lots of good pictures of Tick the wonder dog. And a segment where Tick turned I mean did some tricks for us. Like fetch Howards hat

    My favorite CF&S song - Rise Up O Men Of God

    yes Zix I believe that was correct.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

    [This message was edited by WhiteDove on September 19, 2003 at 2:00.]

  10. I have a tape they did in 98 Good seed Reserected I think they mentioned where they were. I can check it out if you want. You can order their old stuff on cd so I would think they could connect you with whoever you want they are based out of Ind, still

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

  11. Hey Kit was looking at your listings and had a question what happened to Jewish Year 5762? You went from 5761 to 5763. I think people tend to use that date because the idea of a moveable birthdate is a foreign concept to us, as ours remain the same.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

  12. Read through this thread again today. Someone mentioned the law of believing If my memory is correct that came from Dr. Norman Vincent Pele's work on positive thinking and Tremendous Jones also. He came to the way in the eary 70's to teach I may have that old teaching on reel would be worth a listen again in light of this thread. Also lest we forget Charles Welch and his contributions to PFAL. I was looking at a book we carry called Selected Writings one of a series of Bullingers works that was recently published by TRuth For Today because of a grant that was given them by a man who was so thrilled with their studies of Bullingers works. These books are a compulation from his newsletters and articles that were not in print. Of interest is one called the man of God a study on II Timothy 3:16 &17. I think I heard that somewhere before.(Session two P.F.A.L.) I talked to them at some length about these books and there will be 4 or 5 when done they thought.

    Without Coffee

    I Would Have No Personality At All

    Drink Your Coffee Children In India Are Sleeping

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