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Posts posted by sharon

  1. George u are soooo close,

    --"Who was the girl?"

    "What girl?"

    "The one who gave you such a high opinion of women."

    The 2 main characters were married in real life and when he died, she buried him with his gold pocket watch that was engraved, "if you need me, whistle"

  2. I never ever ever can get my husband a GOOD gift, I mean one he brags about,on the golf course. Men have it so much easier, a piece of jewlery, a new outfit we're happy. How many bathrobes and ties can one guy own?

    So come last yeat I decied this is it the year of THE GIFT, I'm getting them don't care how much they cost he deserves it, center line tickets, for the New Jersy Devils, heck I'm such a good wife I'm getting him two to every game, so he can take a buddy, not only that I'm splurching on reserve parking. I even ordered NHL on cable so he could watch away games

    The tickets come late summer and I get out the hanukah wrapping paper and make up some latkes and with the boys present this amazingly wonderful gift to my husband...

    He is thrilled, but confused asks me if I ever watch the news, "Of course not honey"I reply coyly(still thinking I've done something really good)"Why I ask?" He then informs me of the impending strike that the experts are predicting may shut down hockey for good. He picks up the envelope shakes his head and throws it in the desk.

    I do not give up..I call the Devils, I yell at them, insist that they get on that ice! I have tickets! It actually got to the point, that the gentlman in charge of season tickets wouldn't take my calls.

    The season was cancelled, they replaced the NHL chanel with golf, and I had a brown envelope worth nothing.

    No good gift for Jeff, but he does talk about it on the golf course, as he laughs and laughs with his friends, cause I was such a silly bunny, to buy these tickets.

    Well, I'm sure your wondering why I bring this up now, yesterday I recieved a credit for the hockey tickets, the parking and 2% intrest on the money I had paid. As I walked into the kitchen the phone rang my wonderful hubby picked it up, and it was a golf buddy, organizing his tee time, but the "boys" couldn't resist one more crack at Sharon's perfect gift.

    I put the check in my purse and on Monday, myself and 3 girlfriends will head off to Short Hills, for massages and facials, I think I'll head to Bloomie's and get new shoes(I did earn 2% intrest), and as I pass the tie rack I'll pick up Jeff's, Father's Day gift. 3_5_1v.gif

    You know a girl can never be to prepared.

  3. dmiller

    "I am a man, therefore I do not ask directions, even when I am hopelessly lost -- being convinced in my mind I can find the way, without help from any other person."

    alas, this was my man: solution

    new car with navigational system12_7_5.gif

    not direction crutch, but a gizmo only he's allowed to touch, just like the remote control


  4. my son's contribution:

    by Kathy Kenney-Marshall


    My daddy snores and sucks his toes.

    My brother likes to lick his nose.

    My doggy meows, my kitten barks.

    My goldfish chases sticks in parks.

    My sister walks while upside down.

    My mother hops all over town.

    Her skin is purple, don't you know.

    And I am green from head to toe.

    My dad is red, my sister's blue.

    My brother's yellow; yes, it's true.

    We all wear raincoats in the sun

    And gobble lima beans for fun.

    We're very special, can't you see?

    We're just a normal family!

  5. - Florida:

    1. Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.

    2. A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

    3. If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

    4. It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.

    5. Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.

    6. Any form of sexual contact other than missionary position is a misdomeanor. (This is still a law. There have been several cases of people being brought up on these charges in the past 5 years alone. If the police enter a home with a warrent for some other crime and catch the 'culprits' in action, they can, and are, brought up on those charges.)

    may have somethig to do with the fact that their L.C. is a penis...

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