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Posts posted by Tom

  1. the vail has been ripped apart

    a clean cut with a lot of blood

    the door has been opened

    by the hand of God's servants

    they bore the heat of the day

    beheaded, tortured, imprisoned

    the Word of God

    thoughts and intents

    the sword is the Word

    hot as fire

    cool as ice

    separating relatives

    the relatives are thoughts not people

    in the mind

    systems upon system

    thought upon thought

    line upon line

    words upon words

    who holds the key

    who can straighten that which is crooked

    who can bend the unbendable

    who can break the unbreakable

    light to dark

    dark to light

    how is that light can shine out of darkness?

    we were told darkness is bad and devilish

    Why is there light in it? How can light be in darkness?

    A beautiful post, dancer.

    "the door has been opened

    by the hand of God's servants

    they bore the heat of the day

    beheaded, tortured, imprisoned"

    Not to belittle the sacrifices of God's servants, beheaded, tortured, imprisoned, nor the real contribution they made toward the opening of the door, but it was the hand of the Lord & the sacrifice of his son that lived in their hearts as they followed in his steps, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the door opening joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God, and we follow him there - or not.

    "how is that light can shine out of darkness?

    we were told darkness is bad and devilish

    Why is there light in it? How can light be in darkness?"

    Light shining out of darkness is not a quality of the darkness, but a result of God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, and shine in our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ who holds the key of David. He it is who opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens.

    The door is open for this season. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

    The door to God's heart is open. Is our door open? Jesus is knocking. If we open up the door to our hearts, he'll come in & have supper with us & we with him. The food will be sweet going down & make everything good on the inside.

  2. You see, I really don't need to add 'substance' to what some of you are promoting as your beliefs. I just let you 'waffle' on and myself and others can draw our own conclusions. INNER awareness, SELF-consciousness, SELF-realisation etc..

    Most of us should already know that double speak. Most of you should know my beliefs are fairly consistent with pfal, so if you were ever in twi (which I seriously doubt Todd and Clay ever were) you would assume correctly that I don't need pages and pages to back up what I believe.

    As for 'taken to task' by moderator for postings Todd...try not to be so 'foul-mouthed' with your words.

    "You see, I really don't need to add 'substance' to what some of you are promoting as your beliefs."

    No, you don't. The criticism was that you have no substance concerning YOUR beliefs.

    "I just let you 'waffle' on..."

    But you don't.

    "...and myself and others can draw our own conclusions."

    It's been a while since I've been here at the cafe, but from what I can see on this thread, it is YOU that everyone has drawn their own conclusions about.

    "As for 'taken to task' by moderator for postings Todd...try not to be so 'foul-mouthed' with your words."

    As I said, it's been a while since I've been here at the cafe, but I don't see where Todd has been anything but the perfectly constrained gentleman. Are you drudging faults from other threads that you've kept in a little black book of other's faults, :offtopic: , or, which seems from your other statements (see above in this post), are you just that unable to match your thinking to what's really happening?

    Perhaps this last question should be posted on the computer questions thread, but isn't there some way to direct those who show up here thinking about the validity of TWI to a history of this guy's posts?

    C'mon, you anti-PFAL guys put him up to this - fess up.

  3. Todd, dancing, & whoever I guess,

    I see no problem believing in spiritual transformation now & a physical transformation at the physical return of Christ accompanied, at that time, by a dramatic spiritual transformation made possible by our new spiritual bodies.

    However, there is something about the return that I learned a couple of days ago that does strike me as having the potential to lead me into an exclusively outward (to the exclusion of any spiritual considerations) view of the return. "Potential" mind you; it's a perception (my perception) thing.

    Maybe I'm wrong about this (& I don't want to get the thread sidetracked), but I realized the other day that, in order, we get gathered together, then there's seven years of tribulation (& I really don't want to sidetrack the thread onto a when is the trib discussion), then the 1st resurrection, then the Millenial Kingdom during which Christ reigns on earth for 1000 years - all happening before the new heaven & earth.

    So what? Previously, when I would consider life after the return, I would see it happening in the new heaven & earth, the new paradise on earth, & wherever - but a long time from now. But if Christ is reigning for the 1000 years starting seven years from say maybe NOW, well, that's not all that far away. I know that there are Christians who are seriously - a lot more seriously than I am - engaged in effecting change in our country's politics, policies, whatever - AFFAIRS - toward a more Christian society. They see their actions here as building toward the functions Christ will give them in the Millenial Kingdom. Their perception of rewards is a lot more directly connected to what they are doing now than mine is.

    All of which has what to do with this thread? On the one hand, I envy them their fervor, their engagement, & the concreteness of their vision. On the other hand, I wonder whether they're not making the same mistake that Israel made at the 1st coming of Jesus in thinking that he was going to build a kingdom on earth that would last forever. On the one foot, Jesus IS going to have a real, physical kingdom going during those (maybe seven years away) 1000 years. On the other foot, OUR kingdom is still the Kingdom of God residing within at the present time.

    Or is it? What about the Christian origins of our country (I mean aside from all the non-Christian stuff). What IS the place of the Body of Christ & members in particular in our politics & society, & what significance does our participation play when rewards are given - or do we just pull people out of the evil times & protect them in the HOUSEHOLD? Okay, I know that in this last paragraph I've been out of hands & feet, & any other appendage is just not up for grabs (how's that for lack of committment?), but these questions ARE close to home.

  4. What I'd like to be able to do is change commercial blockbuster type DVD vob files into a format that Windows Movie Maker will recognize, so that I can edit them into small (5 second to 5 minute) segments and combine them with other types of files into another "movie."

    I can do or figure out how to do everything else that I want, but it is the DVD vob files that I'm stuck on.

    I know imac has all this put together nicely, & I know that the next Windows operating system will be able to do this, but meanwhile...

    I'm an English teacher, & I'd like to use those 5 second to 5 minute segments to illustrate elements of literature like setting, characterization, etc, using video clips, without loading up a separate DVD everytime I want to show something. I'd like to put my whole package together in one place this summer. Kids relate to movies, & it is so much easier to get the concepts across that way (& later utilize the concepts in reading) rather than read several pages of dense literature everytime I want to get a separate concept across.

    I'm sure there must be some good programs (preferably free) out there that I can use in conjunction with Windows Movie Maker to get the job done without too much brain damage in the process.

    Or maybe there's a program that I can purchase for a few bucks that will take the place of Windows Movie Maker entirely & do the job that imac does so well now.




  5. Sir G,

    Always the engaging thinker.

    Is it possible that the second coming of Christ is something that happens from within?

    Why not both? The promise was life in all its forms.

    Will Christ come from outer space?

    OutSIDE space I figure. We tend to think of the Universe as everything that is, but it is expanding which means it is limited. It has an outer edge beyond which... Check it out: Scientists figure that all things that we "see," being what is, the Universe would slow down its expansion, stop expanding, & collapse in on itself. But it is not; it is expanding - I think at an ever increasing speed, which speed indicates to scientists that besides all the matter &/or energy that we traditionally associate with our idea of the Universe, there has to be antimatter & antienergy being pumped into the Universe to keep it expanding the way it is. As a matter of fact, last I heard, they figure that for the Universe to keep expanding the way it is, it must be made up of approximately 30% the matter & energy we know about & 70% this anti-stuff. Somebody/thing is pumping an awful lot of something from somewhere to keep this thing going. Perhaps that's where Christ is & will come from.

    Will Christ come from Earth's upper atmosphere? (i.e. "the clouds")

    One of the last things he'll pass on a long (to us) journey.

    Or will Christ come through that narrow narrow gate to heaven that is within our very hearts and minds and soul? (i.e. "the very air we breathe")

    His coming will change a lot of things in big ways. For one thing, we won't be breathing air anymore. We're talking transformation beyond which we can imagine.

    Which would you prefer?

    The alternatives are too limiting. Both & more.

    Which makes more sense in terms of the spiritual life of Jesus?

    I think the spiritual body will incorporate both - spirit & body, right. There will be no separation spiritually, and our body - well, even though we will have our own bodies, we will operate as one body.

    Is it possible that most of the figurative language of the Bible refers to transformative INWARD realities of life?


    Is it possible that all those heavy heavy enigmatic figures could actually be more useful and practical as metaphors for how to temper our own body, soul and spirit?

    Those heavy heavy enigmatic figures - as opposed to those light light transparent almost to the point of not being figurative figures? Lost me there, bro.

    What does the Bible say about relying on outer things?

    It says all our outer thingies will pass away.

    if Christ is already supposed to be within, why does he have to come from somewhere else to gather us together?

    So we can all mob, straight chillaxin in the big cribset and jammin on the one. holla back and forth and say wassup to all the brahs and breezies up in here in da tru dat place. all feelin each other, you feelin me?

    Oh, yeah, plus we'll have stuff to do. Things will be taken to market. There will be FOOD!

    it's all good,

    word up,


  6. unh unh nadda

    even what I can "hear", I have heard said better

    umm umm mudda

    I imagine so.

    But isn't that always the case? The fastest gun always finds someone faster. I guess saying you've heard better is your nice way of saying that it wasn't said well.

    Perhaps you're right. I'm obviously outnumbered here everyone else to one.

    I still think that perhaps the author doesn't care if you think that it is said well. No, that's not right; the author does care if you think it is said well, but not in the traditional sense. The author purposefully makes the words flow better where the sense to be communicated is of the dance flowing and purposefully chops the flow of words where the theme turns on the incompleteness of our perception of the flow of the dance.

    There seems to be too much of a match up between the flow of those two contrasting themes and the language. I don't know; maybe it's my imagination.

    Much that is poetic is not designed to be liked.

    Okay - warning: the rest of this moves even more towards rambling.

    I went to a concert to see The Band (the band called The Band) play once with an excellent musician friend. I kept noticing the mistakes that they were making. Upon my pointing out a few of those mistakes to my friend, he said that I was missing the music. Everyone makes mistakes when they play, but there was music worth hearing happening. So, I listened & enjoyed the music as much as I could.

    Last week I rented "The Last Waltz," a DVD about The Band. It basically traces about 3 decades of their music. As I watch & listen to it, I can't help but think that , after all these years, I basically really don't think that they are as good as many others I've heard (faster guns if you will).

    Were it not for that fact that they are playing with many other excellent musicians - such as Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton, and many others of "equal calibre," I don't think that I would be enjoying the DVD near as much as I am.

    Now here's the thing. My excellent musician friend, Eric Clapton et al think The Band is worth listening to and spending time playing with. Again, it's everyone else against me - only the other way around - & I can't hope to qualify to tune their instruments. Don't get me wrong, I like listening to The Band, I just dont feel them as much as others do, and I don't feel them as I do others.

    So, what does all this rambling mean?

    Ramblin' meaning is just so random, dog. Meaning can be mean.

    don't get all up in someone's grill, cause their ride seems whack

    be straight chillaxin in your cribset

    i'm just tryin to represent. aite?

    gotta mob.

    peace out,


  7. I think the basic rule here is that if the passage can be taken literally it should be. If it can't possibly be literal, then it is figurative.

    Unfortunately, carrying that out practically usually translates into what Oakspeare said - what can be literal is what fits with people's doctrine.

    But that's still the answer. The most comprehensive interpretation that fits with all the details is what we're looking for. But that's just the mind's rational process of interpretation concerning all things the mind is exposed to.

    For what it's worth.

  8. Oh, I don't know - I liked the farting camel simile. Disjointed tone there, yes, yet aptly expressive of what it feels like to allow yourself to sell your true self for counterfeit coins. I think the poem is perhaps designedly disjointed throughout to effectively convey the contrasting flow of the dance with the ruin of deceitful habits - so that the reader receives a visceral and tactile sense of the wisdom and the need to "cast ALL your votes for dancing.

    I think the spirituality of the Friend metaphor may be East Indian - Hindu - in nature. Perhaps that grates against our sensibilities.

    I also think the verse about wishing ones head was missing is purposefully made to be jarring to the reader who is expecting the feel of the flow of the dance to prevail in the poem, but that just gives the verse all the more impact. Our heads STILL get in the way of the wisdom of the dance, and the author wants to convey that all the votes haven't been cast yet, so there is instability.

  9. if you still believe what you were taught regarding this you have to think about seeing LCM and VPW when you meet the Lord in the air.

    I have to? No, I don't have to! I'm thinking YOU have to. But be delivered from having to by thinking about the Lord.

    When I meet the Lord, I'm going to be thinking about the Lord. If ever I thought or will think about the Lord, when I meet him, that's when I certainly will be thinking about the Lord.

    Doctrinally threading thoughts,


  10. I have not looked it up lately, but didn't Jesus say something along the lines of "do as they say, not as they do" when it comes to the Pharisees? I really have almost no problem listening to Wierwille and appreciating what he taught without allowing my opinion of his character to get in the way. But I can easily understand how others would not share my feelings on that matter. My deal is, don't make Wierwille the reference point. And if you so distrust his legacy that you can't or won't separate man from message, then apply your free thinking to the Bible itself and/or to other teachers whose characters you don't know well enough to distrust. :)

    If you knew my sins, you wouldn't trust what I have to say either. ;)

    How odd that I find myself referring again to principles taught by Wierwille to refute the proposition that his character did not affect the truthfulness of the Word of Truth that he taught! That he indeed morphed it, so that, although it was still the Word of Truth, it was no longer the True Word. Not every place, he spoke, but in the places where he let the unsavory aspects of his character through. And he HAD to let the unsavory aspects of his character through in places because out of the abundance of he heart the mouth speaks.

    Indeed, in either case, whether it be from purity or impurity of heart, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It has to.

    Raf, you say that you "have not looked it up lately, but didn't Jesus say something along the lines of..." I suggest you do look it up. It certainly warrants looking up.

    Why? Because it appears to contradict many clear verses on the same subject. Basic logic, taught by Wierwille, that we shouldn't accept one verse as truth that appears to contradict many clear verses on the same subject.

    Verses, many of which have been shared here - that much to my alarm I see people whose ability with the Word, like yourself, I respect, ignoring.

    Verses like out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

    The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

    Yes, I know that even a fool, if he keeps his mouth shut will be esteemed a wise man.

    But every fool will open his mouth & tell the world that he is a fool. It is a law of life. In that case, he may be speaking the Word of Truth, but it will no longer be the True Word.

    As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools. The parable is no longer the True Word giving life; although, it is still the Word of Truth.

    I don't think that everwhere Wierwille spoke an evil heart "changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator." Sometimes, I believe Wierwille was doing a fine job of worshipping and serving the Creator "who is blessed for ever." Amen? Either way, his character showed through - as all those verses, & paraphrases of verses, above show.

    So, what do we do, Raf, with your verse about "do[ing] as they say, not as they do?"

    Wierwille taught us (isn't this fun?) that if we find a verse that appears to contradict other clear verses, the error has to be either in our understanding or in translation.

    So, we look at what's been written. Do we understand what's been written? It seems pretty plain:

    Matthew 23:1  ¶Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,

    2  Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:

    3  All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

    So, we check translation:

    Notice that "that" is in italics (I'm scaring myself here). If we scratch it out as possibly wrongly supplied, we've got this word "observe" used twice in a row - I wonder if it is in the Greek twice, & if King James is truly giving the sense of it in this verse. I don't have a Greek interlinear - anybody?

    Anyway, what I'm thinking is that if we leave "that" out as having been incorrectly supplied, we're pretty darn close to not having Jesus command to do all the Pharisees say, but having him say everything the Pharisees bid you to observe and do, don't do. Any people adept at Greek out there that can check that out for us, please do.

    I don't know, but check this out, Raf. These verses introduce a whole chapter condemning not only what the Pharisees do, but also what they say, & even think in their hearts.

    The next verse says Matthew 23:4  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

    I don't believe that this refers to them actually physically binding heavy burdens on people, but putting heavy burdens, grevous to be borne on them by the things that they say to them. Jesus wouldn't want this for the people. This is not the result of the True Word in people's lives.

    Same chapter: Matthew 23:13  ¶But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

    The Pharisees shut up the kingdom of heaven against men by the things that they TOLD them. Certainly, Jesus, the Saviour of men, wouldn't want to shut up the kingdom of heaven to men by telling them to listen to the hypocritical Pharisees.

    Speaking of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, Jesus told his followers to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which was hypocrisy, speaking to them of the DOCTRINE of the Pharisees. Certrainly, Jesus wouldn't tell people to beware of the doctine of the Pharisees which was hypocrisy in one place and tell people to do what they told them in another.

    Matthew 23:15  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

    Do what someone is telling you who is going to make you twice the child of hell that they are if you do? I don't think so.

    Heck, later, the Pharisees BID the people to demand the release of Barabas and the destruction of Jesus. Somehow, I don't think Jesus would have his followers do that.

    If you knew my sins, you wouldn't trust what I have to say either. ;)

    Raf, no offense, but we're not supposed to put that kind of trust in man because of who they are or who they are not, but we're supposed to line up what people say with the Word because people blow it - that was one of the reasons Wierwille liked the inspiration manifestations so much, because every man screws up the Word here and there except Jesus who had no sin.

    That's just the way it is.

  11. Now, class, in this session on pooower for abundant living, I want you to take your biybles, and I want you to turn to Proverbs chapter 26, verses 7-9 [barf bags are not included in the price of the class, your on your own - at least Galen might find this interesting].

    In these classes, we are not afraid to tackle the really tough questions.

    The one great requirement of every Biblical student is to rightly divide the Word of Truth. The Bible, the Word of God in its originally-revealed form, is the Word of Truth. But when it is wrongly divided, the true Word does not exist. We have the Word of Truth only to the extent that the Word of God is rightly divided. THe question is not whether we are dividing the Truth. The question is are we rightly dividing it.

    Proverbs 26:7  The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

    8  As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.

    9  As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

    Proverbs 26:9 says "As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools." Please note with an alacrity of mind that the fool is still speaking a parable of the Word of Truth, but it is no longer the True Word because he has not rightly divided it because he is a fool.

    The Word of God is the true Word only when it is rightly divided. When it is wrongly divided, we have error at the particular place where it is wrongly divided.

    This Word of God is the greatest thing in the whole world and rightly divided it gives us the true Word; it gives efficacy, power, exuberance and the more abundant life which Jesus Christ made available. Wrongly divided, it is like a thorn going up into the hand of a drunkard.

    In this class on power for abundant living I teach you both HOW with a capital H, a capital O, and a capital W, to have power because sometimes I got it right, AND, with a capital A, a capital N, and a capital D, how to be a drunkard, spiritually and in every other way because sometimes I'm a real fool.

    When you eat this Word in this class that is rightly divided, you will have power.

    When you eat this other bull dinky in this class, you will become drunk and have a thorn go up into your hand, and you won't even know it until you wake up with a nasty hangover and a thorn in your hand - if you ever wake up.

    In both cases, you will have the Word of Truth - big f'n woopdidoo - but only when I'm (and you're) not a fool will you have the true Word - and power.

    It's not whether you have the Word of Truth that matters (if it is no longer the truth because it has been morphed into error), it's whether you have the true Word.

    And don't forget verse 8 As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.


  12. Interesting to hear you quoting VPW and PFAL.


    Why? Romans 15:4  For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

    But why do you say that? I never said that there is nothing valuable in PFAL. I think there is a lot of great things in there. What amazes me is that there are those who defend the class supposedly because of the Word that's in it, but disregard the Word that is in it. It's deceitful. Not much of a recommendation. It seems to be more about the promoting of a man and a justification for sin than a sincere desire for the purity of the Word.

  13. It's supposed to be for your learning, WD - too bad you didn't learn the lesson.

    Things that are not written to us may be taken as written to us insofar as they do not contradict that which is written to us.

    Dang, WD, too bad you didn't learn that from your time in the way.

  14. Well Thomas like I said I read and hear stuff all the time I don't stop and micro- analyze each persons life as if I could anyway or would want to. And I'm sure they would put that on the dust jacket. Yeah right :rolleyes: How do we really know what moral decay is in someone's life hidden . Does truth change if we find out later on their life is different? Truth is Truth it has no dependency to imperfect man's morals. And we have not even discussed who makes the morals? and how they have changed over time and cultures. If we based truth on everyone's idea of moral right we be in one hell of a mess not to mention changing with the wind every day.

    I can determine at least to the best of my ability if what they say is truth and useful or not. If it is it's a keeper if not it gets the file 13.

    Not to me. It's pretty simple how . I suppose it depends on what day you want to make a point it changes from day to day you know It is plagiarized truth taught by other men on one thread, and all about VP's deception on another. If he quoted from others work then it seems pretty simple how one could assemble a class without his moral input.

    "Well Thomas like I said I read and hear stuff all the time"

    "Stuff," is that like once Wierwille didn't help an old lady across the street? "Stuff," what a nice word, like "fluff." No, it doesn't sound to me like you "hear."

    "Micro-analyze?" "each persons life?" Whew! How fluently your mind does spin the flimsy fabric of obfuscation! What happend to the other "F" word and the young girls and the name Wierwille?

    "How do we really know what moral decay is in someone's life hidden" And the "F" word fruit? Can't you tell anything about anyone? And all this bible study has done what for you?

    "And we have not even discussed who makes the morals? and how they have changed over time and cultures." Sounds like the Wierwille doctrine that justified his immorality to me. Then, you support his behavior? I don't think I'd want anyone I know receiving "truth" from you.

    Matthew 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Silly Jesus, what did he know? Nothing according to you - probably didn't know about how culture changes morality.

  15. :redface2: Thanks, Tom. I really appreciate it. I still have a long way to go and I change my mind almost every day on something, but I'm enjoying the journey. I have always enjoyed your posts and input here, so I'm really glad to see you active at the Cafe these days. :)

    Just this morning I was reflecting on how much I've learned from WayDale and here. The folks down in the doctrinal basement have really helped me on all my theology questions, belief questions and stuff like that. The folks all over the board have taught me logic and reasoning skills that I never thought I would "get". Not that I get them totally now or am any good at it, but I am learning. :) There is much wisdom on these boards.

    Here's the link to Jerry's compilation of the studies: A Biblical Analysis of TWI

    Here's a link to a post he made regarding it: Jerry's Post

    The site has all the threads and he's got links to specific topics. It's a wonderful resource, imo. When they were discussing all these things it was waaaaayyyyy over my head and I couldn't keep up, but I"m really glad that Jerry preserved it. I think you'll really enjoy looking at it.

    I think, if I recall correctly, that Jerry started out defending PFAL and through the discussion came to the realization that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Incredible transformation right before your eyes.

    WOW, thanks for the links & for bringing it up again - I would have missed it.

    And thanks for the compliment. I'm on spring break, but I'll be scarce here again soon - I'll try not to be absent completely.

    :offtopic: , I know, I know - sorry.

  16. Thomas I don't run PFAL classes. The material is dated, look when it was filmed. I don't even use some of the ones produced post way for that reason also. I would not want to have to work through each session and explain the changes. That said as we continue to learn and grow anything we produce in the way of classes will eventually date. For someone starting out in their learning I would not recommend utilizing such a class. However it would not make it useless as a reference to someone who could or would have the background to sift through it and learn something from it. And it does not negate the fact that a lot of useful work from other sources is contained there in one place. Use it or not I don't really care, I do reject the opinion that someone's morals somehow morphs the truth contained in a class into untruth.

    I get about 35 CD teachings a month from various sources sometimes they have useful and accurate information sometimes they suck that’s they way it is. You have to dig through the stuff to get the good. The same is true of any Christian bestseller book. Still I don't need to know and in most cases don't about the lifestyle of the writer.

    Now that makes a lot of sense to me.

    The only thing I take issue with here is your rejection that "someone's morals somehow morphs the truth contained in a class into untruth."

    That's something that I agree with VP on - and apparently you don't.

    VP taught in PFAL that if a man practices error long enough, he makes a doctrine out of it. By the time someone's practices becomes someone's morals - motivation based on ideas of right and wrong - he HAS made a doctrine out of it. The idea that someone can teach a comprehensive foundation of the Word without his ideas concerning right and wrong entering into it seems absurd to me.

    Matthew 12:34  O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

    Luke 6:45  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

  17. Jerry's awesome documentation of the in depth analysis of PFAL

    I haven't been around here for a while, Belle - where is that?

    Oh, & don't hold back so much - tell us what you really think. Just kidding; actually, it is very gratifying to see how much you've grown since the last time I was here. What a big and honest heart & mind!

    Did I say hi. It's good to "see" you again, Belle.

    And :wave: to all.


  18. QUOTE(WhiteDove @ Mar 24 2006, 08:17 AM)


    We are to weigh things as to what the scripture says. That said we can learn from sources despite the fact that all men are imperfect you can find error in any book or class. Doesn't mean we need to throw it out based on a emotional response. Use the truth leave the rest pretty simple concept. Show me a church that does not lace truth with error including yours Thomas.

    I think you misread Dylan he said strengthen the things that remain not throw everything out and start over. BIG Difference!

    I'm not saying you should throw everything out & start over. You say "Use the truth leave the rest pretty simple concept." That's exactly what I'm asking - why don't you do that? Everytime someone shows that PFAL class, the whole class is there - including the "rest" that is not the truth. Why not leave THAT rest out, utilize what truth you've found, & YOU teach the truth?

    Of course, everyone's "truth" is laced with error, but to deliberately leave in what you acknowledge to be error doesn't strengthen what remains; it let's the error remain.

    You can separate truth from error, right? I'm not saying throw out the truth; I'm saying throw out the error. It's supposed to be the foundation of the Word, & it has error - not only the error that is inescapable in anyone's product - but error that you recognize as such.

    I say that if you can't separate out the truth from the error, then you ought not to be sharing the product with others ignorantly - you're the blind leading the blind into the same ditch that all greasespotters inevitably visited one midnight, but didn't really become greasespots by the grace & mercy of God.

    But I'm saying you can separate truth from error, & that's how you should teach the foundation to the Word - in as pure a manner as you know how to.

    That having been said, I must also say that besides the errors that have been pointed out here & there in this thread, there are what must be called critical errors in PFAL with regard to its mission to lay the foundation of the Word for people.

    The Word says "... let every man take heed how he builds thereupon, for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

    That business where Wierwille sets himself up to be called the teacher has got to go.

    Matthew 23:8  But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

    9  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

    10  Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

    11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

    12  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

    This is in the middle of one of Jesus' most scathing rebukes to the hypocritical Pharisees because they took the place of Christ.

    Jesus Christ IS the foundation that has been laid. He is the teacher.

    Any solid foundation would have to keep our "father" or our "teacher" from taking his place & let Jesus Christ only take that place.

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